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Originally posted by Renaud:

Here's why:

Divide 9 days by 2, repeat infinitely.

Eventually you will get to the release DAY but you'll never actually get to the point of release.

I forgot which ancient Greek this paradox is named after.


I think it's Zeno's paradox.

Of course, since each remaining half-way point to the finish line is reached in half the time of the previous half-way point, you'll still reach your destination...even if you pass an infinite number of halfway points.

Translation - September 20th will arrive, even if time seems to "draw out like a blade". (The preceeding is a shameless quote from one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption. If you haven't seen it and need something to pass the time before the 20th, rent this movie.)

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Originally posted by redeker:

I think it's Zeno's paradox.

Of course, since each remaining half-way point to the finish line is reached in half the time of the previous half-way point, you'll still reach your destination...even if you pass an infinite number of halfway points.

Translation - September 20th will arrive, even if time seems to "draw out like a blade". (The preceeding is a shameless quote from one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption. If you haven't seen it and need something to pass the time before the 20th, rent this movie.)

I've seen Shawshank about a dozen times. Still not tired of it, great flick. I think Castaway might be as good, but I've only seen that one twice.
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Wouldn't it be nice to go into a temporary coma until the game arrives at your door? Man, that would be sweet. Just think, you wouldn't have to go to work. There wouldn't be that excrutiating "is it here yet?" factor when checking the mail. It almost gives me an idea...

Nah, my girlfriend would never buy it.

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Originally posted by Barticus:

Why is it that the closer we get to 9/20/2002, the further away it seems?

It's actually worse than that. The game gets released Sept 20th. My guess it will ship on that day as well, so you are looking at Sept 23-27th before you actually get the game.


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Originally posted by 86smopuim:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Barticus:

Why is it that the closer we get to 9/20/2002, the further away it seems?

It's actually worse than that. The game gets released Sept 20th. My guess it will ship on that day as well, so you are looking at Sept 23-27th before you actually get the game.


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