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Biltong's Campaign Rules - Last Lap

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Originally posted by Apache:

Best using 2,000 or 3,000 battle settings, leave CMBB points in categories (arty etc) as default (don't roll task force points) restrict purchase of armour to 25% or 50% of what CMBB allows, MUST (perhaps) spend full amount on arty, at least 50-75% of what CMBB allows on fortifications and rest on infantry. It's no Turkey shoot. 2,000 point battle with you on the defence against a Soviet assault gives them 3440. With combined arms or arty for soviets it's quite tough. Could consider giving a 3,000 point force and restricting Axis purchase to 2,000 I suppose. Not had enough time to try the various options yet. It works for me 'as is' (but then I don't use the task force rules as such, I use CMBB allowances, set the force mix according to what I roll up and apply some limiters to what I can spend, slightly different approach.

Turkey Shoot - chicken shoot LOL What tells you I'm not a yank :D

It sounds good Apache. Should be easy to make into a special rule as well. Might be able to build it into the Stalingrad pack (42) ... On da list.

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Just finished my third battle using Biltong's Rules. This is great, thanks.

After the last battle I realized the %Ammo wasn't set correctly. After playing around with the QB generator it became obvious that the %Ammo doesn't seem to work on my machine. Is it time to reinstall CMBB? A search of the archives has one short thread about a QB generator %Ammo problem, but that thread seems to describe a more limited bug.

If the %Ammo isn't working is there a way to compensate for this through a rules tweak?

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Originally posted by kenm:

After the last battle I realized the %Ammo wasn't set correctly. After playing around with the QB generator it became obvious that the %Ammo doesn't seem to work on my machine. Is it time to reinstall CMBB? A search of the archives has one short thread about a QB generator %Ammo problem, but that thread seems to describe a more limited bug.

What is it doing or not doing? The effect isn't actually detectable until you start the battle and check the guys ammo loadouts.

If the %Ammo isn't working is there a way to compensate for this through a rules tweak?
I'm not sure how. The ammo setting doesn't seem to effect unit prices or total number of points. Its kinda a "screw" setting. (i.e low ammo is -bad-)

This does remind me of an older question. If you have a German casualty setting (say 50%) and you play the battle. Do you consider the guys that didn't participate as KIA, and thus they need Replacements, or do you only need Replacements for the guys actually killed in the battle.


[ February 06, 2003, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Aaron ]

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"I *think* that that bug is fixed in 1.02.

No guarantees, but we'll know for sure soon enough.


Thanks, so I don't need to delete and reload CMBB.

"What is it doing or not doing? The effect isn't actually detectable until you start the battle and check the guys ammo loadouts."

The bug is when AI selecting the unit ammo is always at 100%, totally against line 16 of the rules.

Biltong is trying to simulate the Allied conditions in 1941 by creating a great likelihood of an undersupplied Allied force. According to my computer this does not work because all computer selected units are at 100% ammo. I am currently in battle 4, where I'm supposed to be fighting against a superior headcount of infantry which is 10% at ammo. I'll probably loose because my ammo is 80% and AI is 100%.

Do a search on % ammo in CMBB, you will find a short thread on this bug from November, 2002.

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Hey Biltong,

Thanks for the great set of rules. I love everything you are doing, guess paperwork just makes it seem more personal. The idea of following my guys through a long campaign is fun, thanks.

Surely you have thought about the %ammo bug, I saw your post on the short thread in November. What should we do as modifiers to recreate June and July of 1941? Certainly all %ammo affects on Axis should be nullified. I'm thinking the +10 favor affects for the task force should be a freebie? After all I totally suck at this game and need all the help

I can get.

But really, if you go up against a known enemy that is 10% supplied you expect individual units to fight a few rounds. Instead they fight for the entire battle. Totally against the entire concept of Biltong.

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AAR 4th Battle--

The paperwork is piling up, but eventually my guys wll get past Regulars if I maintain their battleworthiness. This is my 4th battle with these guys. Date 28 June, 1941.

AAR--A Meeting Engagement in large hills znd thick fog.

The battle has an eerie resemblance to a civil war battle, the artillery (armor) on the front line along with the infantry. Visibility at 80 or so. I'm at 80% ammo, AI supposed to be 10% ammo.

I mix my tanks with my infantry and kill swarms of Russians. My only concern is the %ammo bug. This is a 40 turn battle, we are about half way there and my ammo levels are not looking good. I hide a few infantry with some ammo and hope for the best.

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Originally posted by kenm:

AAR 4th Battle--

The paperwork is piling up, but eventually my guys wll get past Regulars if I maintain their battleworthiness. This is my 4th battle with these guys. Date 28 June, 1941.

AAR--A Meeting Engagement in large hills znd thick fog.

The battle has an eerie resemblance to a civil war battle, the artillery (armor) on the front line along with the infantry. Visibility at 80 or so. I'm at 80% ammo, AI supposed to be 10% ammo.

I mix my tanks with my infantry and kill swarms of Russians. My only concern is the %ammo bug. This is a 40 turn battle, we are about half way there and my ammo levels are not looking good. I hide a few infantry with some ammo and hope for the best.

Hi kenm/Guys,

kenm - Thanx for the AAR - Are you using a QB map?

