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Views Wanted On Tourney Style

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Hi, I am looking at an idea to run a tourney in slightly different fashion.

I want to try and get the best players playing one another sooner rather than later.

So I was thinking of the following format.

Four rounds.

1st round random mix of players.

2nd round players matched according to results.

3rd round players matched according to results.

4th round players matched according to results.

The player with the most points would be the winner. Draws would be decided by those with the most points scored during the games. I.e. using the points scored within the games added together.

After the 1st round the scoring would go as follows: -

You will be rated against the other players of the same side. I.e. All Germans will be compared and all Russian players compared.

The best player of the Germans / Russians will be awarded 5pts, next best 4pts etc…

So each round (based on 10 players per group) a total of 15 points will be awarded to each side.

In cases of a draw the points will be split. I.e. The top position is split between two players the nine points would be split 4.5 each. (4 for second and 5 for first spot.)

The next round the players with comparable points will be placed against one another (as far as possible).

I realise this will make the stronger players work harder and give the not so strong players a better chance to still win overall.

The aim is to give players a challenge not to show who is the top dog, that will be self evident at the end of the tourney and as there would be no prize not really an issue, IMO.

What flaws do people see?

Any constructive comments welcome.



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Interesting idea Mark. The only problem I see with it is that certain players may deliberately play less than optimally in the first round to ensure they are in the middle of the pack and then try and clean up over the remining 3 rounds against weaker players. I'm not sure how you could combat it unless you give some sort of small (fractional?) bonus to the players that end up top of their respective sides for each round.


Jim R.

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Thanks for the response Jim,

I guess that players might be inclined to try, but how do you play less well?

A dangerous thing to attempt?

Also if in the second round you shoot up the scale you are then matched with someone of a similar point level (as far as possible.)

Not much response to this and I am guessing I can only but try it and see how it fairs.

The other problem I thought about last night is the ROW tourney and the number of players playing that at the moment. I guess that has sucked up most players and I might have problems getting players?

I am not trying to compete with ROW I am just trying to find a way to put some bloody good work from three great designers out to market.

I am running a Games Weekend in the UK and I managed to get three designers to do four interconnected scenarios. I have playtested these and they are very good.

So rather than just having it for the games weekend in May I thought lets get it out to the community in the form that it was designed for.

Hence my musings on a tourney.

The other idea is that it will be a quick turn around tourney. ROW is great in that it allows plenty of time to complete games. The downside to this is that people lose interest towards the end.

I wanted to see if we could keep peoples interest longer. Or shorter as the case will be.

So to that effect the scenarios are all around 22 turns long and designed for quick play. I was thinking of imposing a 4 week time limit per game. This might not suit certain players but will allow a quick turnaround and keep peoples interest.

Anyway I plan to put this all to the test in May. Watch the CMBB forum for more details.

If anyone else has any constructive views I would welcome input.



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Sounds like a good idea, but you could make it more risky for playing 'lite' by having each group match up with 10 vs 10 and only the top 5 of each side gaining any points.

The bottom 5 would either not advance to the next round or you could have them advance with no points gained.

Whatever you decide I would like to play in it. I looked over at the CMBB forum but did not see your thread.


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Would a 30 day dead line for a 66 email game be difficult to achieve?

It would be important to arrange groups by time zones especially if TCP must be involved.

Perhaps part of the tourney idea could be a battle of hemispheres, East/West, North/South kind of thing.

(Or time zones, or today vs. today, yesterday vs. yesterday, or is tomorrow vs. tomorrow, can never get that right smile.gif )

Are these all CMBB scenarios? Is that why it's discussed in that forum?

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Hi Ted, U8led,

I did not mention it but part of the idea is to allow the player to choose time zone so that TCP IP play is easier to facilitate.

I was thinking along the lines of Europe and the rest of the world. (aka North America, (my tongue firmly in cheek)).

I need to dig out the time zones to see when players of certain areas would play.

I know in the evening here in Europe I tend to play from say 7pm to 11pm GMT. I would presume that most players work within those limits weekday.

Weekends is another kettle of fish and depends on life style and circle of friends etc...

So Yes I would have at a minimum two groupings of players along time line basis. I know having tight timescales will put some people off but I am happy to live with that to keep peoples interest.

Yes 28 days (4 weeks) is a tough timescale but certainly achieveable and if players finished quicker then we could move onto the next round sooner. I would put in place a weekly reporting schedule where I would be told what turn players are upto. If there are problems it would appear quickly and can be dealt with by reserve players.

U8led has an interesting idea which I have given some thought to. What it would in effect do is hurt players in the bottom half and I think I want to give players more chance of staying in contention for longer.

So all players would stay involved and the winner would not be known until the last game is over. Obviously it might become apparent that certain players are stronger but by getting these to play one another it should give them good hard games.

Having reserve players drop in(Real Life always means players drop out) would add to this point, as they could still have a chance of winning.

Yes they are all CMBB scenarios and I posted here as I wanted a general discussion about running tourneys and what styles could be adopted. There seems to be more traffic in here and I hoped to attract some of that traffic for discussion purpose.

There is a thread in CMBB but it is just a Heads Up posting, not after any response.

The sceanrios are being tweaked and will be run over the weekend of the 30th April for the UK players attending the gaming weekend (spaces still available). I will then start the on line tourney after that weekend or maybe at the same time?

Sign up will likely be this weekend (8th April).

Details of what to do to sign will be posted and I will make people aware.



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