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CMBB causes cpu to max out constantly?

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I recently installed CM:BB, and I'm having problems. As I was running the basic tutorial, a loud alarm-type beeping came from my motherboard area, so I quit out of the game and popped the side off of my case to make sure the CPU fan hadn't failed. It was still running, but just after the game closed out, the beeping stopped. I'm running WinXP, so I brought up the Windows Task Manager, and clicked to the performance tab, then started the game back up. After playing through the tutorial a bit more, I closed the game out and looked at the CPU Usage history, and it appeared that the CPU had been maxxed out for the entire time that I'd been playing (saw a horizontal green line across the entire top of the CPU usage history window).

My computer has gone to alarm stage once more (I think it's the CPU temperature alarm), but once again, it quit right after I shut the game down.

I am running an Athlon XP 1700+ CPU (on an Abit KR7A motherboard with the Via KT266A chipset), with 512 MB DDR-SDRAM, a Geforce 3 Ti200 video card (with the 31.4 drivers) and a pair of 80 GB Western Digital hard drives.

Any ideas why this is happening?

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This is normal behavior. CMBB will take all of the CPU's time when it is in the foreground. It definitely puts the stress on inadequately cooled CPUs.

You may want to check to see what your 'alarm level' is set at and possibly increase that temperature or closely examine your CPU's cooling setup. Possibly getting better interface material (Artic Silver, etc.) and/or checking the fan for its airflow. You may want to experiment with taking the case side/cover off and see if this reduces the frequency of the warnings. If it does, then it suggests that hot air isn't being moved out of the case fast enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by TufenHuden:

Depends on what Intel chip-the new extreme

editions run real hot compared to AMD-64s.

earlier AMD chips likr Barton-XP-etc ran


No, it is the Prescott 90nm core CPUs that are Intels power hogs, not the extreme edition (EE) CPUs.

Most EE CPUs are 130nm Northwoods and are as fine as non-EE Northwoods. There are some very new 90nm EE CPUs which are as bad as the other prescotts but not worse either.

AMD made great progress with power consumption but only in the idle mode. They CPU load consumption stayed the same, which of course is much better than Prescott's.

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