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I just installed the final version [release version] of Windows XP and installed CMBO on it. I was playing with no errors with a tnt2 card using the default XP Drivers. I also tested with an nvidia card earlier on and had CMBO run but with the text problem which went away with the 21.81 drivers. Is anything over-clocked?


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Hi Rune

Sorry so late acknowledging. No nothing is O/C`d just running at normal spec. Maybe it is because my XP is thePreview Prog and is not therefore fully operational. I am going to try again with the older drivers and see if that helps.

DougieB :confused:

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I'm running CM on XP release 2526, with a KyroII card. Single player is fantastic, albeit with some weird problems with transparent textures, (I can live with it) but TCP against a mac is a major issue. The game will hang for one of us. I haven't a clue what is causing this. I'm going to be using my second drive with 98 or ME, so this isn't a biggy for me now.

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I have a the full release version of XP Pro, and CM seems to work fine on it...haven't played anyone with a Mac (I don't know those 2 guys tongue.gif ). Got a Geforce2 MX, a few of the translucent white text problems (actually, i only saw it in the turn # of # part of the screen). So far I like it (;

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I just loaded WINXP and am finding this "white translucence" problem that seems to be old to everyone but me. Just loaded the newest nVidia drivers for my Ultra 2 and the problem still exists. This is extremely annoying as when I'm attempting to save my game file, I cannot see the box and what I'm typing at all. And at this point, you cannot escape to desktop and clear it up.

What is a gamer to do? Are there any fixes on the horizon for this????


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Yeah im running an ATHLON 1.8 Gigahertz with 512 ddr ram, geforce 2, and xp.

I load combat mission then the patch and all i get when i load cm up is an "out of range" message and the screen is doing weird things and its all grey

any suggestions?

XP is the full latest, drivers are the main latest

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Assuming that you installed CM to the default directory you can find the Prefs file at: C:\PROGRAM FILES\CMBO\Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs. When you delete this file the next time you start CM it will go through the resolution selection process and play the QuickTime movie (if you have QuickTime installed) each time you launch CM.

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Ah yuesss i figured it out


I had forgotten about that

long time since i messed with it

Anyways got CM going im using an 85hertz refresh rate

Still getting the weird writing saving a PBM , i get two boxes cant see crap as one is over the other

the werid writing went away after the first time i loaded it thank goodness although the in game infoboxes dont look to good.

I also get the above mentioned graphic probs in game.


Oh well at least i can play huge flashpoint missions ok smokey!!

I hope BTS is gonna have a compatble CMBB.

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