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WW1 "CM" I would : )

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If you check the scenario Depot you will find a few scenario on those areas.

No Nam or Arab-Israeli as of yet but the 1948-56 war will be covered by scenario's that are being designed now.

There are at least two Korean, one Sino-Japanese and one Yugoslavian scenarios at Depot, plus about 10 for the Spanish Civil war.


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you know what would be easier than trying to simulate wwI? what if ww2 were fought with wwI tactics? you could assume the germans hadn't invented blitzkrieg and tanks were simply used to support infantry operations. lots of trenches, barbed wire, etc. very few tanks in most situations. might make an interesting static op...

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Would a WW1 game have commercial appeal?...


It was such a slaughterhouse, such a horror, only novelty theatres (Africa, Middle East) or very early/late war scenarios would have any interest.

Consider the following, which I'm sure is pretty much true of almost all the Western Front from 1915 to 1918:

Australian Forces committed between April and December 1915 on the Dardenelles hills in an attempt to storm Istanbul and take Turkey out of the war suffered about 5000 casualties in about 8 months of fighting in tight little trenches in absolutely mountainous terrain. Against Turkish (!) MGs and arty they weren't able to move forward at all...even with naval artillery and a series of nearby landings in support.

Shift the scene to France, Summer 1916. Reformed Australian Imperial Forces are introduced to the Western Front north of the Somme battlefield. After only 3 days in France, the green Australian 3rd Division gets thrown into battle at Fromelles in a diversionary battle (from the Somme). In the space of a few hours in a afternoon attack it looses over 5000 casualties. It stormed the German trenches but lost all cohesion and the survivors ended up hunted back to the start lines.

I really can't imagine a lot of joy fighting a CMBB game where the attacker has to get across muddy heavily damaged terrain and through 2-3 lines of barbed wire to reach (!!?) series of trenches and pill boxes, all the while under HGM and LMG fire, and probably very soon under sustained arty barrage. Achieving a break through to what was usually an empty trench with about 10% of your force...hmmm...entertaining?


I have thought of doing WW1 scenarios for a couple of my grandfather's battles in WW1: a raid at Ypres and another at Mouquet Farm on the Somme, but they were such forlorn efforts, such bloody and typical disasters... where's the game in it? There's not a lot of fun in CM when you're just reduced to hitting the GO button to watch the train wreck continue happening...

Anyway, that's my negative 2 cents worth!

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WW1 wasn't always just static warfare, not even on the Western Front (Eastern Front was much more fluid). CM-like small unit actions and oddball events (such as a few Whippet tanks raiding the enemy rear echelons) could be interesting, although they don't really represent the whole picture, and weren't that common in reality.

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Hi Michael

I should have mentioned their names (and I stand corrected by Jason about the Nam ones!)

You will find the Spanish Civil war ones by using the search function for 'SCW'. All Spanish Civil war battles have that at the end of their titles.

The Yugoslavian one is called; Small Battles, Yugoslavia

The two Korean battles are names, Small Battles, Chosin Few and Task Force Smith (1950)

Hey Jason what are the names of those NAM scenarios?

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Sorry forgot one

Small Battles, Sino-Japanese

One of my first designs was a WWI scenario, in two version one with tanks and one without (tanks in the since of WWI) I used Kangaroos.

Triple belts of wire, pillboxes and bunkers - used rubble for trenches (pre trench CMBO) had 130 German defenders against 1,500 Brits-without the tanks the Brits would lose several hundred men, and stall - with the tanks around a hundred brits would be lost and they would knock out most of the German positions.

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