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Demo Charges and Collateral Damage

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This concerns my observation about the use of demo charges by Pioneer Squads and the collateral damage effects caused by demo charges...

Spoiler - Cemetery Hill

























Against the Russian AI... using the right hook approach along the road with a beefed up 150% German force option (i.e. increase German force by 50%)...

Situation #1:

Russian Squad

House A House B

Pltn Hq, Pioneer Squad 1 Pioneer Squad 2

Pioneer Squad 2 in House B orderd to fire on Russian Squad located in foxhole next to House A (brick - no damage)... Pltn HQ, Pioneer Squad 1 are pinned inside House A... Pioneer Squad 2 throws demo charge against Russian Squad from House B (wood - no damage)... range is 20 - 30 meters.... House B explodes and almost wipes out Pioneer Squad 2... no apparent effect on House A... no apparent effect on Russian Squad... no apparent effect on Pltn HQ or Pioneer Squad 1...

Situation #2:

Clear Terrain House A Minefield

Pioneer Squad 1 Company HQ, Flame

Pioneer Squad 1 advances from Minefield through House A (wood - no damage) to Clear Terrain on other side of House A... then, without any direct orders... Pioneer Squad 1 apparently throws demo charge over House A against Minefield... House A explodes and almost wipes out Company HQ and Flame located inside House A... no apparent casualties to Pioneer Squad 1... Minefield icon changes to a crater icon...

Is there something strange in these scenarios concerning the collateral damage effects of demo charges?... certainly seems so to me...

I have read the User Manual about demo charges... but little useful info is to be found there... I have also done a search on the CMBB board about demo charges... likewise, nothing useful there either...

I am now very reluctant to use demo charges as a tactical option when the Pioneer Squad is located inside a house... because it just seems to backfire on me and blows up the house instead of the intended target.... any comments?

Cordialement, Duke of Earl

[ October 17, 2002, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: Duke of Earl ]

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Hmmm. I haven't tested if a single demo charge is enough to destroy a small heavy building. What I have learned in this scenario is that a demo charge can destroy three light buildings in a row if thrown into the middle one.

Does anyone know how many DCs are needed to destroy a small heavy building?


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In last night's QB a PzV paused 20m outside a light building in which a Pioneer squad was hiding. They threw their charge, and the resultant fireball was enourmous, looked about 70ft high!

W00t they got it, but at the same time they also blew up their own previously undamaged house and killed 70% of their own men :eek:

Does anyone think that the blast rating may be too high?

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I have the same feeling as Rex_Bellator... it seems to be a suicide move to order a unit to throw a demo charge at anything if the unit is located inside a light building... because the DC blast is sure to blow up the building and everyone in it...

Cordialement, Duke of Earl

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This is very interesting, because when a demo charge takes out a minefield that ISN'T next to a building, it seems to do no damage whatsoever to anybody. I've tried this a few times, and no kills to my poor guys (formerly) trapped in the minefields.


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In closed place the explosion gets stronger..

So if throws some explosives into an alley and blows it, it'll make quite a boom..

but if the same is made on a football field, it's quite harmless.

Although what I hear in this thread, it sounds bit too strong effect smile.gif

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The shacks that are getting knocked down by the droves aren't very substantial. That may have something to do with it - there was nothing similar in CMBO.

That being the case... then what would be wrong with some internal tweak to the Tac AI so that a DC squad inside a light wooden shack would defer tossing a demo charge against any target?... because they would realize beforehand that there was a real threat that the resulting DC blast would destroy the shack they are in and them along with it... seems logical to me on the grounds of self preservation...

Cordialement, Duke of Earl

[ October 17, 2002, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: Duke of Earl ]

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