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Crouching Seanachai, Hidden PENG CHALLENGE

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Wonderful. I just had a quick go at the Outer Boards, and found I'd missed the entire Emma thread in which she was...er, well, seductively clad. Not to mention Persephone. Apologies to Pawbroon and Berli both, but I'm only human.

Now, I see that the Fair Emma proposed that Peng's name, that he lost by profligate stupidity (does not fable and story constantly show us the pitfalls that attend foolish individuals gambling more than they can afford to lose?), be returned to him by vote. But all here know this cannot be.

The vile Chrisl (capitilized because I always do, and he's a bastard) has won Peng's name on the Field of Honour (such as it is, around here, especially with Chrisl poxing about on it), and will not yield it to less than a Challenge.

Now, I know that the name of an Olde One can only be played for by another of us. Berli (stout lad, long on Evil, short on focus) has offered to play the egregious Chrisl (still a bastard) for Peng's name. But I am not sanguine about his abilities, having defeated him myself more times than not.

So I, too, shall play Chrisl (that roight bastard) for the name of Peng. I leave, as is my right, all the details to be administered by my many annoying Australian Foes. Having failed, thus far, to crush them utterly, I'm starting to have a fond regard for them, in the same way that a homeowner who cannot rid the place of rats, eventually gives them names, has the names engraved on food bowls, and buys them chew toys.

I ask that the multitude of Australians, led by Goanna, Stuka and Mace, pull together a little...stouche, is it? In which I will defeat Chrisl (what an utter bastard), and return to Peng his own quasi-righteous name.

Peng will then drop it on the floor, kick it under the couch, eat 12 eskimo-pies, drink a fifth of bourbon, and pass out while singing the 'Ya Tee Puckety' song with his daughters.

And all will be right with the World.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

[snip] ... Then one of his bloody AFVs tosses a couple of AP rounds the two story light building that's also the VL, damage showing only one star, and all my bloody infantry suddenly bails out, allowing three German prisoners to also escape, and instead of running into the immediately adjecent, ally controlled buildings out of the line of fire, they haul arse down a long, open hillside, passing directly in front of one of his AFVs, which proceeded to shoot them to ****e..... [snap]<hr></blockquote>

Ah me! (wipes tears from eyes). Tis' good to see the Spirit O' CM is once more alive and kicking in this 'ere puddle-o'-poop.

As th' classic saying goes, Mr S, ****E happens!! It's just an added pleasure [sneer]to see it happening to yer goodself[/snort]. Just like in our mini version of Dante's Inferno - since I've tossed a few pretty splodies your way, I hear much a-shrieking an' a'gnashing o' teeth in tha' foresty bits. Hehe ...... ye' shall PAY fer ye miserable, gamey an' unsportinglike tactic o' blasting one o' me poor, defenceless HT's with a gamey Humbler!!

NOBA - Finally (after 3 months is it?) we come to Turn 90 of our mammoth, gi-normous 100 turn PBEM campaign in the Viennese countryside. The final carnage count will be interesting, to say the least! CHARGE!!!

LARS - Nice map. I should be able to annihilate your damp squibs quite nicely from here, thank you very much.

D - Tap..tap.....


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Dear Mr S

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

[snipple]...... I ask that the multitude of Australians, led by Goanna, Stuka and Mace, pull together a little...stouche, is it? ......[/snapple]


Errr..... try STOUSH, Sir S. I believe you may have been thinking of a DOUCHE ... which, although claimed by some to be good balm for your "inner self" may not entirely satisfy the technical requirements of this almighty Challenge.

Humberly yours,


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Dear Mr S

Errr..... try STOUSH, Sir S.

Humberly yours,


The vagaries and subtleties of your Antipodean Vulgate often elude me. Although I am the Bard and Wordsmith of the Peng Challenge Thread (yes, I know this is posturing, but it's been a sodding awful month and I feel like puffing it up a bit), I've pointed out before that any group of three or more drunken Australians who come together to talk often create new language concepts, and then float them out into the great drunken unconsciousness of the Australians, and pass them off as a cultural experience.

Thank you for your 'correction'. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to point out that the colloquial term you supplied HAS NO SODDING CORRELATE IN ANY LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY SENTIENT BEINGS ON THIS PLANET!

But then, you knew that. Because it, and you are Australian.

Thank the Goddess for beer, lads, or communication in Australia would be left up to intelligence, logic, and culture, making it the first ever Continent occupied by Mimes.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

So I, too, shall play Chrisl (that roight bastard) for the name of Peng. I leave, as is my right, all the details to be administered by my many annoying Australian Foes. Having failed, thus far, to crush them utterly, I'm starting to have a fond regard for them, in the same way that a homeowner who cannot rid the place of rats, eventually gives them names, has the names engraved on food bowls, and buys them chew toys.


