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Swastikas Needed

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I hope CM II will not serve us phoney German flags but the real Swastika based design that was actually used by the Germans during WWII. I cannot fathom why Battlefront was so cowardly as to ship CM I with altered German flags.

Wolfenstein has done very well using the original flags, so the commercial argument does not fly. Can't wait to play with the new game.

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Originally posted by Daniel:

I hope CM II will not serve us phoney German flags but the real Swastika based design that was actually used by the Germans during WWII. I cannot fathom why Battlefront was so cowardly as to ship CM I with altered German flags.

Wolfenstein has done very well using the original flags, so the commercial argument does not fly. Can't wait to play with the new game.

Maybe because they'd like our German friends (and there is a large contingent of them on the board) to be able to purchase the game legally, hmm? Your mouth's running off faster than your brain right now, better go synchronize ;)
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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:


Swasticas are illegal to be sold in products in Germany from what I understand. Battlefront likes to make money, and alienating a nice chunk of their customers makes no sense. You're just asking to be flamed for your post. Think before you speak. :rolleyes:

Don't worry, Captain Wacky has given his bItcH AzZ the SMACKDOWN smile.gif
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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Vader's Jester:


Swasticas are illegal to be sold in products in Germany from what I understand. Battlefront likes to make money, and alienating a nice chunk of their customers makes no sense. You're just asking to be flamed for your post. Think before you speak. :rolleyes:

Don't worry, Captain Wacky has given his bItcH AzZ the SMACKDOWN smile.gif </font>
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Daniel...Daniel...Daniel...just where has your brain gone?

Legal reasons ol' chap. Of course a search would have explained it.

If you really need dem swastikas go to a mod site and download 'em. It would have taken you less time than it took to get to this board and post your flame attractin' message!

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Originally posted by Daniel:

I hope CM II will not serve us phoney German flags but the real Swastika based design that was actually used by the Germans during WWII. I cannot fathom why Battlefront was so cowardly as to ship CM I with altered German flags.

DuFus :rolleyes:

Oh ya HI MOM :rolleyes:

[ April 27, 2002, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Bigdog ]

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