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Spotters firing???

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An interesting event happened to me in my last CMBB fight against the computer. I noticed a 75mm crack arty spotter firing at a russian infantry team with somekind of smallarms fire. They surely didn't toss arty shell at the ruskies because all were allready used. Ruskie ran towards the spotter, there was rifle kind of a sound and the russian was down.

There wasn't any of my fighting infantry near it nor there wasn't any tankfire. Just a tracer flying from the spotter towards the russian. It was propably depleted one man team because the fighting had been going on for a some time and russians were hammered with tank, arty and bunker fire..

I thought spotters were unarmed? :confused:

ps. I have a pic to prove it (but no wwwsite to put it on :( ).

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I noticed this in "2pounder vs tiger" (in cmak). I stormed across open desert toward the wall on the right side of the map (as german). The I was several rounds supressed behind the wall.

I waited for the panzers to close in and to help. But then I noticed, I had no casualties. I thougt "screw the panzers" and stormed the palm trees. Lol 2-3 ATRs had supressed my 2 infantry zuege several rounds.


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This kind of self-protection was added in CMBB because in fact part of the responsibilities of a gun crew IS the protection from immediate danger. Those small arms include pistols but also rifles etc. It's not enough firepower to use the crews in an offensive role, but should be enough to pin an enemy squad or team that happens to come too close. Just enough to force an attacker to actually plan taking such a position and not simply overrun such teams almost by accident.


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Originally posted by Moon:

This kind of self-protection was added in CMBB because in fact part of the responsibilities of a gun crew IS the protection from immediate danger. Those small arms include pistols but also rifles etc. It's not enough firepower to use the crews in an offensive role, but should be enough to pin an enemy squad or team that happens to come too close. Just enough to force an attacker to actually plan taking such a position and not simply overrun such teams almost by accident.


Hmm.. That's an unknown feat to me..

I haven't ran into this before because I usually place my spotters into a outoftheway places: they cant keep victory objectives, I thought they were unarmed and it tends to get me extremely irritated to see them wasted with arty shells left :mad:

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More than once I've had a Panzershrek knock out a tank at close range only to have the bailed crew pull out a pistol and kill the Shrek team! Dang!

Usually a bailed crew is too shocked to defend itself but sometimes they they do recover and resume the fight.

Also, you sometimes see a sniper defending himself from attack without his rifle ammo going down. That's because he's able to use his pistol for close-in defense.

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