Yeah, yeah. Fine. At least Berli wasn't so verbose about it. And if you lose? I can't be offering up Peng's name in exchange for nothing to every Dmitri that comes knocking at the castle walls. Berli is going to have to change his name to Peter if he loses (he hasn't agreed to it yet, but he will). From you I want something different. Something unique. I want the gnome hat. With it you become some logorheaic pest who yammers on about things in a faux english accent. Without it you're just another silly lawn ornament.

And to you Aussies-- don't forget that Seanachai has it in for your flat little land. Please make the scenario more fair for me than for him.

[ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Perhaps, then, if we used the guns to kill the lawyers?

And goddamnit, Dalem and Lars, no shootingin my neighbourhood! The neighbours have been a bit unsettled and stand-offish ever since Berli and Peng's Visit.

Hello, all. I spent most of yesterday throwing up, so none of you were ever far from my thoughts. However, I'm a bit behind on turns, as a result. I shall labour manfully this evening to correct that.

And Panzer Leader, I've hesitated to mention our game because I thought you might feel shame over the fact that the AI actually had to freaking intervene in order to bring you a Minor Axis victory. I've never seen a game played before where, after every opportunity to win was thrown away by a human player, the AI actually printed out "Sod this for a game of tin soldiers", and stepped in to win the game for the less deserving side. I would have won that game, or at worst pulled a draw, if not for the complete, unbelieving frustration of the AI with your inept infantry handling.

Now, some might say this sounds like bitter grapes, but consider: I held the VL, and not lightly, but with most of a platoon and scattered units. His infantry was destroyed, routed, dead, cowering, and covered in their own bodily wastes. He had one immobilized Mark IV sitting quietly out of the way, and two live ones trundling around, out of HE, and achieving nothing. Then one of his bloody AFVs tosses a couple of AP rounds the two story light building that's also the VL, damage showing only one star, and all my bloody infantry suddenly bails out, allowing three German prisoners to also escape, and instead of running into the immediately adjecent, ally controlled buildings out of the line of fire, they haul arse down a long, open hillside, passing directly in front of one of his AFVs, which proceeded to shoot them to ****e. I end up with several of my stronger units decimated and routed, the VL all but empty, prisoners escaped, and no turns left to rectify. I've never seen the bloody Tac AI take a hand in what would have otherwise been an utter humiliation of a boastful former Squire.

However, I plan to win a sodding Nobel Prize for my study of this game, showing that even 'Computer Code' can feel pity, if the object in question is pitiable enough.<hr></blockquote>

(tch)... back to the knitting, I guess


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

he hasn't agreed to it yet, but he will<hr></blockquote>

I certainly will. Right after...

D) Hell freezes over

IV) My Hellhounds stop begging attention

Delta) I develope a fondness for Fosters

4) Seanachai becomes a gnome of few words

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I certainly will. Right after...[snippety]

Delta) I develope a fondness for Fosters


Reeeettccch!! Baarffff!!. Err.. why doncha try a good Wesht Aushie broo sush as [hic]Emu Bittersh, when ye playsh SheM Shire Berleshquethingy. Mush more [burp...]clutured 'n cilverised!!...... [hic...]


[ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

Yeah, yeah. Fine. At least Berli wasn't so verbose about it. And if you lose? I can't be offering up Peng's name in exchange for nothing to every Dmitri that comes knocking at the castle walls. Berli is going to have to change his name to Peter if he loses (he hasn't agreed to it yet, but he will). From you I want something different. Something unique. I want the gnome hat. With it you become some logorheaic pest who yammers on about things in a faux english accent. Without it you're just another silly lawn ornament.<hr></blockquote>

Berli would never change his name to Peter...and NO, you can't have the gnome hat! It was given to Seanachai as a gift.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Wonderful. I just had a quick go at the Outer Boards...<hr></blockquote>

My belief is that there shoudl be a Pengdom news reporting service that comes to the MBT and reports on the triviality of real life for the unwashed mass.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

As for Marlow - I don't believe I have anything left to prove in our old game. If however you'd like to start a new one, you may be able to taunt me into it


You are absolutely correct about our old game. How could I have forgotten? You taught me many things in that game, and proved that you understand the principles of warfare so well:

Concentration of Force – As exemplified by your concentration of a company or better of infantry right underneath a 300mm ricket attack.

