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This Whole Peng Thread Is Wild At Heart And Challenged On Top

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Originally posted by Egbert:


I think you should change your name lad. I can't do a lot with Egbert ... EggFlirt maybe, BegDirt ... nothing that really rolls off the tongue and matches your personality you see.

I propose that you start calling yourself DitForDrains ... I could do something with that that would just SING!

I don't know why the SSNs don't provide us with better names ... Pondscum was one that you didn't feel embarrased to type, it was just HIM, you know?

And of course there was the Late Sir Jim Boggs who, as an SSN, gave us the opportunity to call him Gym Baggs ... good times, those, good times, and an SSN who showed that he CARED about the CessPool through the choice of his name.


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And in this cage, ladies and gentleman, we have a specimen who, by his own proclaimed admission, is as nutsy as a squirrel:

Originally posted by v42below:

I will kill you all

There's nothin' you can do about it

I will kill you all

There's nothin' you can do about it

Squirrelly wrath

Squirrelly wrath

Squirrelly wrath

You're all gonna die

You're all gonna die

Squirrelly wrath

Squirrelly wrath

Let this be a warning to you and to your children. DON'T SNIFF GLUE! And stay away from paint thinner too.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

And in this cage, ladies and gentleman, we have a specimen who, by his own proclaimed admission, is as nutsy as a squirrel:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

I will kill you all

There's nothin' you can do about it

I will kill you all

There's nothin' you can do about it

Squirrelly wrath

Squirrelly wrath

Squirrelly wrath

You're all gonna die

You're all gonna die

Squirrelly wrath

Squirrelly wrath

Let this be a warning to you and to your children. DON'T SNIFF GLUE! And stay away from paint thinner too.

Michael </font>

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Joe, what are you trying to do, scare us all out of thirty years growth? That's the ugliest picture I've ever seen posted in the Pool, and you will agree that there have been some humdingers. I think that if that picture was to be used in a tv ad, thousands of people, not as hardened to the slimier aspects of existence as we are, would go insane and embark on killing sprees. The only way our government would be able to bring it to an end would be to nuke New Zealand, obliterating all life forms. Which would be a pity, as there are some nice folks there. Well, one or two maybe.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Clearly an example for us all Michael ... I don't know why the Conservatives don't use him as an object lesson to promote abstinence ... THAT'd put the fear of Gawd into those horny little bastiches.

{Opening Shot - Two teenagers walking hand in hand through the parking lot.}

Announcer Voice Over - Ah yes, young love, harmones bubbling, all senses wide awake and obeying mother nature's prime directive.

{Hard Cut to outside of car with steamed windows, car is rocking back and forth.}

Announcer Voice Over - But sometimes the harmones bubble just that much too much and then ...

{Hard Cut to THIS photo:


{Shot of car with windows clear and two teenagers in front seat ... FAR apart and slurping on milkshakes.}

Announcer Voice Over: That's right, plenty of time later ... right now it's important that we not pollute the old gene pool.

{Zoom in on girl, smiling into camera}

Girl: Gee, I wouldn't want to take a chance on THAT! I don't think I'll have sex until I'm thirty.

{Fade to Black ... then super the Heading:

Abstinence ... Do Your Part To Clean Up The Gene Pool!}


You say that like I'm ugly or somefink. Heeeey, wait a minute!
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Pay him no nevermind, v42below, dear.

He is of no consequence to us. I scoff at the Just-a-crotchetyoldman who embraced me and welcomed me with open arms and then cast me aside like yesterday's newspaper.

And why? Just because Her Majesty and I attempted to ease his aching old bones by taking the greater burden of his office off his shoulders and drape the mantle of responsibility upon our own thereby allowing him his halcyon days of glory in semi-retirement.

The ungrateful wretch!

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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Clearly an example for us all Michael ... I don't know why the Conservatives don't use him as an object lesson to promote abstinence ... THAT'd put the fear of Gawd into those horny little bastiches.

{Opening Shot - Two teenagers walking hand in hand through the parking lot.}

Announcer Voice Over - Ah yes, young love, harmones bubbling, all senses wide awake and obeying mother nature's prime directive.

{Hard Cut to outside of car with steamed windows, car is rocking back and forth.}

Announcer Voice Over - But sometimes the harmones bubble just that much too much and then ...

{Hard Cut to THIS photo:


{Shot of car with windows clear and two teenagers in front seat ... FAR apart and slurping on milkshakes.}

Announcer Voice Over: That's right, plenty of time later ... right now it's important that we not pollute the old gene pool.

{Zoom in on girl, smiling into camera}

Girl: Gee, I wouldn't want to take a chance on THAT! I don't think I'll have sex until I'm thirty.

