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Hedgerows and walls

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I'm confused about how to gain the benefits of cover from walls and hedgerows. Using infantry as an example, should they be in "open ground" as close behind the terrain as possible or actually IN the terrain as allowed by the game?

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Being "in" the terrain is deadly in both cases. Fully exposed and unable to move.

You gain cover behind the wall. If you are lying down, 100% cover, in fact.

The hedges don't give much cover, they are concealing and they slow down.

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Yeah, this is kind of a minor glitch with the TacAI - it doesn't figure out that if a unit is behind a wall and fire is coming at it over the wall, it actually has pretty good cover not matter what kind of ground it's actually in. As a result, an infantry unit engaged in a firefight positioned behind a wall is likely to run for a stand of nearby trees or something. It usually gets itself killed in the process as this means it will be running over open ground under fire, which is never good.

Makes walls much less useful as cover than they would be IRL, IMHO. Except for tanks - Walls make for great "hull down" positions.

Hedges are even worse, as they don't even stop bullets like walls do.

I do find hedges and walls of great use in ambushing armor with IAT units, though. A zook or shreck hiding behind either is virtually invisible to even an unbuttoned tank until the tank is almost on top of it. Of course, once the tank gets this close, it's usually dead meat.

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Also, if you want to place some units behind cover by a wall, order them to hide when they get there. The 'Hide' command also has the effect of making your troops hit the dirt, of course, and if you are close enough to the wall, than you are cowering behind it- just about impervious to rifle fire.

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