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Ailing without CMAK, MasterGoodale and Cheery Threats


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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Because I don't have CMAK. :mad: :mad:

And because he won't get it yet again today!

[Dec 5th, 2003]:

Gail at the distribution warehouse picks up the phone and dials.

Gail: "Hi Steve. We have a little problem here. The pre-orders and the new orders depleted us to almost nothing."

Steve: "Almost nothing? What do you have left?"

Gail: "Well, we have enough to handle the pre and most of what came in recently until more units get here next week if..."

Steve: "If what?"

Gail: "Well, if we dip into the promos and gratis pile."

Steve: "Go ahead. The testers have the last beta and it's pretty much the same as the finished product. They won't mind."

Gail: "What about the proof readers, Axe and Mr Spkr? They don't have anything but the demo."

Steve: "Let's see... send them an email on the 11th telling them that their proof reading oversight will cost us and they'll have to suffer the 'w-e-i-g-h-t' for a copy while we get a new gold to the CD producers."

Gail: "Don't you mean 'w-a-i-t'?

Steve: "Yeah, but since they don't know the difference between 'through' and 'threw' I'm guessing they'll get the hint."

[ December 11, 2003, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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<font size=8>Good Morning, maggots!!</font size=8>

So Axe, read any good books lately? :D

Just messing with you. I'm sure you will be CMAKing up a storm in the next couple of days. It seems to me that one of the BFC guys should drive up and hand-deliver your copy. I don't know what the problem is with MrSpkr's copy - I don't suppose it can be blamed on Canadian Customs or the Canadian Postal service. Maybe rune wasn't kidding when he said they would be routed through Portugal.

The inaugural BDLRM has finally concluded. THumpre and I managed a draw, Axis 55, Allies 45. I think that if my surviving member of a HMG crew would have had the decency to get himself shot instead of surrendering, I would have managed a victory. Close, but no cigar. I'll be giving more information about the BDLRM later, so everyone can see the heroic defenses my Germans put up against overwhelming odds. Excuse me, I'm getting all choked up here. :D

Lurkur has told me that our battle in the Warsaw ghetto is the most depressing battle he's ever fought. I think my psychological warfare campaign is paying off. Rune, this was indeed a truly evil battle, in all senses of the word. :(

Keke and I are in the last turn or two of our PBEM. I'm expecting his uber-Finns to materialize inside the VL church my Soviets are now holding and shoot all of my men in the back. The guy is scary in the way he maneuvers through the woods and snow. :D

Stikkypixie's Valentines have felt the wrath of my Pz IIIs, finally. With luck his Matildas will never find us.

Becket, do I owe you a turn again? The last thing I recall from our game was the neat way the rockets from the aircraft crisscrossed. I thought I had sent the next turn, but I can't check until later.

Also, same question for 86smopuim. Do I owe you a turn? I haven't heard from you for a while.

Jim Boggs has his Italian tanks pounding my British cruiser tanks. For some reason most of his hits are hitting the guns. Luckily he keeps hitting the same tanks, while others are flanking him. :D

If there's anyone I've forgotten, sorry about that, chief! ;)

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Gamey Updates

Axe said "I think the next turn will be decisive" and, lo, on the next turn he loseth 4 of his tanks. :D (Demo - Fruitywhatever scenario)

Keke and I are engaging in some urban remodeling in Crete. Three buildings have blown up, but the UberFinn used mystical powers to make one of them blow up without anyone doing anything! :mad:

wino and I have just finished a setup on the Long Desert Road map, Kiwis v. Ritalians in July 42, pure armor. I'm going to rename the map Really, Really, Really Long Desert Road. :eek:

Boo said "well, this is a strange map" and he's right. I suspect that we will simply stare at each other across Mountain River, waiting to see who is foolish enough to try to cross the bloody thing.

Soddball met me at Medjez. His mistake. :mad:

DaveH, PBEM Helper says I'm waiting for turn 069 from you. Given the email problems we're having, maybe its best to send turns with return receipts? I do like the new targeting systems your planes are using. smile.gif

[ December 11, 2003, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Becket ]

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Becket:

Axe said "I think the next turn will be decisive" and, lo, on the next turn he loseth 4 of his tanks. :D (Demo - Fruitywhatever scenario)

Sounds familiar ... who's Axis?

Teddy </font>

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FYI — MrSpkr got the game yesterday. I did not. One more reason to hate lawyers. :mad:

Gamey Updates

Let's see — Crow is a gamey, no-good bastiche. :mad: After making slow (and I mean slow) but steady progress across half of Siberia in Soddball's demented Winter Wonderland scenario, the last flag is in sight. However, I feel like I'm now facing the guns of Seelow Heights. I'm down to my last tank and there's only four turns left. Stay tuned.

Snarker has one major asset left in our game. Unfortunately it's a Tiger. My AFVs circle warily, like the town folk at the end of Unforgiven, each afraid to take a shot at William Munny.

As Becket alluded to in his post, the tide has turned in his favor. Those Grants are tough little wankers. :mad:

Edward and I are like two prize fighters staggering about in the 12th round — a little push by the other and it's down for the count I think.

Berli, Wallybob, Firefly — anyone else want in on the pain train once I get the full version?

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Sludging threw* the last of my CMBB games; Keke and Boo got turns last night...Platcmdr did not. That will be corrected this eve.

Dave H, finishing up Restaurant Confindetial. Great read if you have ever lived the life of waking up at 10am, slugging it out for a lunch shift, bolted home for an hour nap, showered and been back at 4:30pm to work until 12-1am. Even if you haven't still a good read to see how psychotic the people making your food really are.

As Pecker all ready mentioned, first CMAK PBEM underway**. Gonna be wrapping up work crap here shortly so the next few weeks should show a return to the blistering PBEM rate you have all missed as of late.

Soddy have we both given up on "Knockout" or are you just a waste of skin? Shall we resume el battle royale in the sands of North Africa or will it be tankettes at 100m in the vineyards?

Gaylord Pucker has gone the way of the dildo....right up Soddy's a**, never to be heard from again.

*That one is for you, Axe. Think I would be above taking a cheap shot at your expense? Pssshhhhaaaawwww.

**Heh, this is grand fun.

[ December 11, 2003, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

FYI — MrSpkr got the game yesterday. I did not. One more reason to hate lawyers. :mad:

Were his lips moving? :D :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

FYI — MrSpkr got the game yesterday. I did not. One more reason to hate lawyers. :mad:

Were his lips moving? :D :mad: </font>
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