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Scenario or game fix?

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I recently played CMBB and beganwith the 1st scenario and worked forward. After playing a few scenarios I just wanted to know if when I am playing the AI are there any benefits programmed in that I should be aware of so that I am not frustrated over an attack or defense or I can know that my tactics will work on a human opponent as compared to athe computer.

Some examples are as follows: In 'Borisovka Station' I had lost all my my AT guns except the 1 75mm gun I had hidden in the woods on the far left. The 6 remaining tanks moved toward the woods until it caused the gun to fire and deposed of it within seconds. Isn't it amazing that the tanks would expose their flanks to the city to rush over to a wooded area without infantry support. It had a small flag but it was 1 of 6 flags spread out over the map, with the large ones in the center of town. It was like they didn't have Fog of war and knew where to go.

The biggest suprise came in 'Defense of Vakhne-Golubaya' where I set the German defenses on their side of the river. I felt I would bring the Russians in and masacre them as they crossed the Fords and bridge. I placed all the squads (hidden) in front of each crossing and backed them up with HMGs. The HQ units were scattered behind the squads hidden in trees, buildings and rocky ground (Foxholes). The amazing thing is that the AI ran the troops into the vacant side of the town on the other side of the river (compared to a slow move when I redid the game over holding both sides of the river, hidden as well), in both cases the AI should not have known where my men were and its tactics should have mirrored them. Secondly as they massed in the town I realized they began firing at my hidden units. Here is the crazy thing, the only hidden units being uncovered were my HMGs (Buildings primarily) and my HQs. When I looked at the map not one squad of men had been sited, only my HQs and HMGs. In 3 minutes I had lost 10 HQs and 3 HMGs and no squads. The terrain did not matter nor the ability of the HQ they were all spotted and killed in 3-5 minutes. This is a GAME flaw in my opinion, unless the game has been given special spotting privilidges in which case I will keep my men out of site until they can attack.

Hope you can help


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Be careful what you post about a scenario!


no, the AI doesn't have any secret 'advantage' over a player. As a matter of fact it's got several severe disadvantages, especially if it's operating tanks without radios. Unlike the AI, YOUR GUYS on the far left flank know what's going on at opposite end of the battle field if you know.

Sounds like you're butting into real-world versus game tactics. for most computer games the object is to get there fastest and blast anything you see. CMBB's more subtle. Even experienced players often get their heads handed to them by the AI, where others don't see ny challenge in it at all. go figure.

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HQs and HMGs both have a nasty habit of shooting first. The HQs seem to fire even though their paltry weapons have little to no effect. I hide them and give them a small covered arc that is within the arc of the units they comand. This generally works well. Others may have other techniques of preventing them from leading the other units in firing. I have not played the scenario in question (a spoiler alert would be nice) and do not know the terrain you mention, but if it is open or pine trees you may not have had effective cover.

As for HMGs or MGs in general, they have a long effective range and are willing to reach out before we may want them to. Again, I find covered arcs along with the hide comand to be quite effective in quelling their tendency to fire.

As for a flaw in the game, I suspect not. I have been playing CMBO for the last two years and have not suffered in the way you describe. In fact with CMBB with the greatly improved C&C afforded by covered arcs and unit specific targeting that I have much better luck in keeping my units in line and unseen until the enemy is literally upon them. Do you keep movement and targeting lines turned on? They are essential to seeing what is really being shot at.

Don't assume the AI will do what you expect, sometimes there seems no discernable rhyme or reason to its approach. I know I would have likely done as the AI did in this case which is to assume the far side of the river is enemy controlled and take up position to cover that side. Don't assume the AI is a complete idiot (though at times it will be), but also remember it is best at defence and not offence.

And no, the AI gets no special spotting privelages as was shown in a overly technical :D thread a week or so ago on targeting. (ie the AI does not cheat).

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Thank you all,

Knowing that those 2 groups are more prone to open up far away will help and it is good if the new patch will help HQs not open up before their squads.

Sorry about posting spoiler didn't know there was enough here to derive anything from unless you played.

For those who think this is natural I just want you to picture 21 squads of men along the river all hidden in various terrain at least 10 -20 metrs in front of an HQ similarly hidden in all sorts of terrain and the whole Russian army firing at your HQs and not one squad discovered, despite same terrain, closer to them and of course more men to hide. That is a bug not real life simulation. Can't wait for that patch.



[ November 11, 2002, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: Dave M ]

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