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AFAIK bridges behave like buildings, so while it isn't possible for, say, engineeers to blow one up with satchel charges, it is possible to destrtoy one with HE, esp. high-calibre artillery.

{edit} Ah, the picture you saw may have been acheived by placing minefields onteh bridge and then moving in engineers, who target teh minefields with satchel charges. I imagine some number of satchel charges used in this way might be enough to bring down a bridge but I'm not aware of a way to get engineers to target a bridge with satchel charges generally.

[ March 03, 2002, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: Sock Monkey ]

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In CM the best way to KO a bridge is 105mm direct fire, second is using any heavy Art. with a FO. It does not take long at all.

Engineers with satchel charges should be able to given enough time, particularly the small bridges. The typical CM battle of 30 minutes is probably streching it though so they cannot. At least that is my memory of the previous discussuions on the topic.

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There are two ways


Place minefields on the bridge,AP mines

Than have engineers go in they actually need to walk in to it,6 demo charges will do the trick


Place a TRP on it.

You have to change the bridge area with grass in the editor and place the trp on the grass,than go back to the editor and replace the grass for the bridge again

Voila a TRP on the bridge.

Heavy artillery FO and fire away.

Wooden bridges can be destroyed by 120 mm mortars, and 105 mm arty and higher.

Stone bridges need the heavy arty,do a test for the affects I cant tell which one any more,at least 170 mm is to little

You can also do a search,we have discussed this before


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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

Engineers with satchel charges should be able to given enough time, particularly the small bridges. The typical CM battle of 30 minutes is probably streching it though so they cannot. At least that is my memory of the previous discussuions on the topic.

A nice option to include in CMII (if not sooner) would be to start a scenario with bridges already wired for demolition.


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Originally posted by Stoffel:

There are two ways


Place minefields on the bridge,AP mines

Than have engineers go in they actually need to walk in to it,6 demo charges will do the trick


Place a TRP on it.

You have to change the bridge area with grass in the editor and place the trp on the grass,than go back to the editor and replace the grass for the bridge again

Voila a TRP on the bridge.

Heavy artillery FO and fire away.

Wooden bridges can be destroyed by 120 mm mortars, and 105 mm arty and higher.

Stone bridges need the heavy arty,do a test for the affects I cant tell which one any more,at least 170 mm is to little

You can also do a search,we have discussed this before


basically yeah, a few minor points to add: use a sacrifice unit to reveal the units, make sure you place ENEMY anti-tank not anti-personnel mines on the bridge (put the mines first then put bridge on top in scenario editor)

you can see a demonstration in the scenario mentioned in my sig and also you can look at the detailed explantion in the faq, also in my sig.

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Does anyone here think that engineers in CMBB should get a ' demolish' order? It would ge good for clearing small buildings in a hurry, and you wouldnt have to use arty\DF to destroy bridges. Maybe it would only be an available order when in proximity of bridges\landmines\whatever, so as to avoid abuse of the satchel charges. It would suffice if thier logic was improved, just have an engineer squad area target a bridge or obsticle and they would take care of it. Or is that asking too much? :confused:

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Originally posted by The ol one eye.:

Does anyone here think that engineers in CMBB should get a ' demolish' order? It would be good for clearing small buildings in a hurry, ...<SNIP>... Or is that asking too much? :confused:

It sure would be useful at times, but I wonder about how long it would take for engineers to demolish a building flat? A small shanty / shack probably a few minutes maybe less, but a 1000 +/- square foot light structure... maybe hours, and a heavy multi-story building, the better part of a day to do it right.
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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

A nice option to include in CMII (if not sooner) would be to start a scenario with bridges already wired for demolition.


That is very interesting... X points to pre-wire a small bridge, X+Y points for a larger, etc.... Great idea, and in conjunction with having engineering troops selected a % reduction of cost makes engineers a more valubale and realistic choce for various scenarios.
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DF is very nice and quick way to blow bridges.

Light bridge can be blown away with about 12 75mm hits while stone bridge takes about 25 75mm hits. Haven't tested on high bridges but I suppose those would take little more. As someone said earlier bridges are modelled just like buildings. So bigger the gun (blast value) the quicker it's in demolition work...

One bad thing is enemy will hear the unit firing at the bridge so be careful with what you do the trick. Guns will be revealed very easily this way so tanks prevail in this duty.

Done some testes about this so there you have it smile.gif .

[ March 04, 2002, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Deathdealer ]

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I recall being in a defensive position (in a long campaign) defending a bridge. as the Allies appeared I tried dropping big Nebelwerfer rockets on top of them. One round fell short and took out the bridge in one shot! I was very impressed.

The bridge art has both intact and demolished bmp art. If you check out the HiRes wood bridge mod at CMHQ you can see the demolished section too.

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High bridges seem to be indestructable.

At least I'll class something that can take in excess of 100 150mm rounds indestructable.

Low bridges fall apart quite nicely though.

I also tried using FTs on a wood bridge, as they have a high blast value. Didn't cut the mustard though it looked pretty.

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