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I got your "thank you" right here.

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Aw, aint this sweet, all the Hitler Jugend wannabe's congratulating themselves on organzing their own little Kristalnacht. Sort of reminds me of special olympians congratulating each other in the locker room for going potty all by themselves.

Nothing wrong with a few swastikas in the name of historical accuracy, after all. I had a quick look at some of the modded vehicles, and it's funny how I didn't see any "aircraft ID markers" on any American vehicles. I guess red white and blue a don't blend in with the kewl camo as well as swastikas on crimson.

I was surprised to hear what swell guys the Gross Deutschland regiment were as well. Of course Hitler's elite units had no idea they were bad guys, that's why the wore death's head insignias and had made up kewl names for themselves like "totenkopf". Obviously these guys were the forerunners of the Peace Corps.

I also wouldn't be surprised to find the same guys who are telling us what honorable fellows the SS were are the same ones whining about modern day American imperialism on some of the political forums that have nauseated me over the past several years. Just call it a hunch.

Oh, am I forgetting no one knew anything about the KZ lagers and einsatzgruppen until after the war was over? It must have been the beginnings of that new age European moral superiority I keep hearing about these days that made people believe all the Jews were being rounded up and sent to puppy farms where they could run and play in the fresh air of the country.

Funny how Hans and Sophie Scholl knew what was going on in 1943 when no one else did. Too bad you don't have a guillotine for Reinald.

One would think a person from the Netherlands wouldn't be all that fond of Nazi invaders, until you remember Anne Frank was arrested by the Dutch Police, not the Gestapo, and the entire Dutch resistance movement was compromised by Nazi collaboraters. I guess there's some Dutchmen who are proud of all the Nazi blood running through their veins as a result of five years of benevolent occupation. After decades of hiding their past, the children of the shaven headed women can finally hold their heads high.

Now that you've succeeded in shutting up Reinald, why not celebrate by burning some books. Make Papa stormtrooper proud.

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I know where this is going to lead to, closure probably, but here goes anyway.

I do not think than in criticising people you should drag in things that are not related. Fair enough that you want to make a statement about Nazism or that you don’t understand why aerial recognition flags are placed on German vehicles. It is not necessary to drag all of the Dutch people into the debate by reflecting the actions of few on a whole nation.

Sure the Dutch police was cooperative with the Germans. Sure the Dutch SS contingent was one of the biggest of all the occupied countries. Sure Holland had most of its Jews deported compared to other countries. If you want to comment on that than first make sure you know the facts.

The Netherlands were no placed on military but under civilian occupation. This lead to the fact that a lot of the civil services kept on running as before the war, only they carried out the tasks as told by their new “masters”. Very easy to condemn this in hind sight, but not if you think of a father who needs to feed his kids at home.

May I remind you that in February 1941 big parts of the country went on strike because of the new Jew laws that were put in place. May I remind you that after operation “Market Garden” in September 1944 none of the railroad personal (some 50.000 people) returned to their jobs any more. These people did not get food rations anymore and needed to be fed amongst others by the underground resistance. May I remind you that almost every little town has stories about local resistance people that often gave their lives because of their actions. My little town has 2 streets (the A.H. Kooistra street and the W.P. Speelman road) named after such guys. Both of them were active in the underground press. Both of them paid with their lives.

Right, my point is that its not fair to judge a country by the actions of a few without also noting that there were factors that contributed to these actions. By doing so the point your trying to make gets snowed under in my opinion. Please refer from such accusations in the future as I am sure that something biased can be said about all the occupied nations during the WWII.

Also read this thread where I managed to say somefink about the Dutch situation during the war years.

Now close this topic too!


[ August 19, 2003, 05:48 AM: Message edited by: Mies ]

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Oh my dear goodness.

How about you go ahead and point, just WHO and WHERE has been touting any Nazi beliefs here? I know one, a member called Schoerner, and the response to him hasn't been very warm. Rather heated, I'd say. If we all are Nazis, then why such a reaction?

Of course, whenever you're playing CM as the Germans, you're automatically fighting for Nazism, or fantasizing that you're doing so. You just can't hide behind arguments like "you didn't know", because most certainly we all know what happened. Just like when you're playing as the Russians, you fight for Stalinism, as a Briton for British imperialism, and as US for dollar imperialism. It would be best just to quit playing CM altogether, I guess.

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Thx for your support Doggie, but your words are wasted on this board. They did not succeed in shutting me up, but I'll stay away from now on due to sheer disgust.


1. This is the only wargaming board and wargaming community that tolerates repeated posting of Nazi insignia I ever came across on the internet. I've been around Close Combat and other games for years and never witnessed anything comparable.

2. This is a board where the majority of posters claims this


and this


and this


is normal stuff that serves gameplay and historical interest.

3. This is a board that lets a half-educated prick like Dorosh get away with posing as the collegiate know-it-all while at the same time he runs a Wehrmacht glorification site that among other useless "historical information" whitewashes his pet Nazi troopers from warcrimes and even the knowledge thereof. Against better knowlege on his side, I have to assume, because anybody who can read cannot fail to get across the overwhelming mass of at least circumstantial evidence linking his pet division to warcrimes.

