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Originally posted by Leeo:

Papa had it right (damn, that even sounds unnatural);

Buzzes and Clicks, dalem, Buzzes and Clicks.

Leeo and dalem, try watching "The Gods Must Be Crazy" about a dozen times each day with no breaks between viewings. Then read AJs posts. He still won't make sense, but at least you'll be able to decipher what he's trying to say.

Plus you two pillocks will spend so much time watching the film that neither one of you will have enough time or energy left to post any more of your nonsense here. It's a win-win situation for everyone, lads. Please make it so.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Listen up and LISTEN UP GOOD you flap-eared, digitally-deficient, crud-eating, floss-tossing, hillbilly-humper.

I sent the feckin' turn on September 25th! That's right. That's 4 weeks ago tomorrow in your obtuse language.



Rant over.

Carry on regardless, you steaming piles of putridinous pustulence.

So I logon and look at my in box and see not one, but two e-mails from Aussie Jeff. I haven't checked, but I believe he sent the same file twice. Then I come here and read the above posted failed attempt at obfustication.

All I can surmise from this is that he once again, shot off his huge mouth before checking to see if he was right or wrong ( and we all know which of the two is the one to bet on, don't we children? I mean, his motto, after all, is "Often mistaken, never unsure.") Then, realizing his error, he hurridly sends not one, but two of the same file.

Oh, can you imagine him hopping up and down on his keyboard, like an enraged macaque on speed? Urging the ground squirrels that power his Commodore 64 to run faster! Faster!

If I could stop laughing hard enough to bust a gusset, I might actually pity him.

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Jo Xia, I am calling you out. A setup is winging its way through the ether at this very moment. As is fitting, given your position as shill, flack, flunky, water-carrier and Girl Friday for your Chinese Communist masters, you are the Red Hordes, while I am the guys with the leather fetish and bad (bad) game shows. I will not rest until I hold your beating heart in my blood-soaked hand and give it a little tickle before I throw it to the donkey.

So there.

And MrSpkr, when will there be room on your dance card? I feel like whupping some Tejas rump today. After that maybe we can play.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

dalem, according to the heap of twisted garble that currently suffices for my email archive, you owe me a turn. Is this not so? Didn't you receive 4 to 12 copies of the last file?


Indeed no. Shall I resend file #16 or will that cause you to wail and gnash your teeth?
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Speedbump was the first to accept my transition challenge. It was seamless and a good time will be had by all. I'm playing an Andreas Beer-man scenario about a station or somefink.

I'm the good guys while he is the goose stepping fascists. They will pay for shaving the russian women!!

Stay tuned, true believers!

Edit - FYI...I play with Extreme FOW on, so don't be suprised.

Also, Seanachai has accepted the transition challenge and will suffer the rude embarrasment of a pummelling from the Hirsute one.

[ September 28, 2002, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Gamey Updates! (Intro theme music by Paul Schaeffer and the Late Night Band)

Well let's see, I believe I'll go in order from "most miserable git" to "least miserable git." Hmm, still a jumble, I need a second modifier. How about from "potential loss" to "total victory assured"? Nope, that doesn't work, I guess it will have to be random.

Sloe Jaw Only sends a turn when I specifically email him, asking if he would send me the next turn. Very odd. Victory gauranteed, most miserable git.

Ma Dorosh has sent me some throw-back to the seventies, that being a huge map, perfectly flat, large numbers of units, and landmarks with names like "Board Five". History tells me that visctory is gauranteed, and I'm sure we're all in agreement of MD's status as git extraordinaire.

Gaylord Focker is tripping over his troops, driving tanks ass-backwards, and generally making a fool of himself on the battlefield. Victory gauranteed, git of the first order.

Germanboy sent me a turn that had been hacked into so severely that my password no longer worked! Oh, the things he will do to win, but my victory (If I ever remember my password) is assured, and he is a Stoofed GIT.

Berli and I are not so much engaged in combat, as I am laying out a good shooting range for his Stalin Organs to practice fire. He is the Rodimus Prime of gits.

The cowardly git formerly known as Agua Perdido has failed to meet me in combat despite the fact that I slapped his cheek with a heavily scented glove.

Anyone else? Who cares, you people let me down last night. I was almost forced to call upon the Australians but thankfully unconciousness overcame me before I made that error! (again)

[ September 28, 2002, 04:14 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

If I challenge them when I'm sober, I get unbelievably blank and vacant stares, sometimes with mumbled filler like 'coo!' or 'crikey!' or 'yes I support the Prime Minister'.

'coo'? I think you meant 'cooee'.

*stares blankly at Seanachai while thinking of the Prime Minister, wondering if there's some common bond between the two*



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Originally posted by Persephone:

I think that is some of Boo_Radley's incense you smell...it's chicken pot pie incense... he's still going through that food scented incense phase.

"Chicken pot pie and I don't care.

Chicken pot pie and I don't care.

Chicken pot pie and I don't caaaaarrrreee,

my master's gone away!"

Where the heck IS Croda anyhoo?

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