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Totally stupid LOS question

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Well this is probably a really dumb question but it is bugging me so I'll ask.

I will have say a tank. The tank can see 200m. A building is right in his face at 180m. He can see 20m past the house on each side of the house. BUT, he CAN NOT see the house??

I can not area fire buildings in which I have units that have a CLEAR LOS to it.

Can anyone tell me wha'ts up with that. I have screen shots if necessary. It is totally driving me insane. The LOS line goes all around the building. YET, I can't TOUCH the building with an area fire line.

WORSE, he has units in a building right on my corner, and I can't see them, but I can see past the house on each side.

Anyway, thanks in advance smile.gif

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Ooooh, a problem I'm very familiar with (though I'm not sure I have a correct nswer). My guess is that the game only sees the house's base and not the house itself (at least in 1 story buildings). There's no height factored in. That means the least little bump may cause the building to go 'hull down' and the LOS between the vehicle and building base is broken.

At least that's my theory.

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Thanks guys.

Yes it's a pixel short, that next pixel and "BLOCKED". 1 or 2 story does not matter. Th next pixel, the LOS is lost. Now this is only at range. Closer in, even a few more meters in, this ceases to be a problem. IN the mean time, a HMG in the building is cutting up your covering HMG's. GRRR

Glad to hear I am not alone.

BTS, what's the deal with this one?

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I was playing a live game yesterday evening and I had some advanced scouts tugged away in a patch of trees overlooking a valley. At a certain point I got a sound contact on some heavy armour and it moved up to where my guys were hiding. During the next orders phase I checked the range and it was some 100m. These guys had a LOS for some 250M into the same direction the contact was coming from. This is not exactly a house but a moving target at that range with a good LOS should at least be visible I would think.

I just figured that the excellent modelling of excessive Vodka abuse in the Russian military caused this mishap. :D


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I had a renewed inside into the working of the game here. I should just have given my scouts a short cover arc without hiding them. It's hard to spot anything with your face burried in the dirt. Stupid little me didn't realize that when writing the above tongue.gif !


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How can it be too hard. I am plotting orders. I have t34's overwatching green inf getting chewed up. I can see PAST the buildings, but I can't spot anf inf sq right in front of the building, nor can I shoot at the building, but I can shoot between.

This ROW battle is VERY frustrating because this stupid game won't let me hit, or see, anything.

Oh, with 1.02 i had 2 tanks for 2 turns shoot into the ground, and into a sq of mine, for 5 shots in a row. My SMG panicked due to me, and this "feature".

rant off

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Originally posted by Beckman:

How can it be too hard. I am plotting orders. I have t34's overwatching green inf getting chewed up. I can see PAST the buildings, but I can't spot anf inf sq right in front of the building, nor can I shoot at the building, but I can shoot between.

This ROW battle is VERY frustrating because this stupid game won't let me hit, or see, anything.

Of course, if something blocks visibility, but you can't see the thing that blocks it, it is a bit illogical! smile.gif
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In CM LOS is progressive (see the "brightness”), wish means that near the end (and this "end" varies with LOS conditions), you don't have absolute spotting ability. In the exact "end" of LOS, where the color goes black (for game proposes there is a need for the existence of one), you don't see nothing.

If you "see" behind the building (by the sides of it) you should be able to see the building wall. What you can't see is the inside of the building...

Just go into the top down view (press 5 or 6 key) and look for the polygon you can see (where you can order your area fire), if the conditions are exactly as you described, you should be able to see it.

Anyway, a picture worth 1000 words, so show us the picture...

Btw, indeed there is a game limitation regarding LOS/buildings and in & out units... but since the game is stupid *, as some of you have stated, for sure by now you have figured out.

*Notice this statement has its problems, how can a program be stupid? At most the programmers are stupid… or better, if you are passing your judgment on the program AI/TacAI, then I’m sorry to inform you, that there are very few “intelligent” AI in our game universe. If you find some intelligent AI (non stupid) please do tell me…

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