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The PENG Free Challenge Thread Turns Over A New Leaf.....

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I was just thinking ( I do that sometimes).. That even although people come and go, and the MBT sometimes becomes so slow that it almost stops moving, it never actually does.. It was said as long ago as 2001 that the Peng thread was dying, but here we are still plodding on.

Ok, it may not be the same thread it once was.

But whos fault is that then?

Oh bugger another case of doing something I shouldn't be and I HIT the bloody enter key before I had finished my rant.

I was about to say....

Instead of posting the rules as one would normally do, I would like to make it my own personal challenge...

It would be great to have as many as the old crowd back as humanly possible. I know that it's not possible for every single past Pooler to post, but it sure would be great to see some of the old crowd pop back just to say Hi mom!

So that's it really..... No doubt I'll get my ass kicked when Joe gets back for not posting the rules...But hell.... it wont be the first time and certainly not the last.....

Safe journey Home Joe.....

Can't have a mortified Justicar so here are some rules YK2 style.

First and foremost.... If you don't already know the rules then not to worry, I'm sure someone will point you in the right direction.

Next, pull up a chair, grab a drink from the fridge and send me your pic, I'm looking for a new serf to pander to my every whim....

If you're a newbie, then you'll probably get jumped on by some of the lads (but never one of the Ladies), don't let it worry you, it's just their way of making you feel welcome... but send me your pic.....

Challenge someone to a game, best not to bother any of the Knights, so choose another SSN (scum sucking newbie), or failing that one of the Ladies will be happy to play a game of twister with you.... Don't forget to send me your pic...

That's about it really, feel free to help yourself to cheesecake and wine, Persephone always makes sure there is plenty of both..

oh yeah... don't forget to send me your pic..

[ May 13, 2003, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

It would be great to have as many as the old crowd back as humanly possible. I know that it's not possible for every single past Pooler to post, but it sure would be great to see some of the old crowd pop back just to say Hi mom!

Hmm, a worthy endeavor.

Plus it'll tick Boob off to no end.

Let's go with this one.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Plus it'll tick Boob off to no end.

Probably not after what I posted in the other thread.

He'd love to let that memory die... </font>

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By request then:

It's time for a tale of pride, anger, and utter, utter humiliation.

It's time for a tale of Boo.

With burning desire to relive the proudest moments of his Ohioan heritage, Boo accepted my challenge to duel after the fashion of our ancestors who took part in the War Between the States. With the same arrogance and lack of regard for the finer, blunter, and even completely obvious points of military strategy as his blue-coated forefathers, he met me on the field of battle.


He began with a blundering charge into my flank, hoping to silence the ATRs which were wreaking havoc with his cowering MG carriers, but lo!, he found a thin, feldgrau line “standing there like a stone wall.” Though twice their number, his green, alabaster-livered infantry turned and ran after less than a minute of combat, with the loss of half their number.

There was much lamenting and gnashing of teeth accompanying his next turn.

To picture what happened next, you must imagine the charge of the light brigade...in reverse. Yes, imagine it was the emplaced guns that charged, or in this case, were very slowly pushed, towards the enemy.

My gunners were paralyzed with laughter at this move, and it nearly saved Boo's hapless "charge" until, though blinded by tears and convulsing with uncontrollable mirth at pure, Ohioan stupidity, one of the gunners managed to fire a single round.




This obvious, but I don’t doubt totally unanticipated result, was too much for Boo, and he wrote, sobbing, begging me to accept his surrender. Though hardly a departure from his "normal" behavior, the sight of such tearful groveling, breast-beating, and tearing out of what little hair remained by the roots moved even one hardened by the memory of Sherman's march to the sea to pity.


And pitiful it is, to surrender when, even after great slaughter, your remaining troops outnumber the enemy.

Six percent.

Another dark day for Ohio...

