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PBEM Games-Increase turns?

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I dont know if anyone can help, but I am involved in a PBEM game that is about to expire due to turn limitation. However, the game is not anywhere near complete enough to decide a winner. Is there any way to increase the turn limit? I'm thinking its encoded somewhere in the PBEM files. Maybe some Battlefront tech is reading this and can advise me.



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I know you can't increase the number of turns with any conventional ways. But it has to be encoded somewhere in the PBEM files that the players transfer back and forth. Theses files are word text files and can be edited quite easily. Maybe the technicians who wrote the original code know where to edit the files. Also, is there a way to use a saved file as a pre-set scenario. That way I could set up a new game using the saved file from the game. Just brainstorming. Any ideas would be great.

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HBlake, the PBEM files are encoded exactly to prevent manipulating them. As LeeW pointed out, you can import troops from a scenario to a new battle. This is not exactly what you're looking for but since I really don't think BFC will provide a way to manipulate the PBEM files this might be your best bet.

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I think the solution is some combination of LeeW's and Erik Springlekamp's ideas. The game in question is still in progress-this disallows me to import the troops for a new QB but does import the map in its end of game state. I'll have to wait till the end of the game to see if the AAR saved file will allow me to import the troops since both players are allowed to look at the complete map at this point. I'll keep the forum informed of my success (or lack of it).

Thanks for everybody's input


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So far I have not been able to do what is stated on pg 182 of the manual for saved games. I can import the map in its final state like the manual says, but the option to import troops does not appear. It only works like it says when trying to load pre-made scenarios. When I import a pre made scenario into a new QB, it allows me to import troops but does not do this for saved games. My PBEM game has ended-my opponent owns the final game state as he was the last to review the final turn. I tried loading my final autosave,which was the AAR, into a new QB but again I was not able to import troops, only the final state of the game map.

Any ideas on why I am unable to import troops?

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