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We Don't Need No Stinking Messiah's In the Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

And as for this heretical edict I don’t bow to secular authoritiesesses especially twisted cowa… nice pleasant ladies who won’t send me my turn

Point the first: Your whinging won't get you anywhere!

Point the second: You'll accept your fate at the hands of the "New Management" or I'll bust you back down to SSN! You just try me and see if I don't!

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Originally posted by plain old Squirette 37mm:

*that last word is spat out of the Messiahs mouth with pure venom & contempt*

*Spits it right back*

Don't you have another dozen or so games to win in order to reach Knigghty status?

Better get busy..

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

snipped for the same old reasons

Look not only have I been busted down several times now (and so it barely registers as a threat) you’ve got to understand it’s demeaning just being busted down… I mean could you imagine reading this…

And then Peng sent forth his Messiah who suffered repeated demotions for our lack of sins

Could you?

I couldn’t… If I’m to be punished make it a PROPER punishment (my own personal preference is for a good old burning at the stake).

In addition I want to be punished by the PROPER authorities’ & not simply by those standing in for a while…

I refuse to accept the secular authority of this female coup de tat… but enough of this chatter here’s a couple of bottles of red I happen to posses.

I personally couldn’t drink them for they’re far too rich & flavoursome for me (I’m on a strict diet of gruel & tequila until Peng speaks to me again)… is there any way you could keep an eye on them?

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Looks at the bottom of her shoe.

OH! There's one! How about *this* one? *shows shoe to YK2*

Sheesh, is that the best we have?

*Peers down at the lowest of the low stuck to Moraines shoe.. *

You sure it's male?

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Edict #1: 37mm is forthwith stripped of all titles and lands and reduced to Squire...again. For deriliction of duty, being only partly French...and being a downright tit, you are now not only not a Kniggit...you are a SquirETTE! You must wear a leotard and frilly skirt until you re-prove your worth.




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Originally posted by rleete:

Why? You looking for a job?

Don’t be ridiculous he doesn’t have what it takes to be one of MY legs!

Anyway is it just me or does everything he posts in the MBT revolve around legs or thighs or feets?

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Edict #1: 37mm is forthwith stripped of all titles and lands and reduced to Squire...again. For deriliction of duty, being only partly French...and being a downright tit, you are now not only not a Kniggit...you are a SquirETTE! You must wear a leotard and frilly skirt until you re-prove your worth.

Not sure you can do that. Not sure it's entirely kosher, if you know what I mean. After all,

(veni) 37mm was MY Squire and after seeing that he had accomplished all the trials and quests put before him in a (I can't say it was satisfactory, because it IS 37mm, after all, but he did clean up after himself, mostly, and I liked his AARs which were FAR more entertaining than anything I'd seen done in here in ages, so...) not too sucky a manner, I put him up for Kaniggethood...

(vidi) Which was then rubber stamped in a very thorough cough/anal/cough way by THE Justciar hisself, AND...

(vici) Approved by the Olde One, Seanachai (personal friend of mine).

(trickydicky) So, as for your demoting him back to Squire or Squirette... I aint buyin' it.

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And I ain't selling it, old boy.

This here's a coup, dontchaknow!

We wimmen are takin' over de joint and there taint nuffin' youse guys can do about it, see. myeah...

The Queen done smashed up the stone tablets your "rules" were engraved in so they don't exist anymore! WE (the womenfolk) are re-writing the rules and we'll demote the worthless as we see fit. So you just watch your P's and Q's Mr. Man or we'll open up a position for a new Boo, too!

Oh man! That's like the New Zoo Revue or sumfink!

tee hee

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

You must wear a leotard and frilly skirt until you re-prove your worth.

Down at the docks, in a leotard and a frilly skirt, and assuming a pitch dark night with no moon, we could probably assess his value at $20 for one good hard shagging.

37mm, come back and let us know when you have at least $100 of "proof" in hand and we'll see about a reinstatement.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

That's the spirit, Lars, my dear!

See, Boo, with a little thought behind it, this could be a boon for us all!

It’s sad to see really…

I may write a chapter in my Book (the Dogma of Peng) about it...

The natural history of a Justicar

From Honour to Pride then Arrogance through Tyranny to Madness and then finally Irrelevance

At least the old one took several years to get through all the stages… it must be the lack of danglie bits that speeds up the process.

Perhaps a future rule is that all Justicar’s should have danglies…

For the good of the Pool you understand

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HA! You just want the power for yourself! That and your precious martyrdom.

Well....not on *my* watch, bucko! You'll not get the chance to be raised from the dead or anything of the sort.

I mean, how will we get rid of you if *that* happens? We'd have to form an organized mob replete with torches, stakes and then hunt you down in your dank dungeon.

And personally, I don't wish to get my shoes wet down there.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

HA! You just want the power for yourself! That and your precious martyrdom.

The desire for martyrdom goes without saying (although timing is important not too early, not too late that kind of thing… it’s kind of like comedy) however I’ve already implied you’ve reached the final stage of Justicariness… irrelevance my dear not power is what you've attained.

You’ve certainly reached madness I offered a bribe of wine and you ignored it!

Think back my Dear Lady* to the days before you were a Justicar (heck it was only a week ago!)… could you imagine yourself or indeed any sane(ish) Cesspoolers ignoring a bribe of alcohol.


* Hopes the name triggers past memories

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Nein, nichts, nyet!

You try vainly to tempt me with that which you do not possess and could not procure for me.

I have plenty of wine right here in front of me. And any other that I'll take will not be given to me by *you*! Only from SSN's who have something to gain...entrance into this hallowed hall{way - you know, the one with the little tree for hanging your coat on and the wastebasket type thingy for putting wet umbrellas in}.

YOU would poison me. I just know it. So I'll not accept bribes from YOU.

Now away with you! Shoo!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Edict #1: 37mm is forthwith stripped of all titles and lands and reduced to Squire...again. For deriliction of duty, being only partly French...and being a downright tit, you are now not only not a Kniggit...you are a SquirETTE! You must wear a leotard and frilly skirt until you re-prove your worth.

Not sure you can do that. Not sure it's entirely kosher, if you know what I mean. After all,

(veni) 37mm was MY Squire and after seeing that he had accomplished all the trials and quests put before him in a (I can't say it was satisfactory, because it IS 37mm, after all, but he did clean up after himself, mostly, and I liked his AARs which were FAR more entertaining than anything I'd seen done in here in ages, so...) not too sucky a manner, I put him up for Kaniggethood...

(vidi) Which was then rubber stamped in a very thorough cough/anal/cough way by THE Justciar hisself, AND...

(vici) Approved by the Olde One, Seanachai (personal friend of mine).

(trickydicky) So, as for your demoting him back to Squire or Squirette... I aint buyin' it. </font>

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