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Quick question for the graphics card people...

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I own a quite powerful graphics card at the moment, a MSI FX5900 128 MB. But the question is, would an upgrade to FX 5900 256 MB be worth the money?

I´d myself would generally say no on this one, but then again, I thought that maybe it would make a difference when using all these HI-RES MODS. Because the size of textures, at least theoratically, affects the graphics card if it has insufficient texture memory, right?

So, the question repeated then: would I perhaps benefit from a card with a larger amount of memory?


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You don't say anything else about your system specs but I'd guess it would be pretty high end given your card. In my opinion I don't think you need to upgrade your card to a 256 MB version for CM if that is all you are interested in. They say the 256 MB will be good for games like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 when they come out if that's your thing.

I have the MSI FX5900XT-VTD128 which is a slower clocked version of your card and I run the game with 8X AA and AF with no slowdowns (P4-2.8C/865PE) so again I'd say not really worth the upgrade.

Also, FYI there are reviews now (tomshardware.com, Maximum PC magazine) on the new NVidia FX6800 and it looks like a revolutionary (opposed to evolutionary) step forward (plus ATI has the R420 coming out soon too). So if anything, once these uber-cards hit the street you'll either be wanting one of those, or the 256MB versions of the 5900 will drop in price.

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I would say no. Nothing is really using that kind of RAM is currently on the market, though the next generation stuff (HL2, Doom3) might well.

As for CM, I have seen very little real difference between 64mb and 128mb. Anything over 128mb is likely overkill.


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Nope. Nice to have, sure....but no, I wouldn't bother. The gains one would get going to a 256mb card simply wouldn't be available in the CM game anyway---heavy processing stuff that a bleeding-edge card would really help with just aren't a part of the CM equation.

But I'm no expert; somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Now if you've pre-ordered HalfLife2, well that's different ;)

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