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Hey!! Game retail says CMBB isnt out in the UK till 11 Oct!!

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hey no offense but cdv is a german company that means german managment BAH ! forget it - bfc you are a great game company but nx time try another

btw i´m german so i know a little bit about german managment and how they handle consumers :D

nothing against cdv it´s german managment syle :rolleyes:

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Please everybody stop praising BFC all the time.If they had made the contract with CDV better we would all be playing the bleeding game now.I don't think you can totally blame CDV for the F*** up.It is everybodys fault.

Also the farce with the manual ie its to big to fit in a DVD case so we will give the poor sods who can only buy it through the shops a smaller version.

And if they want a proper manual we will screw them for some more money for it.Why didn't they sell the bleeding game in a box like CM.This has a manual which is 190 pages long and came in a CARDBOARD box along with another cd.

I am sorry to sound angry but i am a bit miffed to say the least.


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Hi Gautrek

Originally posted by gautrek:

Please everybody stop praising BFC all the time.

I think despite being upset/dissapointed etc its only polite to be polite to BFC on their own forum smile.gif

I find it gets a better response anyway,the BFC blokes are only human afterall (I hope !)

Fellow 'miffee'

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I think despite being upset/dissapointed etc its only polite to be polite to BFC on their own forum
Ok so where else am i supposed to go to complain about piss poor service then?.

If these people are going to set up forums and make quality games then they have to accept complaints and be big enough to take it on the chin.This is a major f*** up and i am not happy.

This forum at times seems like a mutal appreciation society where BFC can do no wrong.

As to buying the game from another source WHY should i have to at more expense to me.This shouldn't have happened in the first place.

And as to all this about having to translate the manual and this being the reason for the delay.What is the English version being translated from.Surely it was written in English and then translated into other languages later.And i can't believe that the manual wasn't finished months ago and printed up ready to go.I mean it needed proof reading .

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Hi all,

I asked our contact at CDV and it appears that the UK version is delayed until roughly the 11th. Apparently there was some sort of production SNAFU (or a continuation of one, I am not clear on that)


But I can say that if we do a deal with CDV again for our next game there will be 10" long fangs instead of just canine teeth written into the contract


Roughly the 11 Oct!! ..... :eek:

Some sort of SNAFU!!.......

Well I give up ... If BFC cant get a clear answer to the European distribution problems then none of us will ... what I do find amazing is the "IF" statement about using CDV again !!!! :confused:

Come on BFC .. you have a large (getting larger) and loyal CM following over here in Europe. You, rightly, admit that you would much prefer single release date. CDV had their chance and blew it ... dump em !

In the past you have obviously listened to the views of this forum with regards to game features ..... dont go deaf on us now.

BFC have been excellent in the run up to the release ... enough "bone throwing" to keep us happy without giving away all the surprises.

CMBO defined the standard for this game genre ... CMBB refined that standard and will make it "the game" others try to emulate. But CDV with confused & delayed releases, cut down printed manuals and a lack of "official" information on their website nothing short of USELESS !

PLEASE NOTE: All of the above is just my opinion, an opinion formulated whilst waiting for the UK release of CMBB. You may not like it, you may not agree with it ... but you wont change my mind !

Lou2000 :(

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Originally posted by Soddball:

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I've had enough of CDV. What a bunch of twats.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Tell us what you really think.

Edit: There was supposed to be a winking smiley at the end of this message, but the UBB forum software wouldn't let me include it. Apparently you maxed out the smiley allowance, Soddball (for real...this is no joke!)

[ September 27, 2002, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: Mannheim Tanker ]

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I wouldn't be too hard on BFC. This wouldn't have been such a problem if it wasn't for the restriction on mail order clause in the contract. For a combination of reasons CDV are just slipping further and further back with the non-German release date, and BFC couldn't have foreseen that.

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Hi Gautrek

Originally posted by gautrek:

Ok so where else am i supposed to go to complain about piss poor service then?.

Hmmm being much to polite to answer I will not answer.

If these people are going to set up forums and make quality games then they have to accept complaints and be big enough to take it on the chin.
'These people'......see what I mean about impoliteness (awaits even less polite reply with breath bated)?

Why 'these people' should bother to respond to anything posted by any of us on this forum is I beg to offer (of course in politest way possible) them only being polite

This is a major f*** up and i am not happy.
Nor am I (my method of expressing same is just a tad different than yours) and have posted (politely of course) about this in past few days to which BTS have replied as and when they have seen fit. Have I liked the reply ? not always but I appreciate it just the same

They could afterall just

1. Not answer ever (but are to polite for that)

2. Ban me (again to polite if not needed)

3. Any other reason you wish to insert

forum at times seems like a mutal appreciation society where BFC can do no wrong.

Are we reading the same forums ?

As to buying the game from another source WHY should i have to at more expense to me.This shouldn't have happened in the first place.

