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Massacre - CM Experiences

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After a long break from CM, I'm happily going at the scenarios again. I've had plenty of experience from the single play with the AI, but it still surprises once in awhile, most due to great scenario design.

Case in point, a scenario where I played German Heer versus US Airborne. I had a full two platoons with heavy weapons in a town with ten trucks with scenario instructions not to use them until one of the objective flags changed from German control. It was dawn with fog, 50 meter limit to LOS. I obeyed instructions and after a boring 11 turns of inactivity and waiting, finally one of the objectives changed to "questionable". The alarm was sounded and I immediately loaded the ten trucks in the village and got on the move.

I didn't want to get too close to the objective with the trucks, so I plotted them to stop short in cover of some scattered woods and unload the troops. I hit the GO and watched with stunned dismay as the trucks rolled in fast and started to brew up! Ambush! At exactly the spot I had ordered the trucks to unload. In 20 seconds I had lost all ten trucks and most of their cargo. All heavy weapons and headquarter units (including two Co HQs) were wiped out. Over half the squads wiped out with the only ones remaining leaderless and broken. In one turn, about half of my force was decimated.

I was shocked! This is the AI that had done this dastardly deed to me (and good scenario design). The autosave beckoned to replay history and avoid the ill fated plotting. But no, that would erase an event that would belittle any future success in the scenario, so it must stand.

Later in the scenario, German light armor reinforcements advanced slowly through these same woods. I was happily watching my forces destroy any encountered enemy in that area. Once the light armor entered the site of the truck ambush, I zoomed in at "1" view and "walked" amongst the carnage. I was actually emotionally moved to almost tears as the burning trucks and the bodies completely littered the area, knowing that I was mostly responsible for it. My dead troops were everywhere and it mattered to me. I had forgotten who I was and for a moment, was transported to a time of great drama, courage, and terror.

That makes a great CM moment. The kind you will always remember. Its only a game, but CM's innovation of giving me a tactical turn based game where I can experience "up close" the ramifications of my decisions is landmark. I've had the game for two years and I am still being surprised. CM is brilliant.

And MOD makers, you are tops. The mods make CM look so much better now that it really helps with the suspension of belief. I love you folks.

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That was good to read.

One of my favorite CM experiences was fighting in bocage country and having a PIAT team fire against a Tiger that just appeared around a corner. The PIAT missed the side of the Tiger twice before the Tiger got it's turret around and quickly destroyed the PIAT team. But while the Tiger's turret was turned to take out the PIAT team, I had a Firefly come around from behind a hedge and nailed the Tiger on the first shot. Boy, I felt great after that.

[ June 20, 2002, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: Wally's World ]

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I recently had a similar experience with the AI. Well, not me specifically, but my girlfriend. Allow me to explain. She enjoys playing Combat Mission with me ONLY if we play a generic type of co-op game. I decided that 1 company each plus some light armor and some FOs for each of us would be good.

We decided to play as the Germans vs random opposition. We purchased our troops (myself: 1 company PzGrenadier coy, 1 StuH late, 1 PSW and 1 Wespe. Girlfriend: 1 PzGrenadier coy, 1 StuH late, 1 PSW and 1 Hetzer. Plus 1 81mm mortar FO for each of us, and an extra 75mm FO for her.) and looked at the QB map.

It featured a small village, with small VL flag, in the center of the map, surrounded by medium to dense mixed woods. The southeastern part of the village was void of any tree cover, but was dominated by a high hill, which by the way, contained the large victory flag. The second smaller flag was located on the far right side of the map, perhaps about 600 meters from the main flag. It was situated on a small, tree covered hill.

The rest of the map contained a high amount of trees, slight hills, and a dirt road on the far left side. We decided that I should take the main VL, assuming I have more experience. :D She would secure the secondary VL, and provide additional support for the taking and holding of the main VL.

We both rushed our companies into place, opting to take the VLs first, then attempt to hold off the enemy. We reached the VLs without incident; the only action so far took place between my PSW and an unidentified infantry unit. I experienced slight problems on the barren hilltop, as my exposed infantry platoon immediately drew enemy artillery fire. Fortunately, I suffered relatively few casualties. For this reason, I decided to postpone any attempt to rush the village, opting to wait for my gf's reserve platoons.

On my gf's side of the map (right) she left one platoon plus her PSW in defense of the secondary VL, while her remaining infantry platoons and armor, using the cover of the heavy trees, crept towards the center. The idea was for the 2 platoons to provide base of fire for my forthcoming assault on the village.

A number of boring turns passed with little to no action. Around turn 12 we noticed a large force approaching from the north-center area of the map. The units remained unidentified as heavy trees concealed the enemy's movements. To our surprise, they seemed to be headed for the small VL on the right side, the one held by my GF's platoon. She began to panic. I assured her that the main assault would be directed toward the center village and hilltop (since the area contained 2 VLs).

My platoons on and around the hill opened fire on the large enemy force as it cleared the trees and entered a wide, open expanse. My gf, whom I shall now refer to as Cel, felt she should shift one of her spare platoons to the right to reinforce her vulnerable platoon holding the VL. By this time, however, enemy armor appeared and drove a slight wedge between her reserve platoons, and the VL platoon.

She decided to commit her StuH and Hetzer to the battle in an attempt to dislodge the enemy armor between her platoons. To compliment this, I sent my StuH to the top of the hill in a decent, hull-down position to try for some flanking shots, while my Wespe would creep along the base of the hill in an attempt to offer some support. Probably not the wisest decision, but it actually paid off in the long run.

The result of our combined efforts proved to be quite satisfying. Although Cel's Hetzer was quickly knocked out, it managed to take out a Stewart, and immobilize a HT. Her StuH became bogged and took some time before it reached the action. On my end, my StuH managed to take out a number of light tanks and armored cars before a renewed heavy barrage forced it back.

