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4 years in WWII


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Note: I posted this in the GF, but wanted to add it here as well as I know alot of people won't stray over there. I don't normally post the same thing on two different forums but wanted as many people to read this as possible. I hope the moderators will indulge me on this one. It's my half ass valentine to CM

It's my anniversary today. four years ago today I signed up, and signed on and became an official CM junky. Who would've thought a game would have so much effect on one's life. A simple computer game that ended up being so much more to me and many others on here.

Combat Mission opened the doors for me on a period of history that previously had been a very mild and passing interest, if even that. Through playing the game, and reading the BB a fever took hold that drove me to want to learn more and more. I began watching Documentaries, buying books and finding anything I could on WWII. Strange terms and words like "brewing up", "Jabos", and "Nebelwerfer" took on meaning. I began to understand. And the great thing about all of it was that along with the reading and learning I could participate in the history by playing CM. I could see the vehicles and armor and small arms in action, refight the battles, feel the fear of being over run, and the joy of a well placed bazooka shell exploding in a stinking Panther. It added tenfold to the education, I could literally become part of the history through immersion and that has just fueled the fire. Made me want more. More of CM and more of WWII.

Four years later I am still the novice student. I don't know everything there is to know about WWII, and don't claim to. Just about everyday, I learn something new about it. Some little fact or huge one that makes me go wow! And with the scope of the whole thing I think I'll be doing that for many, many years to come. And that's one of the reasons CM has held me for so long. With each new enlightening story or fact I encounter it reinvigorates my interest and reinvigorates my need to immerse myself in the CM experience. To touch WWII in a way that allows me to be a part of it in my imagination.

I've never been a really productive member on here. I haven't added a whole lot to the discussions and arguments about various weaponry, battles or armor penetrations, nor made beautiful graphic modifications. I do have one claim to fame, one thing that I introduced to the vernacular of this BB, I am the coiner of "Mod Slut", that's been my one contribution to the community.

I have enjoyed myself in a way I didn't realize I would back in October 2000 when I signed up. I've laughed, cussed, learned and been inspired. There's no other forum like it on the net. It's been a great ride. One I wouldn't trade. So I thank you, BFC, Combat Mission, Modders, Stat Whores, Scenario Designers and Grogs one and all. Here's to a great game, a great community and to the memory of a great period in world history that we are keeping alive.

I salute you.


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Yep, CM has inspired me to investigate the more obscure areas of WWII. A history that is as interesting as it is ignored. The 1940 campaign, the Japanese in PTO. Great stuff. Probably the inspiring was re-reading about the Spanish Civil war and all the other minor war before and after WWII, the Arab-Israel, Chaco, Libya vs Chad etc

Yes CM has become my primary hobby.

'Mod slut', I recommend you put that on your tombstone to cause future archaeologists to scratch their heads.

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Hey Mord, the way you put it would fit just as well my own case. CM has induced me to dump a bad job I didn't like at all to get back to school and study history, and I am now starting a master degree ! I made a couple of very good friends, some I visited in France walking along Omaha and Juno. I seriously decided to learn the military backgroung of my country and decided all this was not only useful to remember, but essential, and I am in the possible process of actually working on that national background as a research subject.

So I guess I join you on that one. CM is on hell of a thing. And I seriously dig it.


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Thanks for responding guys. Luckily for everyone I wrote alot less then I entended!

And congrats Tarkus good luck on your mission. You could do a lot worse then drowning in history. I envy you.


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Originally posted by Tarkus:

Hey Mord, the way you put it would fit just as well my own case. CM has induced me to dump a bad job I didn't like at all to get back to school and study history, and I am now starting a master degree ! I made a couple of very good friends, some I visited in France walking along Omaha and Juno. I seriously decided to learn the military backgroung of my country and decided all this was not only useful to remember, but essential, and I am in the possible process of actually working on that national background as a research subject.

So I guess I join you on that one. CM is on hell of a thing. And I seriously dig it.


Imagine this as a mainstream collateral effect of gaming/computer gaming.

This is an ideal.

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My approach to this game and forum was from a different angle than yours. I had been a lifetime wargamer (AH's Afrika Korps late 60's), I got my degree in History (I work in the construction industry), and knew quite a bit about WWII. I had been an active Squad Leader player until they came out with Advanced Squad Leader and made all the previous games I had bought worthless. When I was introduced to computer wargaming I went for it hard, bought and played virtually everything SSI put out (I still haven't seen anything near as good for Napoleonics as "Battles of Napoleon" (hint, hint BFC - why don't you modernize that one!), and played a lot of Steel Panthers.

Some years ago I downloaded the demo for CMBO, but for some reason didn't get into it. Then the relevation! I picked up a copy of CMBB Delux Edition at a store. Brought it home booted it up and became a complete and total junkie. I appreciated how accurate the TOE's were. I loved the line of sight. I loved the you plot, I plot, action sequence (the best).

Then I discovered the mods on the 2nd disk, and became one of your mod sluts. Then I discovered this forum which has been educational (both for WWII and for CM play), helpful (I have put out "I need help doing ______" and have always got a helpful response), and entertaining. Most of the long timers are patient with newbees and the newbees are entertaining (What if the Germans had Robo-Cop Infantry, could they have won WWII?). Then it was e-mail play! Then it was TCI play (my favorite)! Then it was CMAK! Then, when I got a better computer, I discovered that I could do my own mods and now I am in CM heaven!

CM is, without a doubt the most accurate, fun, and versatile war game I have ever played.

So we are here not just to play CM, but to praise it. (hmmm, sounds vaguely familiar)

Play on.


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