No disagreement polite or otherwise with this but (and to quote Steve of BTS) "it is what it is"

Yours in a plethora of politeness

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Originally posted by Gary T:

Surely they could have had a clause allowing BFC the rights to ship the game to European countries until CDV have released it in those countries. If that had been the case I'm sure it would have been released Europe wide on the 20th September.

I don't think it would have hurt CDV's sales that much to have allowed BFC to continue selling the game through mail order without restriction, and with hindsight that would have been better for everyone. I certainly think it would have saved CDV's reputation as a distributor.
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QUOTE]I don't think it would have hurt CDV's sales that much to have allowed BFC to continue selling the game through mail order without restriction, and with hindsight that would have been better for everyone. I certainly think it would have saved CDV's reputation as a distributor.[/QB]

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Originally posted by gautrek:

Ok so where else am i supposed to go to complain about piss poor service then?.

Try somewhere were someone gives a damn.

If these people are going to set up forums and make quality games then they have to accept complaints and be big enough to take it on the chin.This is a major f*** up and i am not happy.

Major f*** up? We are talking about a computer game that is/might be a few days late. You need to get a perspective on things.

This forum at times seems like a mutal appreciation society where BFC can do no wrong.

Seeing your post I understand how it might seem so to you...

As to buying the game from another source WHY should i have to at more expense to me.This shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Yes you are right, the BFC crew should come by your house to personally deliver your copy.
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try somewhere were someone gives a damn
So i take it you have the game then.Thats why you don't give a damn.

Its a case of I'm all right jack and sod you .Or maybe its only you that doesn't give a damn I would like to think the vast majority of people here do give a damn.And if its only you then i can live with that.

And BFC should GIVE a damn as this looks bad on their part even if its not their fault.They should have made the contract they signed with cdv so water tight that you could hear their arses squeak as they walked away from the table.

Major f*** up? We are talking about a computer game that is/might be a few days late. You need to get a perspective on things.
Yes it may only be a game but that is not the point.It is a game i am waiting to spend my hard earned money on.If this is a good way to run a business (CDV/BFC) then thats ok.

What has happened to the customer is all ways right.

I want to Give somebody some of my MONEY for a game and it is impossable for me to do this.Is this very businnesslike.

Yes you are right, the BFC crew should come by your house to personally deliver your copy.
Where did i say this.

All i want is for the game to be out at the same time the rest of the world can get it.

So to sumerise for the hard of thinking

Its ok that Britain and other countries are still waiting for the game (And please don't say anything bad about this on this forum).

Or i can spend over the odds for the same game because i live in a country that the makers of the game are not allowed to sell it to.And all the hassle of getting it through somebody else.(please don't say anything bad about this either)

Also instead of it coming out in a cardboard box (like most games that have large manuals seem to) i have to pay over the odds again if i want the full manual.(please don't say anything bad about this either)

Now which part of the above has anybody got a problem with understanding.And then you wonder why people are peed off big time.

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Why is that we have never got anything resembling an explanation let alone an apology from cdv (lower case is deliberate) regarding the release dates for all but one European country? It is outrageous that they release their version to their people and leave everybody else high and dry.To say "so what It`ll come eventually" or " Its not me,so tough luck" makes those whose opions they are look very small-minded and utterly crass. I propose that everybody in Europe who have not got CBMM yet i.e. the German e-mail cdv constantly and let them know what we think of them and their pathetic tin-pot outfit.

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Thats a good idea Tacitus how about somebody compose a very good email and post it in this thread then we could all copy and paste it and then bombard them with it.

( i would offer to do it but as you can see from my posts my English may be a bit abrasive for some fair souls)

If not why don't we just go round a set fire to their offices. smile.gif

Oh that wouldn't work because it would delay the date even longer(but it would make me feel sooo much better).

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Hi guys

I just thought I'd pop in to say that...I'm not going to get my credit card for close to a week. The first thing I'm gonna do when I do get it is order CMBB through BFC and even if it takes a week to be delivered I'm still going to get it before you poor Euro chaps. :D

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Originally posted by The Tanklord:

Well, atleast you got a point there, its not their fault, so why the hell are you bitching on these boards?

Confirmed target: http://www.cdv.de

Get going.

You've obviously had a look then? The only forum with any sort of life in it is the German language one as far as I can see. Plus I registered 3 days ago and I'm still waiting for my login password. I'm not going to hold my breath getting sensible replies from them.

So from my pov, this Forum is still the correct one for people to make their point. If you don't like reading complaints directed at CDV, then feel free to read any number of the threads about CMBB being delivered. Cheers ta.

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I was going to hang on till at least the UK version came, but what with all these rumours on the one hand, and rave reviews on the other, I saw it on the shelf and am sad to say succumbed and have the German version - and am sending off for at least the US manual - it could have been handled better though, couldn't it.

[ September 29, 2002, 08:35 AM: Message edited by: pt ]

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