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I'm Attacking! James Coburn is dying, let's rip him off!

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Just curious if anyone has any Cross of Iron sound mods in the queue? I would love to hear

"Good Kill" - Steiner's opening line of the movie

"Calm Down, Stransky! You are not alone!"

"We are winning!"

"Get back to your positions, damn you!"


On a related topic, look what some sick bastard is selling on ebay

I can see getting your own copy signed, but to get a sick old man to sign multiple copies so you can make a profit - unconscionable - I like the part where he says that he hopes Coburn dies soon so the price will go up (well, not in as many words).

If nothing else, I would hope Coburn's favourite charity make a dollar or two off of these. I am going to email the seller, would advise others to do the same. Perhaps the guy is just graceless and a poor writer - or maybe he really is taking advantage of a sick 76 year old man.

[ September 10, 2002, 01:00 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Just curious if anyone has any Cross of Iron sound mods in the queue? I would love to hear

"Good Kill" - Steiner's opening line of the movie

"Calm Down, Stransky! You are not alone!"

"We are winning!"

"Get back to your positions, damn you!"


On a related topic, look what some sick bastard is selling on ebay

I can see getting your own copy signed, but to get a sick old man to sign multiple copies so you can make a profit - unconscionable - I like the part where he says that he hopes Coburn dies soon so the price will go up (well, not in as many words).

If nothing else, I would hope Coburn's favourite charity make a dollar or two off of these. I am going to email the seller, would advise others to do the same. Perhaps the guy is just graceless and a poor writer - or maybe he really is taking advantage of a sick 76 year old man.

Picture of James looks like he is in the wheelchair...

Thats pretty damn sad...

Still woudl like to have a signed box!


great movie

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Just curious if anyone has any Cross of Iron sound mods in the queue? I would love to hear

"Good Kill" - Steiner's opening line of the movie

"Calm Down, Stransky! You are not alone!"

"We are winning!"

"Get back to your positions, damn you!"


On a related topic, look what some sick bastard is selling on ebay

I can see getting your own copy signed, but to get a sick old man to sign multiple copies so you can make a profit - unconscionable - I like the part where he says that he hopes Coburn dies soon so the price will go up (well, not in as many words).

If nothing else, I would hope Coburn's favourite charity make a dollar or two off of these. I am going to email the seller, would advise others to do the same. Perhaps the guy is just graceless and a poor writer - or maybe he really is taking advantage of a sick 76 year old man.

Remember, dirt and natural body oils form a water proof barrier.
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From Cross Of Iron, the next best line after "I'm attacking. I'm defending. I'm counterattacking." is:

"This is not a brothel! This is a Var!"

Yep, I am not using the correct spelling of 'war', but I am using the correct pronunciation. :D:D

Also, you weird puppies. You all are way, way too knowledgeable about some of the most useless trivia in the world. However, this trivia about one of the absolutely best WWII movies ever. redface.gif

Indeed, do you have any idea what knowing about this trivia means? You all are some old. :lol

Finally, Sgt Steiner (respectfully, not James Coburn [ouch, he looks some bad/old in that ebay picture]) should be the official spokesman for CMBB.

On to the Kerch Pocket.

Cheers, Richard tongue.gif

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Here is the response from the ebay seller - opinions?


Well I am not selling "figures" at this time only one. I had James sign

several of these with the though of giving them to friends. I had on that

was for a friend that has stopped collecting so I have decided to sell it.

James as I said had no idea that these figures were being produced and he

probably does not know that I am selling one, nor does he care. He signed a

bunch of stuff for me as I am a huge fan of "Cross of Iron" I have the movie

in several versions and also all the original lobby cards and full sized

posters from several countries. He signed my posters and lobby cards too. I

buy and sell Dragon figure to finance my own collection and that is what I

am doing here, no charity. My cousin has arthritis just like Mr. Coburn and

I might use the money to go see him as he is bed ridden, but outside of

that, no.



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Hmm, I think this extract from the page in question says it all:

'"James" is a great guy and I wish him long life but he is 76 and in poor health! This will sky rocket in value in the future.'
I really don't see how he can wriggle out of this. His greed and lack of humanity are exposed in that statement. The whole thing just sickens me... :mad:

Anybody else?

