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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

Leeo how many times do we have to tell you to leave the dictionary alone?

The thesaurus. He might have stumbled across the words' meaning in a dictionary.</font>
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Originally posted by Leeo:

You've been learning again, haven't you?

I'm trying to discern if you belong within the igneous or sedimentary classification.

This Malakovski interests me. I find his patois quite amusing. I send him up as a Serf. I think he should get a game.

Leeo, give the lad a game. I think he used a form of 'Taunt Judo' on you, and turned most of your rant against you. It was, hmm, almost adroit.

Panzer Leader, don't talk to the SSNs. Your gibbering gives them the wrong impression and contributes to their initial stupidities.

Someone give me The Stick. Time to poke him again.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

]The ÜberGnome is the nicestest of the Olde Ones...

...and if you rub his belly he just might sing you a jolly singsong.


My God, that thing is just obscene!

Can't I for once be a svelte and muscular Gnome?

And no one touches the belly...

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Can someone explain to him that I'm the nice one?

The ÜberGnome is the nicestest of the Olde Ones...


...and if you rub his belly he just might sing you a jolly singsong.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

This Malakovski interests me. I find his patois quite amusing. I send him up as a Serf. I think he should get a game.

Leeo, give the lad a game. I think he used a form of 'Taunt Judo' on you, and turned most of your rant against you. It was, hmm, almost adroit.

More like taunt WWF, your personal favorite battle of wills, I hear.

If the Pillock wants a game, let him bring to me a quote from a thread from the dim times. THEN, and only then will I grant him the boon of a game with moi, The One Who Remembers.

Oh, and I don't do requests, Olde One of Great Assumption.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Someone give me The Stick.

<BIG>*POIK!*</BIG> Ppfffshh-hhht!

Ooops! Sorry olde chap! Yer pot-bellied protuberance got in the road. Damned stick is so ruddy sharp! Now yer glowing gut is all .. err ..... flaccid like... ewww!

Anyone got a stomach pump?


[ October 03, 2002, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Can't I for once be a svelte and muscular Gnome?


That's the funniest thing you've said in your life!


PsTT: I hear a diet of nothing else but Vegemite<SUP>tm</SUP> given intravenously might just do the trick... Yer Ma' might just agree too.

[ October 03, 2002, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Someone give me The Stick.

<BIG>*POIK!*</BIG> Ppfffshh-hhht!

Ooops! Sorry olde chap! Yer pot-bellied protuberance got in the road. Damned stick is so ruddy sharp! Now yer glowing gut is all .. err ..... flaccid like... ewww!

Anyone got a stomach pump?


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Oh, Stinky-Cheese!

I've been trying to work myself up to lash out at you with a foaming at the mouth, wild-eyed, neck vein pulsing taunt...but I can't.

You don't really inspire great emotion of any nature in me, anymore. You're very vapidity fills me with such ennui, that I think to myself, "Why bother?"

Maybe reading your posts for so long has innoculated me against you. Not that I don't find you loathsome in your own milquetoast sort of way. In my mind, you have all the good taste and culture of an Old Navy commercial. Yet, you fill me with inertia.


It just won't do...

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Someone give me The Stick.

<BIG>*POIK!*</BIG> Ppfffshh-hhht!

Ooops! Sorry olde chap! Yer pot-bellied protuberance got in the road. Damned stick is so ruddy sharp! Now yer glowing gut is all .. err ..... flaccid like... ewww!

Anyone got a stomach pump?


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Originally posted by Leeo:

If the Pillock wants a game, let him bring to me a quote from a thread from the dim times. THEN, and only then will I grant him the boon of a game with moi, The One Who Remembers.

Oh, and I don't do requests, Olde One of Great Assumption.

Requests? Bah! I wave my hand at you!

What did you want me to do, send him to Papa Khann? At least I was sending an SSN your way who can write complete sentences, hasn't gone on about thingies once, and hasn't loudly discussed his intestinal matters as the basis of taunting.

And you will set terms, will you? You are the one who remembers, are you?

Well, remember this, my good man. That you would not do me this favour. What of the favour you asked of me on the day of my daughter's wedding, eh? Did you not say that you would repay it and one day be at my service? And now you will deny me this one thing.

In the old days you would have woken up with a horse's head in your bed.

But those low-key days of sending a simple caution are gone.

Saturday morning you're going to wake up and find Panzer Leader in your bed. The whole gibbering idjit, alive and already talking even as you awake.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

If the Pillock wants a game, let him bring to me a quote from a thread from the dim times. THEN, and only then will I grant him the boon of a game with moi, The One Who Remembers.

Oh, and I don't do requests, Olde One of Great Assumption.

Saturday morning you're going to wake up and find Panzer Leader in your bed.</font>
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The only way Leeo (or any of you lot) would find me in your bed when you awoke was if me hunt for me yarbles led me there. BTW, what's that in your pocket, Leeo?

Oh and Focker if I weren't already smashing you to smithereens with my Uber-KV-2 named Denirovsky then I would taunt you mercilessly until you all but wept for a game to put you out of your misery. As it is, Get thee to a Kanigget, before tis too late!