{Fade to Black ... then super the Heading:

Abstinence ... Do Your Part To Clean Up The Gene Pool!}


You say that like I'm ugly or somefink. Heeeey, wait a minute! </font>
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I feel much better now.

All it took was one look at this.


At first, of course, I felt sick to the stomach, but then as my will took hold - I realised, we must not judge our elders to harshly. After all, not only is the old fool ugly, wrinkly, smelly, balding and goofy-eared - in his eyes, you can see a genuine pride that he has managed, for once, to get a female to touch him without throwing up. Sure, it took two bottles of scotch for the lady to get to that stage, but hey, why spare the expense when your time in this celebration of life is fast running out and the only thing you have to cling to is being a Junkycracker.

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Originally posted by dalem:

I hate Seanachai and everything he stands on.

It's FOR you idiot ... you hate Seanachai FOR everthing he stands on.

As who does not?

I'd also point out, yet again, that SOME newly minted Knights of the CessPool have NO gratitude to those who went above and beyond the call of duty to MAKE them what they are today with no promise or even expectation of reward but that flush of pride in the eyes of one who'd despaired of ever reaching such lofty rank. It's my personal opinion that such ingrates be flash frozen at ... oh, say 42 degrees below zero.

But that's just me.


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Originally posted by dalem:

I hate Seanachai and everything he stands on.

How can you say that when he's usually standing on your carpet (or should I say, since Seanachi has probably been drinking to excess, your vomit-stained carpet)? Certainly it's not what it once was, but you must have felt something for it at some time, right?

Or is this some sort of interior decorating cry for help thinly disguised as a patriotic anti-Seanachi post?

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Small wonder you can't get a date. You may want to contact a surgeon about excising the little guy growing out of your shoulder and kissing your head. Chicks hate that.

You're half a year late with that joke (typical for a maggot). My trouble with getting dates lately is my fiance punching any prospective females in the face with the diamond ring I gave her. It's not a big stone, but boy does it leave a mark. I like'em fiesty.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


I'd also point out, yet again, that SOME newly minted Knights of the CessPool have NO gratitude to those who went above and beyond the call of duty to MAKE them what they are today with no promise or even expectation of reward but that flush of pride in the eyes of one who'd despaired of ever reaching such lofty rank. It's my personal opinion that such ingrates be flash frozen at ... oh, say 42 degrees below zero.

But that's just me.


Cry me a river, Junglecarpet! Fine, your soppy whimpering has finally melted my frozen heart. I'll let you live out the rest of your miserable days in peace. However, you should remember that in your kindness, you managed to CUT OFF MY FREAKING EAR when knighting me. So you can understand some negative sentiment remins. BTW, -42 is pretty normal for winter time in Siberia and I've got the genes (or should that be jeans?) for it.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And, lately, difficult to BE the Justicar AND be forced to "check six" at the same time. Difficult to search every post for the hint of a dagger poised to strike at my breast. .

Joe, I will never knife you in the back. I will knee you in the crotch, give you a 'Glasgow Kiss' that will splatter your nose across your face, and, once I've got you down, I will put in the boot, breaking ribs and aiming particularly for joints like the knees and elbows, but I will never, ever knife your worthless and much respected self in the back.

Do you remember how you came to be Justicar? I believe I was there, at the time...

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So I SHALL BE the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, doing the hard work, making the difficult decisions, carrying out the wishes of the Olde Ones without fear or favoritism ... Joe

Good. Now, lie down and pretend to be a rug. I've got some new boots, and I feel like getting all springy...
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Originally posted by Marstov:

Okay, after this weekend I have a new definition of "frightening experience". Here's a simple recipe for terror, as developed by me:

1. Visit dalem.

2. Allow dalem to drink alcoholic beverages.

3. Show dalem videos of dancing women in Catholic school girl outfits.

Nightmare fuel, I tell ya.

Where the hell was I, you whore? The next time you lot get together without me, I shall pronounce a curse upon.

Of course, that curse will be that you shall endure my company forever...

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Originally posted by rune:

In defense of the alcohol poisoning I tried to give Seanachai , at one point he goes to the bathroom and yells for Berli and I to come over. We rush to find him pointing at a hand towel, asking what it was. I knew Minnesota was backwards, but didn't know it was THAT backwards. It was at this point that Elvis the Dog decided it was better to hide then face the two of them anymore.

Also note it is not possible to give a gnome alcohol poisoning, next time I may have to try food poisoning.


Sod that, I was pointing out the fact that you had those 'little decorative soaps that look like seashells' in your fecking bathroom.

Christ, I thought only my Mom's generation and homosexuals had those in their bathroom.

Dear God, I hope your 'wife' is more manly...

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