Try using the arcs to alternate between the squads - hide those with little ammo (short arcs) while those with the most (larger arcs), keep the enemy pinned...

Armor/arty HE on heavy enemy concentrations only, otherwise as a reserve to pop up where the inf runs out of ammo using their MG's.

Ammo bug - BFC know's about the issue - hopefully it gets fixed in 1.02. Until then assume the Allied company facing you have Stalin's young cousin for a CO and somehow he always has ammo :rolleyes:

The Player Guide will be released with BCR Gold (V2.0) - just waiting for some Special City Battle maps - then we launch - maybe a week or 3 or maybe just days :confused: At the latest 6 months... ;)

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Just a heads up, after playing around 5 battles in a blizzard I rolled a game to be played in the fog, ie no snow on the ground in a QB. Seems a bit weird doesn't it. Any plans to get around this. Like maybe once you've had snow once in the year the minimum you can have is snow for the resot of your battles that year. Shame QB don't have an option for Ground Conditions. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah up to 2nd week of december. smile.gif

[ February 07, 2003, 09:30 PM: Message edited by: History Buff ]

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Excellent idea on the arcs to conserve ammo. I ended up killing over 700 Ruskies and winning a major victory despite the 100% (vs 10% BCR) ammo.

Am currently in battle 5, an Axis probe, in mid day, med map, large hills. I have Big Air but little else. Allies supposed to have 30% ammo. They are kicking my ass right now, hope to recover but...

Thanks to all that worked on the rules, a lot of fun. If you haven't tried the Biltong Rule Set you ain't doing it right.

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Biltong, not sure if it's covered in 'Notes' (I haven't DL any since about 1.2) I know that scores over 10 and less than 1 are treated as 10 and 1 but how do players handle the modifiers that push scores above the max and below minimum where there is more than one at work? E.g.

Temperature in June: You roll a 1 and you have a dawn battle. You need to take into account the -4 for June and the +1 for Dawn. So is it: 1 - 4 = -3 + 1 = -2 therefore (1) hot OR 1 - 4 = 1 (e.g. lowest you can go) + 1 = 2 therefore cool? If it's the first one, perhaps the time of day modifiers need to come before the month?

Similar for Handicap you are in July at at Vet level and roll a 2, is it: 2 - 3 = -1 + 2 = 1, therefore None OR 2 - 3 = 1 (lowest you can go) + 2 = 3 Soviet -10%?

[ February 08, 2003, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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Originally posted by History Buff:

Just a heads up, after playing around 5 battles in a blizzard I rolled a game to be played in the fog, ie no snow on the ground in a QB. Seems a bit weird doesn't it. Any plans to get around this. Like maybe once you've had snow once in the year the minimum you can have is snow for the resot of your battles that year. Shame QB don't have an option for Ground Conditions. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah up to 2nd week of december. smile.gif

Hi HB smile.gif

You're too fast - go a bit slower :eek:

Just added the following to Weather-b

"Previous Battle in Snow or Blizzard +3"

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Originally posted by Apache:

Biltong, not sure if it's covered in 'Notes' (I haven't DL any since about 1.2)...

Hmmm Apache - That explains some of the advice you give to newbies - maybe time to download again :eek: You're 5 versions behind!!!

BTW - You don't have to download - I sent them to you as they came out - just check your inbox.

This issue was dealt with 2 or 3 versions ago.

BOLD, RED letters right at the top of the parameters ;)

[ February 08, 2003, 06:27 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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Originally posted by Apache:

Hi Biltong,

Must have a problem somewhere. I have version 2.00 XL and before that my last mail is 1.6. I can find nothing on the XL and there is nothing else in the v2 zip except un-resolved issues. Can you send them again?

Check your in box ;)
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Biltong. Thx.

Another thing I'm playing with now on my variation is the setting of points. I have had to change the original version because obviously an SS Pz Grn (Pz) Bn is often going to use armour and quite a lot of it, the task force side therefore didn't wotk too well for me. I then tried rolling for point sizes (overall) depending on what force I was using. That's OK but it can lead wildly outgunned forces. E.g. I rolled up a 3,300 points force on an Axis Probe which of course I then applied the modifiers to. OK so far, BUT it comes out at 2357 (3000 / 1.4) which = a 3000 point battle. Trouble is, playing an Axis Probe against a 3000 point defence I should have had 4200, almost 1,000 points down :(

I know this probably doesn't affect BCR original but the solution I use may be of interest.

I now roll for a point setting for the QB (e.g., 600; 700; 800; 1250;; 1500; 2000; 3000 or 5000 etc). That is what gets set. Then, in order to bring down the Axis Forces to make it tougher (both on attack and defence), I roll for an Axis 'spend limiter' which is either 0% (if VERY lucky); 2.5%; 5%; 7.5%; 10%; or 12.5%. It saves me a lot of hassle and toughens up the odds.

[ February 08, 2003, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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Originally posted by Apache:

Biltong. Thx.

Another thing I'm playing with now on my variation is the setting of points. I have had to change the original version because obviously an SS Pz Grn (Pz) Bn is often going to use armour and quite a lot of it,...

I was talking to another guy today - speculating about what I'll be doing with BCR for 45... I won't be surprised if the Battle Group has grown a lot by then and your battallion rules might come into play - who knows? Still a long way to go!
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