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MasterGoodale's International House O' Waffles, Ale and Maggots

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Do me a favour and put yourself out my misery. Ship me the surrender file. If you want, I'll agree a cease-fire. Just, for god's sakes, end the game. ANYTHING!!!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!!!

I know things look dark right now Soddball. I've been there. Hell, we've all been there from time to time. Ready to give in. But you can't. Not now. Think of Dave and Mike and the Finnish triplets and that guy who posted here once and never came back. They're the ones who you'll be letting down if you give up. Now you have to dig down, way down deep and do something you never thought possible. You have to complete the game against Masterdouchebag. Now get in there and fight!!

Hmmm. Anyone want the American movie rights?

No? How about the European version then?

Black and white film, lonely drawl of a single violin. Cut to a clown on a beach, crying a single tear. A child watches their sandcastle washed away by the waves. A dove flies off a statue on the boardwalk. It begins to rain.

Fade to black.....

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Hmmm. Anyone want the American movie rights?

No? How about the European version then?

Black and white film, lonely drawl of a single violin. Cut to a clown on a beach, crying a single tear. A child watches their sandcastle washed away by the waves. A dove flies off a statue on the boardwalk. It begins to rain.

Fade to black.....

Um, who watches a four-month long movie?
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Playing Soddball's (who is btw losing to MasterGoodale (not bolded because he is a no-turn-sending-sheep-shagger) according to MasterGoodale (again not bolded because his is so dumb)) 'Kneiber Dam' is like, I don't know...like forced to do the leading role in a gay ganbang movie, directed by Soddball himself. :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I'm still alive you festering gaggle of ant droppings!! GAGRARGGRGRGRGRGRGRGRRRRRRR!! :mad: Thought you lucked out and I died!? fat chance maggots! :mad: Turns out tonight even if it means strangling the wife, Skunk Nads!! :mad:


Beatin' the ever-luvin' maggot juice out of you.

And why is your wife named "Skunk Nads"? Bit odd, but you Yank Me's are a sandwich shy of a picnic anyway.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Snarker you hooring, sheep-shagger you haven't changed your sig to show the who your daddy is?

Come on now, who's your Daddy?

All right maggot!!!! :mad: Damn this is difficult.

Ahem,<font size=-10>you're my daddy.</font> :mad:

Wamped me up and down, north and south.

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(We've secretly switched MasterGoodAle's insane ramblings with a cheep substitute. Let's see if anyone notices)

GARARAGARARAGARG Turn are out to all of you hairy lipped maggots! Not that you deserve them :mad:

That's bloated bag of moldy puss Axe2121 and his lame 88s are feeling the wrath of my rightious TNT. :mad: :mad:

Robohn has been slathered in enough high explosives to re-create the dropping of the first A-bomb. LETS SEE HOW YOUR GAMEY SMG SQUADS LIKE A FACE FULL OF HOT BURNING LEAD GARARARGARARGARAGARG :mad: :mad:

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:mad: Nippy haven't you noticed virtually every Russian infantry squad has SMGs? Even the platoon leaders have the damn things. Should I complain about gamey K98s? Oh wait, carry all those ya want on second thought.....

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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"Of mice and maggots"

Written and directed by - Nippy


MasterGoodAle :mad: - Nippy

SMG squad using n00b - Robohn

Axe "What's combined arms?" 2121 - Axe2121

Act 1 Scene 1: "The rebuttal"

GARARARARGARAG :mad: are you deaf you rancid pile of whale droppings!? I said SMG squads not single SMGs. Bah, I don't care what you bring, I shall still smother you in sweet, sweet, TNT GARARAGARAG :mad:

Act 1 Scene 2: "Of taunts and acusations"

Listen you moldy ant hill, why don't you try using regular rifle squads and take it like a real man! GARARARARAR I CAN'T STAND YOU CHERRY PICKING GAMEY BASTAGES GARARARRAARGARARGAR :mad:

Act 2 Scene 1: "The other man"

Assbun I didn't forget you, you moose humping canuk! I see the uber-crew of your lame ass 88mm Flak are now bowing down in respect towards the true master of TNT chucking. I can hear their screams of pain now:

"Aaahhhhh, oh please spare us, wise and handsome MasterGoodale. We are sorry for daring to try chucking TNT ourselves. Out pathetic attemts only go to show what losers we are."


Final act Scene 1:

GARRAARARGARRG turns are out you maggots! Try not to take all week in replying GARARARARARRGARRAGARAGARG :mad: :mad:


(Goodale, finish re-inflating your "wife" and get your ass back in this thread. Writing stuff like this kills what brain cells I have left.)

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I am nursing a stinking hangover this morning. (Note to self: Whilst going out for 'a beer at the pub in the park' might seem like a good idea at 7:30pm, getting royally ratarsed and rolling home to bed at 3:00am, then being woken up by a pneumatic drill being used in the neighbour's garden at 7:30am is not the way to run a business). I feel most below average and since my plan to "have a beer and an early night" turned into "Let's get a kebab and go to a disco" at 11:30pm (as it usually does) a combination of bad food, bad beer and almost no sleep has led to this line of frotting waffle. I almost forgot why I logged on.

oh yes. No turns from MastaofDisasta. And I haven't sent any out, but you people will have to wait whilst my hangover clears. It's so bad that I turned down some work this morning on the basis that if I can't read the number coming up on the front of the phone, I shouldn't really get behind the wheel of the car.

Bitches. Everyone, particularly my drinking 'buddies' (who don't have to get up and go to work). I'm just lucky I don't start till 11:30 today.