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Originally posted by YK2:

It would be great to have as many as the old crowd back as humanly possible. I know that it's not possible for every single past Pooler to post, but it sure would be great to see some of the old crowd pop back just to say Hi mom!

Well since I seem to have fallen in for a family reunion of sorts I'll say...It's good to see you again Emma. What times those were eh? A toast to our fallen comrades then. May their black and noxious souls burn in the firey depths of Mister Rogers Neighborhood. There, they'd like that.


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Persephone:

Anyone want to play a game of volleyball?


no please ,no vomitball again
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Originally posted by jdmorse:

Here we are, discovering a whole new world. Iskander, who I truly hoped to forget. Meet your brother Coda's lineal descendants branched off the tree by Boobus_Rad (now up to italics)- we have so much time to make up, so much abuse to crystalize) you are what, cousins *snigger* Now I learn from Mr. Radley that Nidan and Lurkur sic (although one is of dubious parentage - something to do with an evil game of chance and ransomed flesh) are his hereditary descendants. We are all Devo I am afraid.

juvenile delinquent morse, don't tell him we're related, you garrulous old fool! Knowing him, he'll want a date.

Dame Emma, I will most assuredly bow before your pulchritudinousness and jump ship over to this thread. It's the least that I can do and never let it be said that I didn't do the least I could do.

Malomar-ski, you are a cad and a bounder and you're more than likely drunk! I feel that no honor was lost in my defeat at your hands as you are Ohio born! Thought your secret was safe with me, eh? You are so naive, I think they wrote a book about you. Gullible's Travels, wasn't it?

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Dame Emma, I will most assuredly bow before your pulchritudinousness and jump ship over to this thread. It's the least that I can do and never let it be said that I didn't do the least I could do.

You are idiot Boo ,but I have to admit ,You are idiot with style.

Kisses and flowers for Boo

(He doesn't really know what going on)

Now I ,cheap worker ,going to attack western market

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No Rules Emma? No rules even for me? No rules for the man who defended you from the predations of DrugknuckleBoy ... whatever ... (and don't doubt that those were his intentions, nothing HE'D like better than to take advantage of a sweet, innocent young lady like you).

No rules ... I'm ... mortified ... BUT I'm also back from California and that's always a plue.


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No rules ... I'm ... mortified ... BUT I'm also back from California and that's always a plue.


Well welcome back. Hope you have finally got a clus. </font>
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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

You are idiot Boo ,but I have to admit ,You are idiot with style.

(He doesn't really know what going on)


Let me be the first to commend your return to the world of words.

Your insightful post proves that you have the ability to see people for what they really are.


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Hello jd good to see you looking so well.

I hope you'll stick around a while, it's nice to have a little sanity back in the MBT

And Boo, Dear sweet Boo, why is it you remind me so much of Croda ?

From what some have to say about Croda it may seem as an insult, but trust me It's not..

If I had known you were busy starting up a new thread I wouldn't have bothered with this one.... still, next time eh?

And Persephone thanks for the wine....


BTW Joe Welcome Home. Hope you had a good trip... I edited my opening post to include a few rules... Just for you of course...

Happy days..............

Oh yeah... I want pics.... lots of them..

Send me your pics.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

You are idiot Boo ,but I have to admit ,You are idiot with style.

(He doesn't really know what going on)


Let me be the first to commend your return to the world of words.

Your insightful post proves that you have the ability to see people for what they really are.


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Originally posted by depressed donkey:

I just thought I might wonder in *sniff*... I bet no one can guess me real identity? No, thought not, though I suppose watching Boo and Joe get it wrong might be diverting... I'll give 'em a clue...



Well, okay, another



"Pathetic" gives it away........you must be Panzer Leader.
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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by depressed donkey:

I just thought I might wonder in *sniff*... I bet no one can guess me real identity? No, thought not, though I suppose watching Boo and Joe get it wrong might be diverting... I'll give 'em a clue...



Well, okay, another



"Pathetic" gives it away........you must be Panzer Leader. </font>
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