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Speed of play

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I found that even though my PC had an 850Mhz Athlon processor and 512MB RAM, my old GeForce with 32MB DDR wasn't cutting the mustard on battles over 1,200 points. I replaced it with a GeForce Ti4200 with 128MB DDR and hey presto! 20,000 point games are my friend.

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Another trick is that CM has more demands for texture memory and less for polygin speed than other games.

That means you can pick up one of those cards which have plenty of memory but are very chep because their chips are running on low frequency or are otherwise speed-crippled. Examples are ATI Radeon 8500LE 128 MB and NVidia Geforec4 5200 128 MB. They'll do fine for CM, are very cheap and hold all the textures you want.

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