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Oh no, it sounds like the Soddball is primed to make another scenario!!! :eek: :eek:

As a veteran of Inferno and Kneiber Dam, and currently embroiled in Cheery Waffle, I can only hope Scotland Yard steps in and stops this utter madness. A hungover Soddball at his computer creating scenarios of death and destruction must be a violation of dozens of British laws. Not to mention a crime against humanity. Make the bad man stop!! GRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Oh no, it sounds like the Soddball is primed to make another scenario!!! :eek: :eek:

As a veteran of Inferno and Kneiber Dam, and currently embroiled in Cheery Waffle, I can only hope Scotland Yard steps in and stops this utter madness. A hungover Soddball at his computer creating scenarios of death and destruction must be a violation of dozens of British laws. Not to mention a crime against humanity. Make the bad man stop!! GRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

You love it, you sllaaaaaaag. :mad: If you could be gangbanged by my scenarios, you'd lap it up and gulp it down.
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Originally posted by Keke:

It has been 6 days and no turns from MasterGoodale (not bolded because his a no-turn sending puss wad).

Come on, lose like a man, and not like a big wuss you really are!!!

Do you think Prinz Eugen and his Finn compatriots made a trip to New Hampshire and put MasterGoodale (the maggot) out of his TNT-loving misery? Seems like a big coincidence that at exactly the same time Prinz Eugen told us he would be fulfilling some military obligations, MasterGoodale (the maggot) has completely disappeared. :confused: :confused:

If this is the case, I think we all owe Prinz Eugen and all of Finland a big debt of gratitude! :D:D;);)

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Angry Out LOUD!! :mad: I Angried Out Loud at Nippy's last post, that ****-encrusted maggot! GGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRR!!! :mad: That's exactly what I would have said puss pouch!! :mad:

You all think you're a bunch of turn chucking badasses, but we all know that each and every one of your ****-speckled little maggot mouths has spewed forth not a single dingleberry from time to time! :mad: Turns out tonight!! I mean it this time you knob-gobbling cluster of frog nads!!!! :mad:

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I guess Prinz Eugen didn't make it to New Hampshire. GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

WallyBob has set up a meeting engagement for our rematch. It appears that my Russian infantry will be meeting his gamey Tigers. :eek: Which would be nice if there wasn't so much open ground on our battlefield.

Obviously Wallybob has learned from the Sultan of Gaminess, mike_the_wino (the maggot), about force selections. The whiner's Pz IIIs are now bearing down on my 20 or so crews who are running for the edge of the world. Amazingly the AI hasn't autosurrendered my single surviving Conscript scout car. My side of the battlefield looks like a scrap yard.

UXcva_ has eliminated all of my armor with his herd of assault guns. My SU-100s and KV-85s may have scratched some of his paint with near misses, but that's about it. His infantry is content to sit back and let the assault guns blast away at my surviving infantry, which is hanging on to defend the wheatfields. :D

My Hungarians and Axe's Romanians seem near an impasse. Both sides are about out of ammunition. I congratulated Axe on the bravery of one of his machine guns, which almost single handedly stopped a platoon on my left. Axe, ever the gentleman tongue.gif , informed me that I had quickly killed 5 of the 6 men in the MG crew, preventing the survivor from running away. Instead he kept up a solid wall of fire decimating my platoon. That deserves a GRRRRR!!! :mad:

The suave Teddy Windsor and I are progressing slowly in Cheery Waffle. His busy life as a secret agent prevents a rapid exchange of turns. So far both of us seem to have all of our guns hidden waiting for the other guy to make a run for it over open ground. We've both had some infantry shot up by concealed guns, and that's been it. Don't get mad at us, Soddball, I know you envisioned a titanic slugfest beginning on Turn 1. We're just going a little slower than that. tongue.gif

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Ah good, Masterbroodingfailure is back. Now I don't have to violate my word processor anymore. Unless he gets out of line and I am forced to post up some MasterGoodale videogame crossover fan-fiction.

Turns are out and here's the SITREP:

Axe2121 - Only 8 turns into it and already we've set fire to a church. This does not bode well.

Robohn - What is that sweet sound I hear? Is it drunken russian conscripts crying for mommy? Too bad their cries keep getting muffled by all the 81mm mortar and MG42 fire.

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Originally posted by Nippy:

Axe2121 - Only 8 turns into it and already we've set fire to a church. This does not bode well.

Mike_the_bloated_coprse knows all about what I am capable of doing to churches.

While playing Soddball's Island in the Sun, I started to shoot up an empty church with an M-5.

After taking control of said church, Mike huffed and puffed and blew the thing up with a PzIV. My troops scattered like church mice. Then, in the tide-turning turn, we met head-on in a hand-to-hand brawl and my green troops routed his veterans. They still hold the church to this day and regale tourists with tales of their bravery.

That was still one of the nastiest held pieces of land I've ever had to take/lose/retake.

So watch out, Nippy. You're next. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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Wrong, you freak.

Today's special date — on this day in in 1746, Samuel Johnson signed a contract to write his now-famous dictionary. Under the word suck is a picture of Mike_the_wino.

He also has the distinction of multiple entries including alcoholic, bastard, curmudgeon, dolt, egregious, fey, ghastly, homo, idiot, jackass, kook, libidinous, multiple personality disorder, nancy, ogre, pissant, queer, repugnant, suck, testicular, ugly, vexing, wastrel, xenophobic, yappy and a big fat zero.

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