Mobility and Speed of the Advance – Well demonstrated in your bold dash across the bridge on your left side with that couple of platoons of armor. Too bad you must have been sleeping during the class on flank security. Pak 40s make nice holes in the side of Super Pershing turrets, don’t they?

Surprise – You did well on this one. I was certainly surprised that the U.S. Army gave you command of anything larger than a company mailroom. The British I could understand, but the Americans?

Preservation of Combat Effectiveness – Well… you didn’t do so good on this one did you?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Marlow:

You are absolutely correct about our old game. How could I have forgotten? You taught me many things in that game, and proved that you understand the principles of warfare so well:

Concentration of Force...

Mobility and Speed of the Advance...


Preservation of Combat Effectiveness...<hr></blockquote>

I'm glad you agree. And now that I've taught you these things, we should see how well you put them to use. I'm eager to hear your proposal.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

I'm glad you agree. And now that I've taught you these things, we should see how well you put them to use. I'm eager to hear your proposal.


My proposal is to have you chained to a chair and forced to endure a 24 hour a day argument between Brian and SlapDragon on the relative merits/undermodeling/overmodeling of U.S. and Commonwealth toilet paper, but barring that I’ll find somefink from Der Kessel to toss your way.

[ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: Marlow ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Marlow:

My proposal is to have you chained to a chair and forced to endure a 24 hour a day argument between Brian and SlapDragon on the relative merits/undermodeling/overmodeling of U.S. and Commonwealth toilet paper...<hr></blockquote>

I heard that the Polish Jeep Tires used 1/16th of an inch more rubber per tread (on average) than similar Finnish jeeps. I wonder if they'd like to argue that?

That brings up an interesting question: Is it nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of Brian's moronic discussions, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and create our own bogus groggy discussions to see if he bites on them? 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

That guy is still a wiener.<hr></blockquote>

Wor, not only do we have news, but a commentary on the news. I am feeling very content that the cesspool, in its ultimate filth, is evolving to something even more putrid that before. The Cesspool New Network.

And Croda , I have often wanted to find a way to set the uberaussies at the throat of the uberfinns and then take bets in a sort of off track betting, or more like a gamecock fighting. If you find a way, I will handicap the events.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

That brings up an interesting question: Is it nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of Brian's moronic discussions, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and create our own bogus groggy discussions to see if he bites on them? 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.<hr></blockquote>

Well, I've always felt that my skills are severely undermodeled in the game.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Wor, not only do we have news, but a commentary on the news. I am feeling very content that the cesspool, in its ultimate filth, is evolving to something even more putrid that before. The Cesspool New Network.


And now for the latest Cesspool News Network update:

Joe Shaw, who is on a short sabbatical from his Justicar duties and The Lawyer™, have been seen flying above the Cesspool in what appears to be an aircraft of some sorts. Gawd help us!



[ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: Persephone ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Persephone:


And now for the latest Cesspool News Network update:

Joe Shaw, who is on a short sabbatical from his Justicar duties and The Lawyer™, have been seen flying above the Cesspool in what appears to be an aircraft of some sorts. Gawd help us!



My news sources said it was a Tiger Moth filled with old men... wait, it is a Tiger Moth filled with old men. Looks like a scene from Cocoon. I expect to see Ron Howard show up to this board and direct the plane to a landing using landing plaps cut from a case of geritol.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Persephone:

And now for the latest Cesspool News Network update:

Joe Shaw, who is on a short sabbatical from his Justicar duties and The Lawyer™, have been seen flying above the Cesspool in what appears to be an aircraft of some sorts. Gawd help us.



The Magnificent Men in their flying machine.....

I was half expecting to see Joe's feet dangling through the bottom of that plane as I waited for the picture to load.

Patch at times you are almost as Evil as Berli which reminds me.....

GO BERLI GO............ :D

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YK2:

The Magnificent Men in their flying machine.....

I was half expecting to see Joe's feet dangling through the bottom of that plane as I waited for the picture to load.

Patch at times you are almost as Evil as Berli which reminds me.....

GO BERLI GO............ :D <hr></blockquote>

Actually now it's GO SEANACHAI AND BERLI GO! I have an idea...if Seanachai and Berli both beat Chrisl...the three Olde Ones get to choose a new name for the pillock.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Persephone:

Actually now it's GO SEANACHAI AND BERLI GO! I have an idea...if Seanachai and Berli both beat Chrisl...the three Olde Ones get to choose a new name for the pillock.<hr></blockquote>

We do not require winning against him. We could just rename him... and Pillock has a nice ring to it

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