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Where's the atmosphere?

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Please, don't flame me for this, but I've sat and played the demo for a bit now, and I just can't feel the atmosphere like you could in CMBO. It might be because it's the demo, and it's such a vast improvement over the original it's come as a bit of a shock.. It might also be because I can't relate to the sides in the game, like you can with the Brits/Americans etc. I don't know it just doesn't feel quite right at the mo. Anyone noticed this or is it me?

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Guest Sgt. Emren

I agree, but I subscribe it to the choice of scenarios. If you read the long thread about poor scenarios, you'll probably agree over there with some people's judgements.

As for identifying with the troops... well, CMBO never did that for me in the first place! ;)

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I feel a similar way, I put it down to scenarios being one sided (nothing against CMBB as I hate playing scenrios in CMBO as well) and the lack of Commonwealth troops. I also expect CMBB will grow on me once I play some custom battles with full access to some very interesting armour.

I will still miss the shockwave :D (sorry cant control myself)

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To me, it fairly oozes atmosphere, but then I've seen the steppes myself and have long read about the Eastern front. I think that part of the problem to those that don't have a lot of exposure to this arena, is that they don't necessarily have much to hang on to that is familiar or evocative. The Germanophiles out there will probably love the chance to go after another opponent, but those who are mostly oriented towards playing the US/UK battles will feel a bit disoriented.

Perhaps those folks will especially like playing Russians using the ample lend-lease tanks and other vehicles (M-17 Halftracks with quad 50's finally!). And where else can you get to play with a US Grant M-3 medium?

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Are you kidding me?

If the Demo is THIS good, I'm going to poop(sicle) my pants when the full game arrives. ;)

Have you played Citadelle as the Germans and done this? Lock the camera to one of your tank platoon leaders tanks. Plot out your moves and then ride along with the camera. As your platoon rolls over the steps, pan the camera around the tank. Take in the rolling steppe, your fellow tanks in over-watch up on the ridge behind and your own platoon members rumbling along in formation.

It's sweet. (and by that I mean a pant-load full of joyuous poopsicle!) ;)

Atmoshpere it has GOT in loads! Especially to sounds and improved effects.

This is of course, my own opinion. Feel free to subscribe or throw it in the recycle container.



P.S. Mr Happy customer, right here.

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Gpig, I see your point to a degree, but I remember playing Close Combat A bridge too far, and then getting Close Combat III and thinking "oh my god this is amazing". It was more than an "add-on", it was a completely new game, based on a tried and tested technique. This is what I was expecting to feel again. But it just hasn't hit me the same way.

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Let me think of an 'oh my god this is amazing' improvememt for you to look forward to.

Ah, playing the Beta over the weekend, to my great surprise the AI in a Quickbattle actually split its forces and flanked my position! Imagine my surprise when the game ended and I was told I had suffered a major defeat. I went back to the map and found half the Russian forces occupying the flags behind me while the other half held me in place with a frontal assault. I was flaberghasted. This clever in a Quickbattle?

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Originally posted by Gpig:

Have you played Citadelle as the Germans and done this? Lock the camera to one of your tank platoon leaders tanks. Plot out your moves and then ride along with the camera. As your platoon rolls over the steps, pan the camera around the tank. Take in the rolling steppe, your fellow tanks in over-watch up on the ridge behind and your own platoon members rumbling along in formation.

Atmoshpere it has GOT in loads! Especially to sounds and improved effects.

Absolutely, Gpig!

"Citadel" is soaked with atmosphere. Wide open nearly treeless landscape, engagements at 1400+ meters. Panzers rolling over the undulating terrain. I was eatin' it up! LOTS different than typical CMBO engagements for sure. More like I suspect CM North Africa will feel.

- Old Dog

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