I think it is completely fair to conclude from all this, that the majority of posters on this board are either fans of the Wehrmacht, borderlining if not fully crossing into Neonazism or like Dorosh deliberately walking on the thin line between critical amateur history and denial of warcrimes.

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Hey, let's play 'spot the troll'! My guess would be that "Doggie" and "Reinald" are close chums, possibly even the same person! :eek: Surely not, I hear you say!

I think it is completely fair to conclude from all this, that the majority of posters on this board are either fans of the Wehrmacht, borderlining if not fully crossing into Neonazism or like Dorosh deliberately walking on the thin line between critical amateur history and denial of warcrimes.
Then you need to reassess your critical thinking. You are a sad little boy.

Your post made me very angry indeed, until I realised that in your pubescent rant, you must have been spurting zit pus and dribble over the screen in rage. I find the image of a pimpled teenager throwing an eppy and displaying his tiny manhood to a bunch of adults desperately funny.

Yes, we are all nazi-loving holocaust-denying monkeys. I love the SS-Slaughter-the-Jews-With-Sticks brigade because their black leather uniform gives me an enormous homoerotic stiffy, and I want Juju and AndrewTF to mod lots of "Nazis ROOL DOOD!" slogans and black leather uniforms. Hurrah for you in spotting how evil we all are.

There's a bit of dribble on your tank top.

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Come on guys drop it! CM is just a tactical simulation of WWII and has nothing to do with what Nazis or Communist stood and stand for.

It's up to everyone to decide if they want to d/l and play with Mods where a swastika or any other sign is clearly visible. The game as it is does not provide such signs out of the box.

This forum is for discussing CM and not personal beliefs so please, if you want to cut each others throats over some symbols go and do it somewhere else.

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Well since we've learned that any one who offends the "priviledged elite" get's shut down in a hurry here, we should make this quick.

Fair enough that you want to make a statement about Nazism or that you don’t understand why aerial recognition flags are placed on German vehicles.

I do understand the purpose of aircraft recogniton signal; it's apparent some here do not. How obliging of the Germans to mark their vehicle with huge Swastika's. What period of the war was this kewl looking modded vehicle supposed to represent? Poland perhaps? Maybe the early Muese river campaign? Not being an expert in Nazi hardware, I could be mistaken, but that looks like a late war halftrack to me, one used during a period where the Luftwaffe was devoting most of their efforts to stopping waves of allied bombers and not providing much close air support to the wehrmacht. It would seem to me that a couragous SS stormtrooper would have to be a fool to drape his vehicle with a huge red and white swastika with P-47's or IL-2 swarming over head. but what do I know about historical accuracy? It looks kewl so let's go with it.

Sure the Dutch police was cooperative with the Germans. Sure the Dutch SS contingent was one of the biggest of all the occupied countries. Sure Holland had most of its Jews deported compared to other countries.

Thanx for the additional info. I had thought only a few Dutchmen were nazi fans, but it seems collaboration was more popular than even I believed.

Very easy to condemn this in hind sight, but not if you think of a father who needs to feed his kids at home.

Sure, what's a few million murders when you got kids to feed?

May I remind you that after operation “Market Garden” in September 1944 none of the railroad personal (some 50.000 people) returned to their jobs any more.

And that had more to do with humanitarian concern than the threat from train busting jabos.

Keep telling yourself that; as Geobells was fond of saying "keep feeding it to them, and sooner or later they'll swallow it."

May I remind you that almost every little town has stories about local resistance people that often gave their lives because of their actions. My little town has 2 streets (the A.H. Kooistra street and the W.P. Speelman road) named after such guys. Both of them were active in the underground press. Both of them paid with their lives.

Well, naming a couple of streets after them was the least you could do after ratting them out to the Nazis. You should be proud.

Right, my point is that its not fair to judge a country by the actions of a few without also noting that there were factors that contributed to these actions.

Tell that to your countrymen who are calling Americans the new nazis for daring to strike back after 9/11. A little off topic here, but I been reading these board for a few years now, and I've had just about enough of that **** as you have being reminded about past collaborations with real nazis.

Now close this topic too!

Achtung! Ve are not tolerating dissention on zis board. You vill not zink about zings ve vill not allow you to zink about. Ze nazis vere kewl and you vill not say otherwise.

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Originally posted by Doggie:

What period of the war was this kewl looking modded vehicle supposed to represent? Poland perhaps? Maybe the early Muese river campaign? Not being an expert in Nazi hardware, I could be mistaken, but that looks like a late war halftrack to me, one used during a period where the Luftwaffe was devoting most of their efforts to stopping waves of allied bombers and not providing much close air support to the wehrmacht.

You are mistaken. That's an early model halftrack, largely superseded by 1942. Still, let's not get facts get in the way of an uninformed rant.

