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Scoring Points in Combat Mission and CM Pie Graphs

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Two questions, men:

1. how are points scored for determining end game results? For e.g., are the points which are assigned to units in the QB purchase tables the amount of points lost if you lose that particular unit in any given battle? A destroyed truck is not worth as much as a destroyed Tiger, right? Well, where are the points for each unit found?

2. I see in the "Combat Mission tips and other 'goodness'" thread there are pie graphs with various colored arcs showing penetration ability of different weapons vs. various (armored) targets. Are these on the Combat Mission discs?! I would love to look at them if they are. Please advise.

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1. In general, yes. Most units give the opponent their purchase price when taken out. There are some exceptions. To wit, captured troops are worth twice the kill points, spotters have a fixed point cost no matter what guns they call fire for and exit scenarios have a whole different point system for troops that can/should exit. There may be other exceptions, but that's all I can think of right now.

In general, a 300pt flag is worth a Panther and a couple of grunts and a 100pt flag slightly less than a StuG. This leads many, including myself to think that most scenarios are dramatically under flagged. 4000 points of units fighting over 400 points of flags just doesn't make sense, particularly in attack/defend.

For a full explanation of exit points, there was a great thread in the AK forum about a week ago.

2. I don't think they're on the disc. If I remember correctly, penetration in the game is coded that richly, but not displayed that way. The designers just put out a couple for illustrative purposes. You can imagine how many of those big pictures you would need to show penetrations for all vehicles against all guns or even a sampling thereof.

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Thanks for the helpful responses, Slappy. You made me happy because with your answers you were snappy. Your a fine chappy. Alright, enough already. It must be Friday. :D

By the way, I thought the same about those pie charts. They would be about 500 mgbts to have on the disc! They sure would be a nice reference aid though (instead of all that unit highlighting and hitting of the enter keys, and then the mental calculations and estimations). Can't have everything I guess!

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Yes. Casualties to infantry units score points on a per-man basis. AFAICT you do not get points for damaging (but not KOing or causing abandonment) an enemy vehicle, though. IOW, Immobilizing or Gun Damaging a tank gets you nothing other than the reduced effectiveness of the tank.

However you DO get points for causing casualties to crews of vehicles, Guns, Mortars etc. In general, crews are worth quite a bit more on a per-man basis than infantry grunts, and points for crew casualties are *in addition* to the points for KOing the Gun/Mortar/Vehicle. This is why it's a very good idea to get crews of abandoned equipment the heck out of harms way. Conversely, running them down and killing enemy crews (or, even better, capturing them) is also a good idea.

Oh, also: I'm not sure, but I think at least higher HQs (Coy and Bn) are worth more casualty points than their purchase price, so it's a good idea to avoid unnecessary caualties to them as well. Actually, even Plt. HQs might be a bit more costly in loss points, too; it's hard to tell.



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I believe that casualty points are awarded by the weapon the soldier carried with adjustments for experience and unit type (pioneers for example). This is the same way that costs are calculated. This has several interesting effects:

1. HQs and crews tend to be worth less as more of them carry pistols only.

2. When casualties happen, other squad members have a chance to pick up weapons better than their own from downed comrades. Interestingly, riflemen seem to die faster than LMG or SMG gunners in mixed squads for this reason. You may have to kill everyone in a squad to get the full casualty points. On the other hand, maybe you'll get lucky and gun down all the expensive ones first.

3. It makes pioneers expensive to buy and very expensive to have killed. Many refuse to buy them in QBs for this reason.

Also, you are correct. There are no points for damaging vehicles.

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