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There is no Peng Challenge thread, it is all in their sick minds I tell you

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What is this Peng Challenge thread they talk of? It is all in their sick minds I tell you.

Come let me show you, I have just been there, look, no Peng Challenge thread. Where is this Peng of which they speak? Where is the challenge? Please, it is all in their sick minds. Do not believe them, they are sick.

They talk about the "rules" of the CessPool, the Mutha Beautiful Thread, i.e. MBT and the Peng Challenge Thread ...Please...sick I tell you. Do not believe their sick minds.

You should all SOD OFF. You should drink cold poison that we serve to you at the gates of the forum.

Were you to stick around, despite our best efforts to make you leave, you might consider challenging someone. Challenge someone like yourself, some lowlife, scum sucking newbie (SSN) who wants to get a thrill by actually posting on the MBT. Or drink cold poison. Do NOT challenge ME or any of the Knights of the CessPool, we will laugh at you ... actually we'll laugh at you anyway but you won't get a game so don't try. We MIGHT sic a Squire on you for our amusement and if so you should ... well, amuse us!

Sound off as if you have a pair, none of this mamby pamby, mother may I, golly fellows what a swell lot of chaps you have here may I join then CRAP. In doing so, however, do not sound off ABOUT your pair. Leave your personal hang ups, political, sexual, racial and so forth for the General Discussion forum because we don't care. Just good old fashioned personal attacks...

Be EXTEMEMLY NICE to the the Ladies of the CessPool or you'll incur our wrath and get sent to Coventry and never be mentioned again.

Show some respect for those who have MADE it here since you have NOT and likely enough never will.

Now go away. Do not listen to their sick lies. Because they are sick in their heads I tell you.

[ April 10, 2003, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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What is this Peng Challenge thread they talk of? It is all in their sick minds I tell you.

Come let me show you, I have just been there, look, no Peng Challenge thread. Where is this Peng of which they speak? Where is the challenge? Please, it is all in their sick minds. Do not believe them, they are sick.

They talk about the "rules" of the CessPool, the Mutha Beautiful Thread, i.e. MBT and the Peng Challenge Thread ...Please...sick I tell you. Do not believe their sick minds.

You should all SOD OFF. You should drink cold poison that we serve to you at the gates of the forum.

Were you to stick around, despite our best efforts to make you leave, you might consider challenging someone. Challenge someone like yourself, some lowlife, scum sucking newbie (SSN) who wants to get a thrill by actually posting on the MBT. Or drink cold poison. Do NOT challenge ME or any of the Knights of the CessPool, we will laugh at you ... actually we'll laugh at you anyway but you won't get a game so don't try. We MIGHT sic a Squire on you for our amusement and if so you should ... well, amuse us!

Sound off as if you have a pair, none of this mamby pamby, mother may I, golly fellows what a swell lot of chaps you have here may I join then CRAP. In doing so, however, do not sound off ABOUT your pair. Leave your personal hang ups, political, sexual, racial and so forth for the General Discussion forum because we don't care. Just good old fashioned personal attacks...

Be EXTEMEMLY NICE to the the Ladies of the CessPool or you'll incur our wrath and get sent to Coventry and never be mentioned again.

Show some respect for those who have MADE it here since you have NOT and likely enough never will.

Now go away. Do not listen to their sick lies. Because they are sick in their heads I tell you.

[ April 10, 2003, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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I need to find a good squire...

HA!! AS IF there is such a thing as a good squire.

What I meant was, I need to find a squire that is better as a squire than a heap of dung would be.

HA! AS IF there is such a thing as a squire that would be a better squire than a heap of dung.

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I need to find a good squire...

HA!! AS IF there is such a thing as a good squire.

What I meant was, I need to find a squire that is better as a squire than a heap of dung would be.

HA! AS IF there is such a thing as a squire that would be a better squire than a heap of dung.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

I need to find a good squire...

HA!! AS IF there is such a thing as a good squire.

What I meant was, I need to find a squire that is better as a squire than a heap of dung would be.

HA! AS IF there is such a thing as a squire that would be a better squire than a heap of dung.

Holding the mirror up to yourself again, Hortland?

I imagine it would be quite terrifying. Much like a Van Halen song, fully realized.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

I need to find a good squire...

HA!! AS IF there is such a thing as a good squire.

What I meant was, I need to find a squire that is better as a squire than a heap of dung would be.

HA! AS IF there is such a thing as a squire that would be a better squire than a heap of dung.

Holding the mirror up to yourself again, Hortland?

I imagine it would be quite terrifying. Much like a Van Halen song, fully realized.

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Guest konrad

This is a joke ,right ?

Is not real Peng Challange Thread (or whatever they call it)?

Anyway ,this one is dull ,disgusting and awfull.I'm off here.


sir konrad

Faithful Squire To Sir AUSSIEJEFF

Ps:I have always big regret ,that polish hussaria ,when they could, didn't finish that swedish king off (I'm sure private hortlund know's this story ,so I will not give out the names) .They should do that and occupate Sweden (that will be justified "preventive" war, considering ,that in fact , 50 yrs later Sweden attacked Poland).100 or 200 years of Polish administration will bring fredoom ,religious tollerance and justice to the swedish people and help Sweden regain some self-respect and dignity.

Sadly ,didn't happen that way...

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Guest konrad

This is a joke ,right ?

Is not real Peng Challange Thread (or whatever they call it)?

Anyway ,this one is dull ,disgusting and awfull.I'm off here.


sir konrad

Faithful Squire To Sir AUSSIEJEFF

Ps:I have always big regret ,that polish hussaria ,when they could, didn't finish that swedish king off (I'm sure private hortlund know's this story ,so I will not give out the names) .They should do that and occupate Sweden (that will be justified "preventive" war, considering ,that in fact , 50 yrs later Sweden attacked Poland).100 or 200 years of Polish administration will bring fredoom ,religious tollerance and justice to the swedish people and help Sweden regain some self-respect and dignity.