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Originally posted by mch:

He'd make a fine CEO

(just kick me if CEO jokes are too played out by now)

Only if he makes a ridiculous amount of money; betrays his fudiciary duty to his shareholders; and is blind, deaf, and apparently dumb when ever the word "accountability" is uttered.
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I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why Cross of Iron (the movie) gets so much praise around here. I mean, it wasn't bad, but I didn't think it was all that great either. The book was spectacular, so I rented the movie hoping it would do the book justice. I was regretfully disappointed. From what I remember of the film, it followed the book in the vaguest sense. I know that movies rarely if ever maintain same flow as a book, but I was hoping for more. And the ending... very anti-climactic IMO.

So, am I just missing something here? Is there more to the movie than meets my pathetic eye?

Oh yeah, and the figure is pretty neat. :D

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Originally posted by tiborhead:

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why Cross of Iron (the movie) gets so much praise around here. I mean, it wasn't bad, but I didn't think it was all that great either. The book was spectacular, so I rented the movie hoping it would do the book justice. I was regretfully disappointed. From what I remember of the film, it followed the book in the vaguest sense. I know that movies rarely if ever maintain same flow as a book, but I was hoping for more. And the ending... very anti-climactic IMO.

So, am I just missing something here? Is there more to the movie than meets my pathetic eye?

Oh yeah, and the figure is pretty neat. :D

Well there are several memorable moments. The first scene that comes to mine is when Stranski (excuse the spelling) tells Steiner why he wants the Iron Cross so badly. Steiner remarks that the Cross is just a piece of metal and if Stranski is so desperate for one, he can have his :D

I also like that little speech the Colonel Brandt (again, excuse the spelling) gives to that other Captain, the unshaven one in order to take the last ride out out before the Soviets close the pincer on them. He says something like, " . . . . I give you my last order to you. You are to go out and find these "better people" as you call them, and together you will take upon yourselves the responsibilty that comes with survival. Now, go." In addition, Steiner's line about showing Stranski where the Iron Crosses grow was a nice tough.

Cross of Iron was the first WW2 movie that I've seen that used real T-34s ( I think they were real) and not something like old Patton tanks with red stars on them.

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COI was not a great film, but it was a good one, with solid acting, a great cast, and pretty good effects and use of equipment and vehicles. For 1977, it was VERY good.

The haircuts are are all 1970s, though, and Coburn was twice as old as Steiner in the book - and the book was awesome, I agree. I've read it several times and have some info on the book on my GD website - I am hoping to get some interview notes from someone who talked to the author also, but that is still in the works.

Even though the story is not as detailed as the one in the book, I think anyone who serves in the military long enough suffers under a Captain Stransky - an officer set on spiritual domination of his unit. I certainly did, and could identify with his personality - I've seen it in others. The story was good in COI, actually, and the ambiguous ending was cool. The conflict between the characters was clear and well defined, and the Germans were presented in a fair light.

Other than that, it is one of the only "Russian Front" movies in English, which may account for its popularity.

[ September 11, 2002, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Hi Commissar

Originally posted by Commissar:

Eh, what happened to your handle? You've been around the block for awhile haven't you, comrade?[/QB]

Yes tis I the one the only the original (well except for that Coburn bloke) Sgt Steiner.

'Handle' broke off when BTS board crashed not so long ago and my ID got scrambled and I had to re-establish my ID (with a humiliating high member number) do you think they were trying to tell me something ? smile.gif


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Who remembers the scene in Cross of Iron guaranteed to make everyone shift in their chairs?

It features a German soldier forcing a Russian woman soldier to do a certain act with it's um, aftermath....For those who haven't seen the movie, it plays like this.

German: ;)

Russian: :(

German: smile.gif

Russian: redface.gif

German: :D

Russian: redface.gif

German: :eek:

Russian: ;)

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Originally posted by Big X:

Who remembers the scene in Cross of Iron guaranteed to make everyone shift in their chairs?

It features a German soldier forcing a Russian woman soldier to do a certain act with it's um, aftermath....For those who haven't seen the movie, it plays like this.

German: ;)

Russian: :(

German: smile.gif

Russian: redface.gif

German: :D

Russian: redface.gif

German: :eek:

Russian: ;)

Dude, how can anyone forget? The movie was a good moral lesson that some things you should only do with women you absolutely and completely trust. . .that and rape is NOT a good thing. I like Steiner's solution to this lapse in discipline.
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"I am attacking!"

"I am defending!"

"I am attacking and defending at the same time!"

Maximillian Schell.

Maybe its a European thing...,

maybe the company I keep...,

but every ASL convention I've been too some guy get's up and screams this dialog at some point.

Spooky thing is we all know were he's coming from.

tongue.gif ...................CLASSIC! :D;)

[ September 11, 2002, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: CaptPigglesbeThe3rd ]

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