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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

The Last Straw? Most definitely.

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Well doesn't this just take the biscuit. Coming from the UK, I eagerly awaited the release of CMBB(having enjoyed the first so much). And was dismayed to find that I had to wait because my freedom of choice to purchase from whom I wish had been removed from me(discrimination?). So I pre-ordered and I waited. And then it arrived. I ran around all Homer-like in excitement as it installed. But, when I went to play it: zilch. It don't work. I must say that BTS are not the only company putting out products with these problems but enough is enough. Forget your fixes and patches. Forget even a refund, I just can't be bothered with this anymore. I have decided to scratch the money down to bad experience and will not be purchasing any more of your products. It doesn't matter how good they are, if they don't run they're not worth having. Oh, yes. One more thing. If anybody wishes to call me a whiner(which seems to be the case around here for anybody not in agreement with the masses) go right ahead. I have paid for the privilage!

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Grow up. Get a refund, get a replacement, or get neither.

You live in the real universe. Things are not perfect. Mistakes are made. Go on with your life (which you are). Act like a mature adult. Quit whining.

Cheers, Richard

[ October 12, 2002, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: PiggDogg ]

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PigDogg: my comments were aimed at the creators, not the mindless who accept and gladly pay for imperfection. But you've proved my point so thankyou.

Lou: No. The game installed ok but when trying to run it, I got a message saying can't find a file. No file was identified apart from a row of about five x's. I suspect a manufacturing defect or a CD recognition problem.

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Erm, if you suspect a "manufacturing defect" (it happens), why the rant about Battlefront ? Your other possible was a "CD recognition problem", for which cdv, rather than BFC would certainly be responsible.

It's a bummer, but it happens. Get a replacement and try that. If I boycotted every publisher of games that have given me grief over the years, there wouldn't be much choice left for me to buy...

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I take your point Hertston but the point I am trying to make is this: I am not permitted to purchase this product from this website(despite the fact that we are supposed to all be part of a global market) purely because I live in Western Europe. I presume this is a contractual agreement with CDV. Therefore, as BTS have forced me into a position of purchasing from a secondary source which, as you say, has probably tinkered with it to suit their wants, they have forced me into purchasing a product which is not fit for purpose. Finally(and this does not just apply to BTS) I HAVE decided to boycott companies which do not provide me with a working product. It's no different from buying a car and finding that it has no engine. Would you be happy with that as a product? Unless, of course, your name is Fred Flintstone.

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Interesting. If I bought a car and found it had no engine, I think I would take it back and ask for a replacement.

But that's just me. Apparently, you would prefer just walking.

Did you know that every major airline in the world has had a plane crash? How are you ever going to fly off for vacation if you decide to boycott those companies?

I could go on, but I think you get my point.


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Originally posted by El Chancho:

I take your point Hertston but the point I am trying to make is this: I am not permitted to purchase this product from this website(despite the fact that we are supposed to all be part of a global market) purely because I live in Western Europe. I presume this is a contractual agreement with CDV. Therefore, as BTS have forced me into a position of purchasing from a secondary source which, as you say, has probably tinkered with it to suit their wants, they have forced me into purchasing a product which is not fit for purpose. Finally(and this does not just apply to BTS) I HAVE decided to boycott companies which do not provide me with a working product. It's no different from buying a car and finding that it has no engine. Would you be happy with that as a product? Unless, of course, your name is Fred Flintstone.


Yup, you got jerked around, as did a few more(from the bitchin' on this board I'd say its more than a few). Hey, I'm in Canada and mine didn't/wouldn't load up without the dl's so quickly provided. Cool off, send yours back for a refund, e-mail me, I'll get you a good one(North American version) and send it of to you. This seems to me to be a better option than just writeing it off. But then again, its your choice.....here's the offer.

Lifes to short...?

the Krazy Canuck. :cool:

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El Chancho I get a similar problem to yours with the UK version.

When you start up the game does it run the installation wizard again and put up a screen that gives you the choice bewteen Install and Play ? I get the xxxx missing file message if I select Play. All I do is click cancel and then run CMBB from the shortcut it put on the desktop

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Originally posted by El Chancho:

PigDogg: my comments were aimed at the creators, not the mindless who accept and gladly pay for imperfection. But you've proved my point so thankyou.

I don't mean this as a dig at you- but what games have you bought that display this "perfection?" Or do you just mean games that run correctly on the 1st try?

Curiously yours,


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Originally posted by Doomed:

El Chancho I get a similar problem to yours with the UK version.

When you start up the game does it run the installation wizard again and put up a screen that gives you the choice bewteen Install and Play ? I get the xxxx missing file message if I select Play. All I do is click cancel and then run CMBB from the shortcut it put on the desktop

I get the same xxxx missing file message. But it won't run even if I try to run it from the shortcut. It does nothing, not error message even when it is ran from the shortcut.

I'm all out of ideas here... :(

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I also get the xxxx message - I did not install in the default directory so I assumed it was this.

Rather than clicking on the shortcut (which works for me btw) what happens when you go ito the cmbb folder and run the .exe itself?

For those that havent played stick with it.

Im Win XP, AMD 1200, 29.42 Ti 200 GeF 3, UK CDV version

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Originally posted by ScouseJedi:

I also get the xxxx message - I did not install in the default directory so I assumed it was this.

Rather than clicking on the shortcut (which works for me btw) what happens when you go ito the cmbb folder and run the .exe itself?

For those that havent played stick with it.

Im Win XP, AMD 1200, 29.42 Ti 200 GeF 3, UK CDV version

Nothing happens. No error message. I really look forward to playing this game... :confused:

Win 98, AMD Athlon 1333, Newest drivers Geforce 3 Ti 500, Dunno which version, Finnish package.

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I share your frustration. I posted an agry comment here also. As the whole game even didn't start. Lucky enough, I was already in the prosess of getting an new computer and with new video cards and everything the game started...but froze in every scenario I tried to play. Then I downloaded new drivers and finally I'm happy to say that I have enjoyed and played CMBB.

It's not the Battlefront's fault. And it's not the fault of other game developers. It's just that almost everyday the companies are releasing a new video card, new this and that and there is no way that game developers can keep up with all this progress. They just can't test their game on all systems. Impossible...and sad.

There is something very wrong with all this and I certainly would like to change it, but don't know how? News that PC games are a dying genre, should set the alarms, but it seems that it hasn't.

Ten years from now, if this development continues, no one don't need to wonder that what happened to PC games...people got frustrated and went to be zombies and play some Playstation game...

Meanwhile...I suggest you go and download new drivers for your video card, go through every post on this forum about nonfunctioning CD's, as there has been few and you can download missing files from internet.

And generally, go through every post about non funtioning game...they probably will help.

I had some problems with CMBO back then, but I came here to read posts and found the problem (the intro movie)

[ October 19, 2002, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: P5 ]

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