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First, that wasn't cannon but some kind of rocket launcher device

Second, the reload time of 10 minutes or so, IIRC, is not very cool.

EDIT: From Achtung Panzer site

The Sturmtiger was armed with a short-barreled 38cm Raketenwerfer 61 L/5.4, breech-loading rocket launcher/mortar. The RW 61 launcher fired short-range (4,600 to 6,000 meters, or 2,850 to 3,720 yards) high-explosive rocket-propelled projectiles. The launcher was fitted with a PaK Zielfernrohr 3 x 8 telescopic sight. Each projec-tile was almost 1.5m (five feet) long and weighed 345 to 351kg (759 to 772 pounds). Two types of ammunition were available-high-explosive Raketen Sprenggranate 4581 (with a 125kg, or 275 pound, explosive charge) and shaped-charge Raketen Hohladungsgranate 4582 for use against fortifications. The shaped-charge round could penetrate up 2.5m (8 feet) of reinforced concrete.

[ July 15, 2002, 09:34 AM: Message edited by: ciks ]

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The gun was a 38-cm-Raketenwerfer 61, also named 'Sturmmörser'(~Assaultmortar'). The shell was based on altered depth charge of 345 kg weight, the range up to 5650 meters.

This infos from 'Achtung Panzer' are a bit confusing.

(4,600 to 6,000 meters, or 2,850 to 3,720 yards) I though a yard is 0,9144 meters?

Hohladungsgranate 4582 for use against fortifications I'm of course not an expert, but a shaped charge for this type of weapon sounds at least very interesting. Has it worked? Beside that, I thought the Sturmtiger was always used against fortification and buildings?

[ July 15, 2002, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]

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I believe this one has been beaten to death. Because of its incredibly slow reload time, it may get off 1 shot if it starts the scenario loaded, and possibly may have time to reload once or twice before the scenario runs out of time. It would have an enormous rarity cost, as well, so you could probably buy a handful of Ferdinands for the same number of points. I don't think it would last very long against a human opponent.

I'd certainly much rather have some of the other vehicles that were talked about that would add a lot more to the game.

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Bah! The maus would be far more interesting. Secondly, most of the Sturmtigers saw action on the Western Front in the Rhineland in 1945.

What I want to see modelled will really sap Russian Moral. See Picture eye.gif


[ July 16, 2002, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Fieldmarshall ]

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I think they said that it would 'most likely' be in, since they already had a model done for it, but a lot of people (grogs) were against it for some reason. The issue was never resolved, but if I was a bettin' man, I would say it WILL be in.


The last time it was discussed (by BTS/BFC) was early 2001, so who knows by now...

[ July 26, 2002, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Panzer Leader,

I believe you may have your wires crossed. What I recall is that there was an enormous outcry when BFC proposed the IS-3 for inclusion in CMBB, this absent any proof that it actually saw action in WW II. Many wanted the Sturmtiger, though, rarity notwithstanding.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by Hannibal:

Well I for one would rather see he IS-3 .I migh not have seen combat bu would sure like o see i go up against the tiger-2

Hey, what a great idea! We haven't had a retarded lobbying for inclusion of this, that and the other in almost 2 days!

Well, let's start the ball rolling with a discussion of why horses should be in rather than IS-3s.

But of course, the railroad bridge was more important tactically speaking than horses, who are more important in historical terms than the IS-3.

Then again, Slovakia contributed several divisions to the eastern front, yet I see no mention of them alongside the Finns, Romanians, Hungarians and Italians. I lobby that they be included!

But then again, the Maus was actually proven to have been used at least once in actual combat, and stuff! The Maus should definitely trump the Slovaks, but not horses, and maybe not the IS-3. The Maus couldn't use railroad bridges, so it's kind of one or the other there, too.

But take a look at the number of motorcycles and kettenkraftrads used in reconaissance units - they were WAY more important numerically speaking than IS-3s, but tactically they probably weren't used too much in the front lines - more so than horses though, and probably more than bicycles, which aren't in CMBB either for some reason.

I lobby, then, for railroad bridges, but not at the expense of horses, and the Maus, but not at the expense of railroad bridges, and the IS-3 AND Sturmtiger, but not before railroad bridges or horses, but after motorcycles and bicycles.

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I want railroad bridges! Go Mike! DOROSH! DOROSH! Dorosh! come on join in the cheer!

Seriously I want railroad bridges, it would add a lot to the "look" of terrain, I also wanted boxcars and other RR crap to add to the "experience" well too late now, oh well.

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Michael Dorosh is NOT Mike - he's some johny-come-lately floozy who's gonna be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

And anything he advocates should certainly be left out!!

Railroad bridges?? Bah - what's the use of them if there are no armoured trains??!! Jeez - first things first people!! ;)

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