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Well *that* was pretty stupid...

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I've just finished a game of "Move it or lose it" against the AI, with me playing the Germans. A fun battle, despite losing all my useful light armour in the first turn or two to all those blasted Stuarts. Some pretty steely moments, too. One MMG team was still swinging at the end of the game after nailing two half tracks and taking fire from god-knows-what right through the game. The solitary StuH shot away almost its entire ammo load, bagging a variety of light armour in a toe-to-toe scramble, before finally backing inexplicably across a cornfield and encountering a Stuart arse-first; it shrugged off two close-range hits performing the neutral turn to bring the gun to bear, but died on the third before getting a shot off. One amazing infantry section in a house over the river that had been repeatedly overrrun ended the game with two men left, still up and fighting and credited with 25 infantry casualties and a half-track.

Looking around the map on the AAR, however, I noticed something I had not noticed before, namely three Pz IVs parked tidily out of the way on the rear edge of the map. Yes, they were mentioned in the briefing, if I'd been paying attention. Given that the Americans were down to one each of Stuart, half-track and M-10 by the end of the game, those lads might very well have come in useful. Probably I would have managed something a bit better than the major victory I ended up with.

It's at times like this I really appreciate Frank Zappa's remark that stupidity is commoner than hydrogen. Or, to say it in German, "Gegen Dummheit kampfen Gotter selbst vergebens" (and if any of the Germanophones in the group can give me the exact original form of this from "Die Jungfrau von Orleans", I'd be very grateful -- Mr. Web seems to show lots of variants).

All the best,


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Hey John, a bit of etiquette...best to start any comments on a particular scenario with..

Spoiler Alert










So that someone just reading won't have the FOW taken away. BTW I really enjoyed that particular one as well.

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Originally posted by John D Salt:

It's at times like this I really appreciate Frank Zappa's remark that stupidity is commoner than hydrogen.

Zappa may indeed have said that, but so far as I know, Harlan Ellison is credited with saying it first. Well, actually what I believe he said was, "The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity." I've also heard that Einstein may have said that.

Or, to say it in German, "Gegen Dummheit kampfen Gotter selbst vergebens" (and if any of the Germanophones in the group can give me the exact original form of this from "Die Jungfrau von Orleans", I'd be very grateful -- Mr. Web seems to show lots of variants).
Looks to me like: "Against stupidity the gods themselves strive in vain." Not sure who said that first. May go back to classical times.


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Occasionally, when faced with a tight spot or difficulty in maneauvring, the TacAI will force your vehicle into reverse and will complete its entire move, through all waypoints, in reverse, John. Its just one of those silly things that happens occasionally.

I've found the best way is, when face with a vehicle which will be maneauvring through/around buildings/forest tracks (which is where I've found it happens the most), to put in lots of way points and move at the slowest speed. That way, if I need to, I can correct the direction the vehicle is travelling in before it becomes too dangerous at the next turn.

It also pays, as you've seen, to actually read the briefings and to refer back to them during the game. :D

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I too usually do a level 8 look-see during setup, sometimes combined with a 'select-all' sweep with the mouse to see if any highlighted sqyuares pop up unexpectedly/

A more common mistake for me is to forget about the reinforcements :( Especially if they come on in an out-of-the-way spot redface.gif

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I find that I have developed a set up habit of grouping all the units together in an order of battle on the screen (i.e. artillery, vehicles, tanks, support teams, infantry etc.

Once they are grouped in areas on the screen, I then start to move them into position. This approach evolved from finding myself on the 'dumb' end of a couple of situations very similar to yours!

quite a funny tale!


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Out through the night and the whispering breezes. To the place where they keep the imaginary diseases. This has to be the disease for you. Now, scientists call this disease dromadrosis. But us regular folks who might wear tennis shoes or the occasional python boots know this exquisite little inconvenience as stinkfoot. You know, my python boot was too tight. I couldn’t get it off last night. A week went by and now it’s July and I finally got it off and my girlfriend cried "you got stinkfoot! Stinkfoot, darling. Your stinkfoot puts a hurt on my nose. Stinkfoot, stinkfoot, I ain’t lying, can you rinse it off do you suppose?" Here, Fido, Fido. Come here little puppy, bring the slippers. Arf arf arf. Ha ha ha ha. Sick!

I have had some fine wine, sorry ;) the Dog is tipsy

Stinkfoot Stinkfoot Stinkfoot Stinkfoot Stinkfoot Stinkfoot Stinkfoot

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Originally posted by Brian:

Occasionally, when faced with a tight spot or difficulty in maneauvring, the TacAI will force your vehicle into reverse and will complete its entire move, through all waypoints, in reverse, John. Its just one of those silly things that happens occasionally.

In the situation that occurred in my game, I actually think that the results were not at all unreasonable -- and the vehicle was not in this case re-tracing its path. The assault gun was buttoned-up, in close terrain, having knocked out quite a few enemy vehicles at close range and seen both friendly and enemy infantry running around higgledy-piggledy within a few dozen metres. Someone let off some smoke, and I think it would have been entirely reasonable for the assault gun commander to reverse smartly into a cornfield (the most open terrain to hand) to try to put a bit of distance between himself and who-knows-what that might be plotting to leap out of the smoke and commit unpleasantness at close quarters.

It was just one of those days when the cornfield you're reversing across happens, unbeknowst to you, to have an enemy tank parked in the middle of it. Some days you find a shark in the custard, some days you don't...

It also pays, as you've seen, to actually read the briefings and to refer back to them during the game. :D

Ah yes. What you're saying is that we ahould seek to exploit informational resources in an integrated and coherent fashion to achieve tactical situational awareness and information dominance in the dynamic land battlespace.

Or, more succinctly, RTFB.


All the best,


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How 'bout night battles, with bases on-- but you can't see the Heer because they are in a black set up area with black bases. My poor eyes, poor monitor and sunlight spilling into the room onto the poor monitor have often resulted in troopers going unbeknownest to me for many a turn...

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Originally posted by -Havermeyer-:

How 'bout night battles, with bases on-- but you can't see the Heer because they are in a black set up area with black bases. My poor eyes, poor monitor and sunlight spilling into the room onto the poor monitor have often resulted in troopers going unbeknownest to me for many a turn...

Life is hard...


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