(I'd like to take this opportunity to mention that I would be more than happy to take the lad under me wing so to speak. He needs mentoring, he needs a Big Brother, so to speak.)

Oh, and Patch me Lady, me Lordess, me Queenly Chick, where is the Evil One? Do you have him out mowing the lawn or somfink?

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Originally posted by Maladjusted:

"If we let ourselves sink into the terrible meaning of those words 'too late,' wherewith we resign a fleeting bit of the present to the eternal past, we find the deep foundation of every tragic crisis."

I almost posted this reply in the Outer Board (yeah, I looked at a few threads, so sue me), but declined, opting to remain in the Cesspool. Imagine my delight when Mal-adjusted decided to post right here on the ol' stomping grounds...

Leave it to a philosopher to swagger about with all his words, veiled in deep meanings and nuances. Who the f uses 'wherewith' in his conversations??? Okay, maybe Joe Xia, but we all know that not only has he got one, he is one... but wherewith?!?

If you really want to know the 'deep foundation of every tragic crisis', look no further than the events that caused your mother to say "You didn't pull out?!? Asshole!!!"

*checks shotgun and sees that both barrels are smoking*

Ahh, I love the smell of SSN in the morning...

[ October 04, 2002, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Oh, Stinky-Cheese!

I've been trying to work myself up to lash out at you with a foaming at the mouth, wild-eyed, neck vein pulsing taunt...but I can't.

You don't really inspire great emotion of any nature in me, anymore. You're very vapidity fills me with such ennui, that I think to myself, "Why bother?"

Maybe reading your posts for so long has innoculated me against you. Not that I don't find you loathsome in your own milquetoast sort of way. In my mind, you have all the good taste and culture of an Old Navy commercial. Yet, you fill me with inertia.


It just won't do...

What a limp performance. A true professional, Boo, does not need to be inspired by the target of his taunt.

Inspiration is for making love, or painting flowers, or writing Combat Haikus.

A man or woman taunts from the power that is within themselves, not from the power within their subject.

I own you now, Boo. You've surrendered all the power to me, do you see? It lies with me, for you have nothing. You're as weak as water, you oaf!

I suppose you thought you were insulting me, eh Boo? 'Ooh, Seanachai, I just can't find any real hatred for you! You're boring, I'm not inspired!'

Gibbering little boy! Your mockery discredits you, and raises me up on the pedestal of your failure.

Where would I be if I could only achieve a great taunt if given great subjects, eh Boo? In a room, alone, muttering to myself, that's where. For there are so few worthy of one of my taunts that if I were to wait for one of you quivering little lemmings to 'inspire' me to greatness, I would be the Methuselah of Taunting, and speak a great taunt but once a decade, at most.

So, Boo, I cannot sit around, as you do, twittering to myself like a finch and waiting for inspiration to 'strike'. I make my own way, as would you if you were more than a loutish lump of clay mixed with too much ditch water. For, Boo, I am strong, Strong, STRONG in Taunting, as you are not. Mine is the Taunting, the Power, and the Glory, and yours is fluttering and weak smiles and mincing 'apologies' about simply not having any spark within you.

In all that freakishly over-sized frame, all that grinning Ohioan, forelock pulling bumpkinish bobbing and posturing, there is nothing that you could bring forth, no rant worthy of a man who will live and die by the words that he can bring to espouse honour, and prove himself ready to stand against any foeman, armed with both sword and wit?

Perhaps it is as well that you live in a land where the 'common' man is so unspeakably common. For there is this about Ohio. It is neither greatly hot, nor deeply cold, but a bland place where winter paints the landscapes in brown and greys, and, apparently, does the same for the souls of the inhabitants.

Here in the North, our weather rises up and smashes us in the face, day after day, attempting to find that opening, that weakness, to bring us down to the grave. Go North, good Boo. It may be the only redemption left open to you.

So, Boo, should we have a game, perhaps? Can you muster the energy for a little test of combat? Surely, after how little able you were to rouse yourself to give a taunt worthy of the name, you must have yet some energy for a little game? Something that tries you not to sternly, that does not press you to strongly, something within your lusterless little capabilities?

I leave the setup to you, my footstool. Since you give me no taunt to make me judge you a man, you may do the little chores that any apprentice might take on to free his master's time for weightier matters.

And that, Boo, is how you might have done it. Had, perhaps, 'inspiration' found you. Or had you gone forth and seized it by the throat, as do I.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

This Malakovski interests me. I find his patois quite amusing. I send him up as a Serf. I think he should get a game.

Geez, Choochoo, everybody interests you. That's how we get half of the deadweight we have in here.
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Originally posted by dalem:

Geez, Choochoo, everybody interests you. That's how we get half of the deadweight we have in here.

Hmm? Stop pulling at my sleeve, lad. I have been taunting, Dalem. I have no time right now for your attempted drolleries. Go tell them to Gaylord.

I'm sure you can hold him enthralled for hours with one of your quips against your betters.

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