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I have a new "mini" Operation (designed to be played in one sitting), examining the Partisan war. It will soon be available on the B&T site, but I will send it to whomever contacts me. Here's the briefing:


September 17, 1943

Somewhere between Pskov and Gdov


Recommend German Player vs. AI or Two-Player

Author: Frank Radoslovich for Boots and Tracks


The German Army's deep penetration into the Soviet interior during 1941 and 1942 resulted in vast pockets of territory effectively beyond German administration and containing a population unwilling or unable to be subdued. These areas inevitably became controlled by locals, many took up the armed struggle against the invader. Morever, areas under Partisan administration often maintained a semblance of "normal" life, including the operation of schools and other services, to the extent that term "normal" is useful in a society ruled by Stalin.

In the area of Army Group North, the most successful partisan movement operated in a Partisan "krai" south of the city of Leningrad. These forces were loosely organized into operations groups, consisting of separate attachments. Formed early in 1942, these forces gradually grew in strength to the point that they were able to launch large operations of their own, often in conjunction with Red Army offensives. Also, the Krai had the additional function of gathering and sending food to the besieged citizens of Leningrad.

As the Soviet High Command understood the worth of Partisan operations, it dispatched Red Army and NKVD officers to aid in the creation of partisan forces and control partisan operations. Airborne and ski troops were also sent. Sometimes, whole units caught behind enemy lines would fight as intact units.

Initially, partisan groups were primarily interested (or relegated to) low-level sabotage, disruption, and assasination. Even these petty acts of resistance were significant enough to provoke a response from Hitler himself in the form of Fuehrer Directive No. 46, issued on August 18, 1942, which led to Heinrich Himmler being responsible for rooting out and destroying partisan activity. As a result, the Germans launched numerous brutal operations to achieve that purpose. However, the use of cruel pacification tactics, particularly by of SS troops, only served to swell the ranks of the Partisans.

As part of the measures used to combat partisans, the Germans frequently relied on specially trained security divisions. Fortunately for the partisans, these divisions were often assigned areas to pacify so large as render any chance of success laughably unrealistic. Nevertheless, the Germans would often cordon off a particular zone and slowly squeeze it until every partisan within was killed or captured. These were usually conducted in the daytime, for the obvious reason that it was virtually impossible to contain the partisans at night.

This Operation represents a mixed German units attempt to capture and kill every partisan in its zone.

Scenario Notes:

1. The ground condition is dry and the temperature is initially cool. However, expect some rain to develop by the end of the day.

2. This is an "Advance" Operation, spanning one day of fighting. There is no "night". The German player must reach the map by end of the day's fighting. If the German does so, it can be assumed that it has been effective in driving the Partisan forces into other German forces coming from the opposite direction.

3. The map is just over four kilometers wide, with each battle displaying 1400 meters of terrain. The German must plan for his advance accordingly.

4. The Opening battle begins around 10:00 a.m. The Operation began actually several hours before: however, to preserve operational security the Germans frequently assembled a day's march (or so) from the battle area. Thus, the Germans have spent the hours since dawn travelling to the battle area depicted by this Operation.

5. The Germans frequently employed airpower to track partisan movement. Thus, the Germans will have a "high" level of knowledge about partisan dispositions. Of course, the Partisans know this -- and the Germans know that the Partisans know this.

6. If playing as German player against AI, you may use the default setup OR allow the computer to setup.

Primary historical sources:

Glantz, THE BATTLE FOR LENINGRAD (1941-1944)


Tsouras, FIGHTING IN HELL: The German Ordeal on the Eastern Front



[ March 06, 2003, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Franko ]

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