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Odd episodes of Armor Penetration

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Stuart with its 37mm gun penetrates the front of a tiger saying "penetration at weak point" , i am not aware of any weak point in the front turret or anywhere for that matter on the late model VIE Tiger I.

Another example my Panther G (model with shot trap) at a range of 25m shoots 4 rounds ALL richochet on the front turret of the Churchill VIII, who then slowly figures out my hulled down concealed position behind some woods, lowers barrel front turret penetration knocks me out, his armor is also at 95% quality with notable BMH flaws, his front turret armor being 152 mm flat , my panther should be able to penetrate into the 185's at that range and plus he had a 5% BMH armor hit.

I did about 4 hours research to backup my previous knowledge and i confirmed what i already knew that in June 1944 there were no reported mis tempered shells for any tanks in the German Armed forces, in short supply maybe but not mis tempered. Artillery is a different matter.

This quick battle was a ME, parameters June 1944, 1250 point game. Conditions Clear/Day, turns 45. Given June is not a any more notablly humid then any other month and it was not damp out or raining/snowing, and my ambience sounds effects did not pick up any wind, i dont see how atmosphereic conditions could of deterd these 4 shots that had a sure fire chance of scoring a knock out on that tank.

My conclusion: **** Happens.

Your Thoughts?

[ 10-01-2001: Message edited by: Cyrus Logan ]

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All tanks are assumbed to have weak spots, e.g. hatches, optics, MG ports, gun mount etc.

Normally, this is modeled as a 1% chance of lowering the armour by 30-50%. Always, any tank, any hit from any gun. If the tank has a spot trap, that chance is 10%.

As for the Churchill, that is usually vulnerable to the Panther below 500m. At what angle did you hit it? You said it turned its turret to you after you shot, so what was the angle when you shot?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cyrus Logan:


My conclusion: **** Happens. [QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

i think that you have hit the point. lady luck seems to be out in force on every battlefield and all you can do is hope that she is on your side. this morning in an PBEM i spent forever getting my hellcat a rear shot on a panther. she shot and penetrated the rear armour of the panther and did not knock her out to my dismay! then the panther rotated and KO my hellcat on a one shot kill on my hull down cat! it happens to all of us.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by redwolf:

As for the Churchill, that is usually vulnerable to the Panther below 500m. At what angle did you hit it? You said it turned its turret to you after you shot, so what was the angle when you shot?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just before my 4th round fired he figured out my location, he was almost directly in front of me and was on flat ground, level with my gun. (my tank was hulled down but gun was level with his tank) He adjusted about a 5 degree turn to the left (damn near nothing) and aimed,fired, KO'ed me.

So in answer to your question: No weird angle flat ground level with each other , and we were facing each other, it wasnt a odd angle in anyway.

[ 10-01-2001: Message edited by: Cyrus Logan ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by redwolf:

In your initial post you said that you shot at the Churchill and then he figured out where your Panther was. So it did it turn to the Panther and if so what direction did the Churchill's turret had while you was shooting?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bro, i was hulled down behind some trees he was in front of me almost in front of me, but couldnt see me because i was hidden behind some trees, he turned his turret like 3 inchs until it was square on me, we were just about right in front almost in line with each other.

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All one can hope for is that the luck of the battle averages out.

I had a Stuart take out an un-Id'd tank over 500 meters away.

some time later I discovered my Stu had taken a Hetzer front on.

Needless to say my opponent was pissed off.

As for bouncing shells it happens and all I can say you were extremely unlucky!! I would guess that there was ever so slight an angle which meant bounce. But then I was not there. You could always post a screen shot?

In other games I would think cheat, this game is secure and all you can do is put it down to luck.

Invariably if you had done something different you might have gotten a better result. I know when I lose key bits of kit is usually because I failed to minimise the chance of bad sh*t happening.


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I once had and unfortunate encounter with a Panzer IVH. It was unfortunate because I only had a Greyhound to deal with the threat. Without getting into the specifics of the encounter, I KO'ed the Panzer with 1 shot. Penetrating the turret and killing the tank. Funny, that one kill completely turned the outcome of the battle around.

[ 10-06-2001: Message edited by: nedlam ]

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Maybe those shells were sabotaged by conscripted or slave labor at the German munitions factory where they were manufactured. Powder mix was off, filled with wood shavings, who knows.

It was never reported, and thus failed to make it into the official record because the unfortunate crew was so shocked at the blatant violation of the laws of physics that they forgot to take cover and were mowed down by the Churchill's gloating gunner who never completed high school and didn't comprehend that by natural law he was supposed to be dead.

**** does happen!

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