Sadly ,didn't happen that way...

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What do we have here, European history lessons? Talk about booooringggg.... konrad Sweden and Poland actually went to war against each other? I can see it now...

How many Poles does it take to assasinate the King of Sweden?....(fill in blank)

While the Swedes are rolling naked in the snow, flagellating each other with pine boughs.

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What do we have here, European history lessons? Talk about booooringggg.... konrad Sweden and Poland actually went to war against each other? I can see it now...

How many Poles does it take to assasinate the King of Sweden?....(fill in blank)

While the Swedes are rolling naked in the snow, flagellating each other with pine boughs.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Nidan1:

How many Poles does it take to assasinate the King of Sweden?....(fill in blank)

Oh that very simple :example (one of many )

Kircholm battle ,1605

Swedish army -12 000 with artillery

Polish army -3000 ,with almost no artillery


6000 swedish dead or prisoners ,army disspersed in panic (king "just" manage to escape).

Polish losses -around 300 dead and wounded.

Probably they nedeed just 100 hussaria more...


Faithful Squire To Sir AUSSIEJEFF

(Why I bother to answer him ..oh,right,it's Nissan ,usually his post's are display of guilty co®nscience ,but that shows , that he has conscience ,so there is hope for him...)

[ April 10, 2003, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Nidan1:

How many Poles does it take to assasinate the King of Sweden?....(fill in blank)

Oh that very simple :example (one of many )

Kircholm battle ,1605

Swedish army -12 000 with artillery

Polish army -3000 ,with almost no artillery


6000 swedish dead or prisoners ,army disspersed in panic (king "just" manage to escape).

Polish losses -around 300 dead and wounded.

Probably they nedeed just 100 hussaria more...


Faithful Squire To Sir AUSSIEJEFF

(Why I bother to answer him ..oh,right,it's Nissan ,usually his post's are display of guilty co®nscience ,but that shows , that he has conscience ,so there is hope for him...)

[ April 10, 2003, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Guest PondScum

I note from the headlines that only the Coalition of the Swilling (i.e. Merkuns, Poms, Aussies and Poles) have been invited to the Cesspool Reconstruction Conference.

Let this be a lesson to Seanachai - don't piss off your future drinking partners by declaring jihad on them. It's time for our little gnome to find a new target for his wrath. Even if lenokonrad is really asking for it.

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Guest PondScum

I note from the headlines that only the Coalition of the Swilling (i.e. Merkuns, Poms, Aussies and Poles) have been invited to the Cesspool Reconstruction Conference.

Let this be a lesson to Seanachai - don't piss off your future drinking partners by declaring jihad on them. It's time for our little gnome to find a new target for his wrath. Even if lenokonrad is really asking for it.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So, Sweden and Poland...

They're like both in Europe, right?

Anywhere near EuroDisney?

O ,hello , coyote ...

you better stop imitating hyena


Faithful Squire To Sir AUSSIEJEFF

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So, Sweden and Poland...

They're like both in Europe, right?

Anywhere near EuroDisney?

O ,hello , coyote ...

you better stop imitating hyena


Faithful Squire To Sir AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by PondScum:

I note from the headlines that only the Coalition of the Swilling (i.e. Merkuns, Poms, Aussies and Poles) have been invited to the Cesspool Reconstruction Conference.

Should lead to some interesting Architecture...
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Originally posted by PondScum:

I note from the headlines that only the Coalition of the Swilling (i.e. Merkuns, Poms, Aussies and Poles) have been invited to the Cesspool Reconstruction Conference.

Should lead to some interesting Architecture...
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Haven't you dolts read the pronouncement? The Peng challenge is dead, and the MBT is a pale shadow of it's former self. Been on it's deathbed for months, refusing to die quietly. It no longer holds the same twisted charm for it's namesake. Waaa. Cry me a river. Start the dirge, and mourn the loss.

Head on over the the general chaos forum. Just be sure to take your thick skins, because we all know that's the place where the neo-cons and the long-haired commie freaks constantly bash their heads against opposite side of the same impenetrable wall. All in the name of "rational discussion". Uh huh, sure. I assure you, the wall is still there, unmoved.

If you do decide to post in one of the many threads there, be extra careful to lean as far as you can to one side or the other. Doesn't matter which, you'll find supporters and detractors on both sides. As well as a healthy sprinkling of trolls. If for some unfathonable reason you take the plunge and initiate your very own thread, plainly show your own personal bias, but couch it in terms that are ambiguous and vague. Backpeddling when called out on it is mandatory.

Anyway, we're all supposed to dig deep and wrack our tiny brains to come up with the mother of all posts. All to entertain the mighty twit who's handle adorns our little clubhouse. Lookie, lookie, {ook, ook} I've been gone for months, and now I miss the old days and all the mental masturbation of having my name in the top thread, and everyone hanging on my every word.

Oh, woe is me, I have to hurry up and whore myself out to some deluded ponces on an ego trip. And this for a shiny prize! Oh, goody; an overpriced bottle of cleaning fluid. You, too, can wrest rhymes from your underused and overtaxed synapses. String together words and phrases to move the hearts and minds (or possibly bowels) of the self-agrandizing fools who take it upon themselves to judge you.

Well. Was that 500 words? I don't give a rat's ass. Count 'em yourself, if you have nothing better to do. Or, write an essay and show the world what a sorry, pathetic loser you are. All in the name of competition, of course.

Prance and sing for the trio of Lords. All bow to the princes of garbage.

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