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A** Kicking Tank Crew

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Detalied game.

The demo, Chance Encounter. Dusted all stugs with no problemo, axis rushes all infantry into woods at allied left. Incoming fire enough to evac troops from opposing apple orchard and .30 cal out of farmhouse. Cover retreat, roll 1 tank up (not TOO close) and lay down heavy .30 and .50 cal fire. Not enough, so move tank in front of my infantry, big shield. Other tank move up road to support. Wastes many a squad. Shrugs off 2 shreck rounds, kamakasie charge with a faust finnally get's her. Crew sits, exposed on top and hoses down with big .50. Driven into farmhouse by intense rife fire, no casulties. Full-strenth SMG squad rushes them. Crew opens fire with all 5 1911 .45 cal pistols. New they were good, but not good enough for what they did. Crew survives 1 potato masher, no hits, THROWS ONE BACK, and wipes out 9 bad boys with SMG's. Bends over and recovers 4 SMG's, one 42 LMG. Proceeds to waste 3 more SMG squads in game. Covers retreat of all infantry, gets out safe, participates in sneaky forest infiltration, and takes 6 prisoners.

All 5 tankers survived. At games end, kill stats read:

1 Stug 111

59 Infantry casulties (19 mounted, 39 on foot)

5 prisoners

They all get the medeal of honor.

I have learned not to underestimate HQ, but... this......


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I saved up for a month for this game - but while I was waiting I played that demo probably two dozen times on either side - I love it. Still go back to it when I am feeling nostalgic. I have never finished it without losing a Sherm. though. I always move my tanks to the high ground to the right, my infantry split into the woods and first row of houses (NOT the church), and then wait it out, and then mop up. Often lose a tank on the outskirts of the forest too (I get greedy). I love the carnage in this one but it took a few tries to learn patience. ;)

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I am a lover of chance encounter too.

I managed to surrender the AI from both sides, for the allies the tactic wich best work is not to aproach the Shermans to much and not enter the two storied ligth building, position all troops well behind and let the axis show their uniforms out of that forest, when there is nothing to shoot at the Shermans shouul weaken the church til ++ an let it fill with enemy soldiers, it is big fun to make it explose then, don't forget that there is forty turns to use in this scenario...

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Aww, they aren't jerks, they're just cynical old grogs.

I do rather think that it just might be possible that your understandable and justified enthusiasm for the game could have you making conclusions about the actions of the tank crew that aren't strictly modeled in the game engine.

I play the scenarios that come with the demo every once in a while, and I still recall the thrill of zapping an immobilized Panther with a Sherman 105 in VOT. A very vivid image in my memory.

You might want to take advantage of some of the knowledge here on the board, a lot of these folks have been at this for quite some time. Toning down your Sig a tad might not hurt, either.

Welcome aboard.

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Listen up-


There is a handy little feture called rewind, and playback, and I utlized them.

I am not making anything up.

Give me some time to duplicate it and I will get you some screenshots.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Mustang:

Listen up-


Truth is in the eye of the beholder. But in this game crews do not man 50-cal guns of abandoned tanks, Audie-Murphy-style. They don't get kill stats for tanks that they killed while in THEIR tank. They don't pick up other weapons. And I've never seen them throwing grenades.

I do like your interpretation of what happened, though :D

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Originally posted by Cpt. Cook:

I saved up for a month for this game - but while I was waiting I played that demo probably two dozen times on either side - I love it. Still go back to it when I am feeling nostalgic. I have never finished it without losing a Sherm. though. I always move my tanks to the high ground to the right

In the games I'm playing right now as a full-game newbie (had the demo for a month or so before), if I need to remind myself about securing a good base of fire I always chant 'Chance Encounter' to myself.

I read about the hunt forward and reverse straight away trick on this board and do that with my Vet Sherman on that hill with some infantry, usually the .50 cal, .30 cal, mortars and Company HQ there for good sighting. The Stugs don't get much of a chance to get too many shots away and with the infantry on the hill I can see enough of them to target them when the Sherm is out of sight. I think it only worked out the one time that I didn't lose any armour but it's usually the lone survivor that gets me when I do lose a tank.

I should try alternating the hunt and reverse with two of the regulars and have them pop up in slightly different locations. I can keep the higher rate of fire of the Vet for using against the infantry when they run for the woods then.

Hmm, gonna do that this afternoon. I've playe Chance Encounter thousands of times and I never get tired of it.

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Whenever I tried Chance Encounter, what struck me was that the AI moved its StuGs through the gap in the woods, piecemeal. That made 'em easy to handle as I kept my Sherms clustered so they all had near-identical LOS to that region -- meaning that each StuG had a good chance of getting KO'd before the next StuG came up to assist.

Clearing the woods seemed a bit more problematic. Enemy units placed at the back edges of the woods and thus quite possibly out of LOS of your tank support can inflict nontrivial casualties during the final mop-up turns if you get careless.

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