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Give me five reasons to buy this game

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As every one else has stated, it is probable THE most accurate tactical war game out there.

BUT I would like to reemphasize that this game is an ABOSLUTE BLAST to play.

It has been by FAR the best return on investment in terms of FUN/TIME/MONEY of any software I have ever purchased.


P.S. My wife hates me… and I don’t care.

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J. Kettler has indeed put it best, I'll just add

one thing: the prototype of the "Combat Mission"

series was a prototype for a computerized version of AH's "Squad Leader". That company, in it's infinite stupidity rejected it - AH no longer exits.

This game system ROCKS!; and I've been playing wargames since '62 - it puts one right down in the dirt with the grunts.

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1. No long setup of counters, boards or searching of quick reference cards. No carrying of many boxes of time intensive hand painted miniatures across town always adding to that paints touch up or broken MG or lost turret. The computer does all that for you and does it right.

2. LOS, Line of sight checks are easy and informative.

3. Realism mechanics, it does not get any better from a WWII perspective. These guys (BFC) have done their homework.

4. This forum. Have a question? Post it here, you will get answers daily. Have a technical question? Post it here you will get a well researched short novel along with the simple version. Then sit back and watch the debate while each answer is dissected and proven.

5. Want an opponent or opponents? Post it here at the opponents wanted forum or many of the great CM fans sights. You will be flooded with offers and come away (after a bit of time) with some new very good gaming friends. This community is as good as it gets online.

6. Support from Battlefront.com No other software (gaming) company offers better customer support.

7. CMBO/CMBB when it comes down to it is just plain fun to play.

8. Ok, I will try and stop here, after all you didn’t ask “Give me 100 reasons why I should buy this game”.

9. 3D, the game looks like a well setup table top every time with better variety.

Need an opponent? Ab1@sbcglobal.net

[ October 18, 2002, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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It's really a very hard game to play. LOTS of bugs. Your little soldiers don't do what you tell them to do, heck, your stupid tanks don't even do what you tell them to do, artillery shells take FOREVER to land, and when you want to redirect them, they take FOREVER (x2), and did I say, your guys don't do what you tell them to? Just when you think you've gotten an attack going your stupid machinegun jams, or runs out of ammo, or something. Half the time you can't even see the enemy, I think they forgot the graphics or something. Sometimes your guys just up and die and you have NO idea why. I don't think there's even a reason. There's all this leader stuff, which is cool, because they have bonuses, which is good. But some leaders won't lead some troops for some reason, another bug. Sometimes your tanks are moving merrily along and they just get stuck, very annoying. Sometimes your tanks are moving along and the tank commander graphic disappears. Then you know you're in trouble because without the tank commander graphic the tanks act more stupid then before. That's really not as bad as some silly tank RUNNING AWAY. Please, what tank ever ran away? It's a tank after all. Some tanks seem superimmune to machine guns, which doesn't seem fair. Lots of bugs.

I still love this game, might just be the best game ever. :D

[ October 18, 2002, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: xerxes ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by anton:

to hanish

it's not a reason, but a result of playing

CM, your girlfriend leave you immediately.



Not necessarily, some guys have girlfriends/spouses that play CM with/against them....</font>
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Well...I heard of CM in a game mag article about a guy who supposedly (at gunpoint)took over a pavillion at some ES thing so as to read his manifesto on troubles with the game industry.In the interview(from jail)he was asked what game he thought should be game of the year since he didn't agree with the mag's choice.(don't recall the title of that game...Leatherette Sluts Apoppin or some such).Anyways he replied Combat Mission.They were like..Whats that?A wargame was his answer and that was all the info I had to go on.Months later it I spotted the article again and decided to look up some info on this game.Twas then that I saw CMBB was in the works.My favorite front!So I decided to wait the 6 months or so till it was done.(though did look at CMBO demo)Anyways it got here on the 23rd of last month and it was far more then I could ever hoped for.I'll be playing this for years most likely(till someone does it better :confused: ).That guy wasn't crazy at all.He should be let out of jail and the Judge who gave him time ashamed! :rolleyes: Thank you BFC Simply the BEST game ever made period.Where's my Colt,there's a game convention in town... ;)

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