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Holocust memorial day in israel (5.5.2005)

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Today we remember 6,000,000 Jews who were murderd in the Ghettos, Concentration camps, Death camps and in the Forests and woods of eastern europe by the nazis and their collaborators during World war 2.

This day has been selected according to the Jewish date of the Wasraw ghetto rebellion.

So please, take a moment today, and think about what happened then, and what you can do to prevent such horrors in our world today.


"Let us remember and never forget..."

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Interesting that you feel that it has to do with everything Oren. I was under the erronous impression that you failed completely to see the similarities between what others have done to you in the past and what you do to others today.

Other genocides to be remembered April and May:

- Armenians murdered by Ottomans

- Greeks murdered by Ottomans

- Muslims murdered by Russians, Bulgarians and Serbs.

- Siebenbürger Saxons murdered by Romanians.

- Hungarians murdered by Serbs.

- Bohemian Germans murdered by Czechs

- Czechs murdered by Bohemian Germans

- Germans murdered by Poles

- Poles murdered by Germans

- Latvians murdred by the Soviet Union. Well, deported to Siberia seems to be the issue. Hey that's even the very same date of remembrance as you have Oren!

Well that seems to be the list of them for april-may, as far as I can see in the calendar. Remember we still don't recognise genocides such as the Belgian in Congo or the American in Vietnam, and I can't find Australian aboriginies or even American natives in the list here. Anyone else have any ancient hatreds or foul deeds that they wish to pass down generations and maybe even make a buck from? No Gypsys from Eastern Europe in here? No Kurds in here who'd like to talk about mustard gas? Nobody from Tibet, not one? No Soviet minority mass deported during Stalin? How about the millions of African victims of centuries of European and Arabic slave trade? Noone here?

Well, I guess you just have to get in line Oren. We're looking at a narrow channel of supply for issuing victim legitimacy to people vaguely related to people murdered in history here, and every man and his dog is part of one Remember the Genocide organisation or other nowadays you know.

Oh and yes, I forget - Hi mom. And hi Moon.


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Originally posted by JonS:

Moz Firefox is a very good web browser. I highly recommend it.


Ok. Clicked the link. And I have now seen some Arizona horsefolk and some gargoyles, the third rainbow believe it or not, and not least that "other" horseboard. Disturbingly, there was a section for classifieds on the "Equine" web - I dared not venture there since that sort of stuff is illegal in Europe. On the plus side, Mevis has some really good deals for ranches and farms.

Jon, is this the point where you go "Haarrrhahahaha you gullible worm!"?



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Edge? What edge? It is at the very core of anti-Oreninism, Oren. I am adressing the particularly objective individual Oren, am I by some mistake reaching the entire Semitic speaking community in the world while doing so?

Do you usually call yourself "Semite"? Look yourself in the mirror and think "hey, there's one handsome Semite looking back at me"? You introduce yourself as "Hi I'm Oren, the Semite"? Have you pondered the fact that Palestinians also speak a Semitic language?

Or did you figure out just now that you somehow probably belong to a victim group, that there is some cozy collective you can define yourself as belonging to and not have to be the individual Oren for a while, and maybe drew the desoriented conclusion that the suffering of your ancestors at the hands of torturers has any relation to you whatsoever? More precisely, the bizarre relation that any amount of obnoxious, annoying behaviour coming from you on this forum will not only be excused but taken in serious regard by your peers?

Stop parasiting on the misfortunes of your elders, it is revolting and an echo of my own ancestors perverted view of themselves as victims of your ancestors, a belief they held all the way to the gaschambers. That was their lives, you and I have our own time and lives, and what do we do with it? I am not patrolling foreign soil with weapons in hand like my fathers did, are you? Be a man and realise that whatever happened when you were not yet born - you are a perpetrator now, and other humans are your victims, who will have days of remembrance for those lost to you in days to come.

Do you wish to honour those perished under unlawful, brutal occupations in World War 2? Those who died in jails and torture chambers of a terror régime? "Semites", oppositional socialists, trade unionists, gypsys, homosexuals - anybody who lost their lives under the same terror? I will celebrate and grieve with you, the memory of those lost, your conceived "Semites" and all others murdered, when you have regained your honour and your face.

Your armed forces need to leave foreign soil immediately and return to your national territory. Enclaves of your nationals living unlawfully on foreign soil must disperse. All arrests of people not presented with any charges must cease. Suspects in custody must be granted a fair trial. Torture and murder executed by your armed forces and other government agencies must cease, those responsible must be brought before your national judicial system and be tried for their actions, not their faith. All citizens of your state must be guaranteed equal rights regardless of faith. All permanent residents of your national territory must be granted citizenship, and with it, have their humans rights protected and defended by you.

All this you need to do to regain your face, your name and your honour. Becasue you have none right now.


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I for one feel that there is a lot to do with your post and these fora. Day in and day out, there are posts here about the good old Landser boys, and the brave SS panzer divisions, who really had nothing to do with the Nazis and were just patriotic Germans who were defending their fatherland. While of course some (or even quite a few) of the Germans serving in the Army were not Nazi supporters, the participation of the German army in mass murders of civilians is well documented. So I guess you were trying to say, let's remember, as we revel in re-playing this war, some of the more somber outcomes.

However, I have to say you made a mistake posting this here. You will get no respect from people in these fora, who appologize about hijacking someone's thread about the calibre of an AT rifle, but obviously enjoyed diverting yours to a serious, deep discussion of Firefox. Sorry, but your post count just isn't high enough.

As to some of the more serious responses you have received here, you must understand this. Young Germans are (rightly) sick of carrying blame for what their grandparent did. They are also disgusted (once again rightly so) by Israel's actions in the occupied territories. And finally, they (and many others) are also disgusted (once again, rightly so) by the manipulative use of the Holocaust by Israel to justify her unjust actions.

Well, what better way to combine both sentiments (getting rid of the blame and anger at Israel), by equating what Israel does and what the Germans did. It is just the same, isn't it?

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Just watched the documentary 'The Camps Remembered', with narration by Trevor Howard. First aired on Frontline in 1985. Horrifying beyond description, but also incredibly powerful.

As for the rest of this rather unseemly puling about anti-semitism, finger-pointing, and the stamping of tiny little feet in outrage, I'd just like to say:

Beige. Or maybe burnt umber...

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Originally posted by oren_m:


I would like to ask the admin to delete this whole thread, due to the fact that most of the poeple here are not taking this subject in a serious way, it is almost on the edge of Anti-semitism :(

anti-semitism??? :eek:

This thread seems to be on the edge of paranoia.

There is a similar thread in the general forum, the proper place for this kind of topics, so I wonder why this one has not been locked yet.

[ May 06, 2005, 03:15 AM: Message edited by: Romulus ]

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Besides, just accept the fact that this guy wants to draw our attention to the facts mentioned and leave it at that. It happened and we should remember, although this forum ain't the place for it.

No need to end up in such an untasteful discussion. Personally I also don't like to see this kind of topics on our forum, because it has very little to do with our game or the way we are enjoying it. Quot capita, tot sensus...

[ May 06, 2005, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: aragorn2002 ]

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