Achtung! Ve are not tolerating dissention on zis board. You vill not zink about zings ve vill not allow you to zink about. Ze nazis vere kewl and you vill not say otherwise.

That dribble is really building up. There is a General Forum for teenage rants, which is where this belongs.
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I don't think there's anyone here who denies the crimes committed by the SS and other parts of the german army.

I come from a country which was occupied, my grandfather was forced to work in german factories.

But I don't lay awake at night thinking about how incorrect it is to put that aerial recognition flag on german vehicels.

As for the three pictures, I defenitly don't like Eichenbaum's logo.

Although I can't seem to figure out what's "wrong" with the third picture, it looks like it's from a schoolbook.

Now if we could please stop this nonsense.

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Hey, let's play 'spot the troll'! My guess would be that "Doggie" and "Reinald" are close chums, possibly even the same person! Surely not, I hear you say!

What a genuis you are to note the obvious similarities in writing style and syntax. And I thought I was perceptive in suspecting someone who calls himself 'Ju-Ju" might be one of those

village people clones who enjoys dressing in SS leather.

Sure Reinald's got friends. Some of them are real pit bulls. I'm a pussy cat. Wanna meet some more of our little friends? Bonus points if you can guess which movie that line is from. ;)

Your post made me very angry indeed, until I realised that in your pubescent rant, you must have been spurting zit pus and dribble over the screen in rage.

Boy, you're battin' a thousand. I'm probably old enough to be your daddy. And if your momma was anywhere in Europe between 1972 and 1979 and looked halfway decent through a pair of beer goggles, chance are I am your daddy.

Yes, we are all nazi-loving holocaust-denying monkeys. I love the SS-Slaughter-the-Jews-With-Sticks brigade because their black leather uniform gives me an enormous homoerotic stiffy,

Now we're getting somewhere. Finally a little honesty. There's only one thing you missed-there aint nobody called me an American nazi or a right wing neo-con yet. I been doing this quite a while now and that usually comes as sure as mud follows rain. You really need to get with the program.

By the way, there's a little dribble on your leather pants.

[ August 19, 2003, 05:54 AM: Message edited by: Doggie ]

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Thanx for the additional info. I had thought only a few Dutchmen were nazi fans, but it seems collaboration was more popular than even I believed.
I think I have made my point. Knowledge of matters is not a necessity for some people here.


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Originaly posted by the troll

A little off topic here, but I been reading these board for a few years now, and I've had just about enough of that **** as you have being reminded about past collaborations with real nazis.
Glad to see you finally managed to work out how to register today :D
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*LOL* Doggie and Reinold just made my day!!!

This is just the kind of dribble that I laugh about the most. Oh, and as far as flames go, it's rather weak. We had slackass posterboys who could do much better. I feel even tempted to mod my CM to show the ARP's, just to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. :D

Oh, I'm German by the way, please remember to hate me a lot, hehe....

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Originally posted by Mace:

Doggie and Reinald1, you both present yourselves as intolerant, hateful and spiteful as the Nazis.

Indeed so. You know, Reinald1 / Doggie has posted more swastika images on this board in the last couple days then I think I've seen here in the last few years. That, and his paranoid delusion that everyone around him is some sort of Nazi --- coupled with his odd (for someone who claims to be a crusader for truth and justice, anyway) prejudice against homosexuals --- makes me wonder who exactly the Nazi around here is.

Rather clever way to get a little free publicity for the cause, eh Rein-Dog? Goebbels would be proud! Best be goose-stepping yr black-leather-clad arse on out the door now, son, before you really annoy someone --- we're on to yr fascist tricks!

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Hmmmmm, that member number thing is curious.

I'm sure your admin can confirm when he locks this topic that my IP is in North Carolina and Reinald's is a resident of "somewhere in Europe."

Either Reinald is a computer genuis or I'm not him. Machts nichts to me; believe what you want.

I lived in Germany for quite awhile, and I certainly don't hate Germans, or Dutchmen either.

What I don't have much use for are revisionists who think the Third Reich was the beginning of the glorious European Union that was disrupted by the American imperialists.

At this rate, in ten more years the official European version of world war II will have the American occupiers being thrown out of France by the peace-loving SS freedom fighters.

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--- makes me wonder who exactly the Nazi around here is.

Rather clever way to get a little free publicity for the cause, eh Rein-Dog? Goebbels would be proud! Best be goose-stepping yr black-leather-clad arse on out the door now, son, before you really annoy someone --- we're on to yr fascist tricks!

Thank you for making me look clairvoyant. I knew it was only a matter of time. (Read further up, and pay attention this time)

You guys just can't stay away from that "N" word. :D Anybody who don't see things your way is automatically a nazi. Even people who criticise nazi fans are "nazis". What I don't understand is why guys who profess to abhor fascism idolize real nazis. :confused:

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I didn't see any "aircraft ID markers" on any American vehicles.
That's probably because you're too busy spouting rubbish to actually get involved with these fine games. I've certainly got British and American AFVs sporting orange aerial recognition markings in my modded copy of CMBO
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