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I am quite annoyed


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I have downloaded the demo twice. Why you may ask. Because everytime i try to install it some of the files dont get extraced. Both times i downloaded this neither one worked. I have a 56k modem, so the download takes about, oh 6 or 7 hours. an example of the extraction error:

Crc failed in demo data\bmp\(bmp name)

crc failed in demo data\wav\(all wavs)

All the wavs didnt get extracted and about a quarter of the bmps did get extracted. I checked the size of the .exe and it was 59,861kb which I believe is correct. Please help me so i dont have to download this piec of s**t again.

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Wade, two thoughts...

Firstly, have you double checked hard drive space. Im not sure what type of error you will get if you try and unzip without enough space but it may give a CRC error.

Also, are you using some sort of download package? If so, maybe it couldnt hurt trying a different one?

No one else has reported a problem so its not the file, but hoefully we can find a solution for you!


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Dan and Wade,

I had a CRC check error also on one of the wave files (not sure which one, some troubleshooter I am!) but the game still ran. I have played the tutorial and the non-Citadel mission (forgot what it was called) with no issues. I actually had to have a friend send me the scenario files.

Anyhow my guess (and I am sure BFC knows this) is that it is a compression/decompression issue. The checksum of the compressed file is not matching the proposed checksum of the uncompressed file (at least I sound smart!).

Can you run the game? What folders are present in the CMBB DEMO folder. Not sure what else it could be, I have a ton of space and a perfectly defragged HD. I was using WinZip. The Demo works for me and I downloaded it again (not a pain for me as I have ADSL). I am going to try to install it later. Check the files and folders present though, who knows it may just take a small email with the attached scenarios to fix.

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I downloaded both of them from 2 diffrend mirrors gaven off battlefront.com, so you think they would be fully executable without errors. I have suffiecient hard drive space to install the game. I read the online readme and i did get the black screen how ever when i hit enter it crashed the program and back to step 1. Wouldnt want to play a great game such as this without textures. Anyway Kwazydog what is crc? Im gonna try to download the game one last time, if it doesnt work im done. Im gonna download on a diffrent computer with no download accelrators too. If anyone want to send me all the wav files and most of the bmp files that would be great. Ha ya right that about 70 or 90 mbs right there. Ill begin the dl on the other comp and ill see what happens. Sorry about the inorganzation of this reply.

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Hiya wade,

A CRC error is a Cyclic Redundancy Check error, if memory serves me correctly. Basically it means that the zip has been corrupted in some way. My best guess is that this is happening during the download process, as Im sure we would have heard about it if there was a show stopper in the demo smile.gif

My suggest would be to give it another go, and to download it from a different server other than out own, in case something strange is happening between us and you. There is a thread further down that has many mirrors in it.

Unforunately we cant email you the missing files, as most email servers wont except such a huge download. The demo will soon be on mag Cd's though, so hopefully that may serve as a backup if you have further problems. Let us know how you go smile.gif


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I think the key info you just stated was that you are using a download accelerator. Try downloading without it. This could be what is causing the corruption. Dan I did get it but it was with one file and I can play the game. I think mine was just happenstance, I will know tonight when I reinstall. GREAT GAME!

Again Wade, try it without the accelerator (know it will be painful) and I think you will be rewarded.

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When I downloaded the Demo with Getright and checked the mirror sites, the program stated a couple of the mirror files had incorrect sizes compared to ftp.combatmission site file. Also the file at ftp.combatmission was resumable for downloading ( good for my 56k ).

While installing the demo I got an error as well,but the demo has played fine with no gliches.

Just some thoughts........

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I've dl'd twice (for two different machines). The first was at 56k, and the second over a network. First time I had no problems, well other than the 6 or 7 hours it took! :D

The second time I got a larger file, and when I first played the Yelnia scen against the AI I had all sorts of grief; the turn processing took an exceptionally long time to go through. In fact it took so long that I gave up and tried to use task manager to dump the program. That didn't really work, even after doing it loads of times. But it did have the unusual result of speeding up the processing of the turn to near normal speeds. The same thing happened for the next few turns (slow processing, sped up by trying to dump the program through task manager), until after about 4 or five turns everything sorted itself out and it ran normally from then on.

The second oddity was with a PBEM. There was no PBEM folder, and I had to create one myself to give the file somewhere to live. ISTR that there were only three folders in total inside the CMBB Demo directory when I created the PBEM one, but I wasn't really paying much attention. I bring that up because when I continued the PBEM on the other machine (the one with the 56k dl on it) I saw there were half a dozen or so folders. Now when I look at the network PC it appears to have the right number of folders.


I still have the network dl, and its size is being reported as "58.4MB (61,297,521 bytes)", FWIW.

The preceding is what actually happened, as I recall it. What follows is speculation.

I'm thinking that maybe the install didn't execute properly, but trying to run the demo got it to sort itself out. Though, that doesn't sound likely...



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It's also possible that you have some hardware problems with your computer that are just now showing up. You may have a some bad memory in your machine that is screwing up the extraction process. If you know someone else with a PC take the file to their house (you'll have to burn it onto a CD) and see if it works on their computer. Or you could have someone with a broadband connection download it for you, test it, then give it to you on CD. Either way, you will find out if the problem is your equipment or the file itself.

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You may also consider emptying your temporary internet files cache or expanding the amount of disk space your internet cache can use. I've had download accelerators treat a download as finished when in fact my cache was full and the download terminated prematurely. You may also check your download settings. Perhaps your accelerator is sectioning the download into bits and not reconstructing it properly. Deselect that download feature if that's what you are doing and try it again.

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Could also be a very simple yet annoying problem. When you play games alot on the net, does it lock up on you frequently? Check which download type you chose...I believe it asked for high speed or low speed. Forgive me if it didn't ask that, I download alot of crap...except this, this is good crap. Hehe. Sounds like you have a possible noisey line also. Any storms recently? Oh, choose low speed and try it again if it did give that choice. Later.

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Well gentlemen, I am one step closer to playing this game. I downloaded this game for the 3rd and hopefully last time. The download successfully completed. No DL accelators were used.(dont use these they are the devil) But for some reason i still cant play. What now you ask. Oh i start the game up select my 800x600 hit accept. Click to goto the main screen. Then click the button to select the scenario. Then the game crashes and back to step 1. But wait it gets better. So launch the game and then it shows the senario select screen then crashes. Wow there must be some outside force that absolutly does not want me to play the game. Im gonna gocrazy if it doesnt work. I downloaded a 180 megs. and only 60 worked wow.

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Originally posted by KwazyDog:


Unforunately we cant email you the missing files, as most email servers wont except such a huge download. The demo will soon be on mag Cd's though, so hopefully that may serve as a backup if you have further problems. Let us know how you go smile.gif

Actually, what would be quite nice is if you had two download options - one big 60M file like you have now, and another one split into, say, 6 10M files or smaller. That way is a modem user had a crc error they wouldn't have to download the entire thing again.
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