While we managed to take out the bulk of the enemy armor, seemingly infinite enemy infantry units poured in to the woods around the right VL.

Cel insisted on withdrawing her platoon, but I advised against this as she was in perfect ambush position. After some consideration, she decided to let the platoon stay. A decision she would come to regret later.

Although I remained confident in Cel's ambush, I realized the danger they faced. Lacking LOS, I orded my 81mm FO to target the woods just to the left of Cel's platoon. I advised her to do the same with her 75mm. About 20 seconds into the turn, an enemy platoon wandered into her ambush. The result was sheer chaos. Within 30 seconds, the enemy platoon was wiped out! with the survivors fleeing back to the north. Her PSW, positioned to the right of the woods, opened up and killed a few more before they reached the safety of the woods.

During the chaotic firefight, Cel's platoon lost only 2 men. But the enemy kept pumping in infantry. over the next few turns, her lone platoon, assisted by her PSW managed to take out at least another platoon, plus 2 squads of another before running out of ammo. All seemed lost until the 81mm began falling on the follow-up platoons in the woods. Moments later, the 75mm began to come in.

By this time, however, the platoon was in dire shape. Out of ammo, and recently losing the additional firepower of the PSW, some of the squads began to break. Cel was devastated. She wanted to send in her other platoons but the enemy armor was still blocking her, and her StuH just recently became mobile again. The platoon was eventually overran. Everyone in the platoon was killed.

We went on to crush the enemy infantry huddled in the woods near the VL. The enemy surrendered. Checking the info/kills for her platoon amazed us both. Not one of the squads had a tally lower than 15. The highest was 24 I believe.

It struck me as being odd that the AI would send all it's forces to a secondary VL. Cel was still upset that she lost her platoon, and was unmoved when I explained to her that her brave platoon almost single-handedly won the battle. Oh well, I guess she's a compassionate leader if anything. :D

Edited 'cus memory is fuzzy. tongue.gif

[ June 20, 2002, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

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actually, my girlfriend loves the game, finally weened her off of red alert types and now we play all the time! she has developed quite an understanding of tactics and equipment. she beats me sometimes now too! lol, waiting for the right time to unleash her military prowess on all you guys.

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actually, my girlfriend loves the game, finally weened her off of red alert types and now we play all the time! she has developed quite an understanding of tactics and equipment. she beats me sometimes now too! lol, waiting for the right time to unleash her military prowess on all you guys.

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Originally posted by tiborhead:

/snip/ We both rushed our companies into place, opting to take the VLs first, then attempt to hold off the enemy. We reached the VLs without incident; the only action so far took place between my PSW and an unidentified infantry unit. I experienced slight problems on the barren hilltop, as my exposed infantry platoon immediately drew enemy artillery fire.


It struck me as being odd that the AI would send all it's forces to a secondary VL. Cel was still upset that she lost her platoon, and was unmoved when I explained to her that her brave platoon almost single-handedly won the battle. Oh well, I guess she's a compassionate leader if anything. :D

I would guess that the 1st time that the AI spotted you was when your PSW shot at it. Did the AI then head in the direction of your PSW, eventually bringing it to near the secondary VL? The AI tends to head towards the 1st enemy units that it spots.
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Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by tiborhead:

/snip/ We both rushed our companies into place, opting to take the VLs first, then attempt to hold off the enemy. We reached the VLs without incident; the only action so far took place between my PSW and an unidentified infantry unit. I experienced slight problems on the barren hilltop, as my exposed infantry platoon immediately drew enemy artillery fire.


It struck me as being odd that the AI would send all it's forces to a secondary VL. Cel was still upset that she lost her platoon, and was unmoved when I explained to her that her brave platoon almost single-handedly won the battle. Oh well, I guess she's a compassionate leader if anything. :D

I would guess that the 1st time that the AI spotted you was when your PSW shot at it. Did the AI then head in the direction of your PSW, eventually bringing it to near the secondary VL? The AI tends to head towards the 1st enemy units that it spots.</font>
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I throughly enjoyed your stories Kump & tiborhead. Yeah, this game is truely fantastic. And as already pointed out the modders contribute so very very much. It really would not be the same without all the truely excellent mods that these guys have done for us. Long live the modder!!!!! and BTS of course.

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Originally posted by Lord Dragon:


actually, my girlfriend loves the game, finally weened her off of red alert types and now we play all the time! she has developed quite an understanding of tactics and equipment. she beats me sometimes now too! lol, waiting for the right time to unleash her military prowess on all you guys.

Marry her first. You've found a girl like that, you gotta secure the home base before advancing into enemy territory.


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I'd like to add to this discussion but have never once been severly trounced :rolleyes:

ok ok, maybe once....

I remember a small map QB in the fog, Pbem. We mauled each other nicely but in the end I had to get his hetzer (which was helping to cover the town square, 1 lrg and 1 small VL under it's gun)to win. I loaded my zook teams from the other flank into jeeps and using a rise in the ground for cover gathered 3 zook teams with assorted infantry almost right across the street from my enemies position. There was still fighting going on in the town square proper, I was trying to take complete control of a 2 story building on his side of the square as it dominated his approach routes. As he thinned out his infantry protecting the hezter to support the fight over the square, I charged over the rise and into the buildings both on my side of the street and to those past the hezter to it's left and right. My accompanying infantry dealt with his defending mg and shreck teams then tried to hold off his counter while the zooks started firing on the hezter who was directly in the middle of the triangle they formed.

MY ZOOKS MISSED EVERY SHOT or had ricochets for 2+ turns while the hezter spun around targetting them each in turn. Hezter 3 - Zooks 0, I lost ...

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