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M3 Grant

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i have a few questions about this tank.

In a few games ive saw these tanks in action there armour and 37mm gun seems very effective.

ive witnessed a single grant survive several minutes worth of 88mm fire from several tigers, most of the shots bouncing off the front armour (target was around 500-800meters away, cant remember exactly)

at closer ranges ive watched grants survive a storm of 75mm shells

then ive sat and watched how several grants taking on an equal size force just chomp through them with there 37mm guns.

Now these seem pretty effective lil tanks in game but where they that effective of withstanding fire and then dealing death out in real life?

btw whats the site called which houses lots of information on all the units in game?

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The damage you can see on the War & Peace Show photo is from the tank being used as a target for firing tests.

It was the first Grant shipped over to the UK by the Americans and was taken to a test site. There, all the paint was stripped off (to reduce flammability and ensure that the penetration shots were visible) and it was shot at an awful lot to test its resilience.

I imagine the damage is from a 37mm or 2pdr gun but no details were given.

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As to your query about Grants, are you sure you are not confusing survival with the Death Clock? Check out details about it in the CM:BB Forum in my 'Frequently-asked questions' thread.

If you are still not sure, run some tests - 10 88s vs 10 Grants, and watch the films from both sides.

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i dont think it was the death clock, as my opponent sorta confirmed its demise for me.

I've ko'd Grants with PzIIIs, so I don't know whats wrong with the Tigers your fighting, are you sure they are Tigers?
they where my tigers! :confused: the m3 in mention eventully fell to a pzIV

Folke's CMAKdb is down ATM.

Here at BFC, Tips and Tricks, second sticky, will take you to Chris Hare's site.

nice one smile.gif

[ July 31, 2005, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: the_enigma ]

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I imagine the damage is from a 37mm or 2pdr gun but no details were given.

That would make sense, but the pockmarks don't look that big to me. I was thinking something in about the 20mm range, but I can't figure why they would be shooting something that small, unless it was just some guys on a lark after the official tests were done.


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I believe the enigma is referring to a Grant I had that managed to survive roughly 2 turns of being fired upon by 3 Tigers & a PzIV F2 with the Pz IV being furthest away at around 900 metres. The funny thing was that it managed to shrug off about 3 or 4 88mm hits on its front hull but died to a Pz IV hit on the turret at almost extreme range. I was somewhat surprised by that but the bottom line the enigma is.....be afraid......be very afraid!



Jim R.

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hehe that would be the one, after seeing that grant in action i decided to buy aload of them over shermans in a QB a few days later.

There at the momment just tearing a hole thorogh my opponents pzIV's with there 37mm.

hence the question, they do seem to be pretty effective ingame but from the pictures in the other topic and the pic i posted above they dont seem to be that good in RL ... are they somewhat over moddled ingame then?

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err. well alot of the first batch of shermans were faulty. there were cases of german 37mm hitting the sherman hull, and bouncing off. but this caused the tank to explode in flames. the 75mm on the grant had a shorter barrel and it was mounted in the hull. there were problems, engaging tanks at long range as the grant would have to expose alot of its hull.

also the grant had, from a ukhistory program i saw, problems with manouverability. whether or not it was better or worse than the first batch of shermans i dont know.

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Mister Picky's understudy wishes to point out more then 2:

Grant I: M3 with British turret. Had no cupola. Fought in battle of Gazala on May 27, 1942.

Grant II: M3A5. Had US turret.

Lee I: M3.

Lee II: M3A1

Lee III: M3A2. None delivered to Britain.

Lee IV: M3A3 with Continental engine.

Lee V: M3A3 with diesel engine.

Lee VI: M3A4.

Grant Command: Some had turret gun replaced with dummy gun. Extra communications equipment was added.

Grant Scorpion III: 75mm gun removed. Anti-mine device added.

Grant Scorpion IV: Same as Scorpion III but with 2nd Bedford engine added.

Grant CDL: Turret replaced by spotlight.1 Some used to illuminate night crossings of Rhine and Elbe in 1945. Some sent to Far East but never used.


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