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Why horse transport not modeled?

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this is funny...i mean, if we are to argue about horses and field kitchen, at least include Medics, hey at least they provided cross-hairs for snipers... and each platoon at least had a medic...

[ December 06, 2002, 06:33 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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Another post gave me a clever answer to your problem.

Take the truck bmp files and recolor them all knockout magenta except for the side bmp art. Then replace the truck body art on the bmp with a picture of an overburdoned pack animal of your own choosing! What will show up in the game will be 2 old nags standing side-by-side... with a driver hovering between them!

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Seriously, you lot, I thought only teenage girls got this hung up about horses?

Oh yea of limited imagination - and what's wrong with teenage girls eh??!!

Why do you think I take my boys (aged 6 and 8) to riding lessons? And even take a few myself?

Eh? eh? nudge nudge, wink wink!!

Don't you think CM would benefit from having a few lasses hanging around? :cool: </font>

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Don't you think CM would benefit from having a few lasses hanging around? :cool:

Of course it would, but every time a new female starts a "Hello" thread, all our resident lonely hearts crash the gate and swarm her. By page 2, someone's asked about her boobies, and by page 3, there's nothing but a chorus of "where did she go?"
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Originally posted by rune:

I explain them the same way i explain cavalry or trucks...used to move the units. There are kitchen details in the to&e also, but I don't expect them to be on the front line.

Brings to mind a passage from Vaino Linna, The Unknown Soldier. I'm paraphrasing from memory, so perhaps some Finn would have to help out:

On the first day of the Continuation War, some cook can't catch up with his company at the jumping-off line, so he hitches up his field kitchen and clatters along the road, and catches up with the men deep in the woods, just as they're approaching the Russian frontier. Along comes a battalion commander, who explodes, bawls the cook out for being such a fool as to bring a field kitchen up here. The already-nervous horses bolt and away goes the whole ensemble.

The battalion's men didn't connect this incident with a story that grew up, about how their commander, in a show of bravado, sent a field kitchen to head their advance across the Russian border - and how the Russians mistaking the vehicle for a tank, fled in panic.

The tale grew to the point that soon a young subaltern wrote his mother in Helsinki, to say that he had been one of the first across the line, riding on a field kitchen with "Wild Kalle" himself.

Of course, this is a legendary account reported in a fictional work, so its value to an historian would be, roughly ... nil. ;)


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Of course, this is a legendary account reported in a fictional work, so its value to an historian would be, roughly ... nil. ;)

It's true, but the field kitchen wasn't mistaken for a tank. Most Russian soldiers had a pathological fear of Finnish cooking. In the north the NKVD spent most of it's time squelching rumors of the "Try it, you'll like it!" commandos.
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