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Russian Training Scenarios Questions (No Spoilers)

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Sorry if these question have been asked/answered in other threads. I did a search and found a number of threads relating to the scenarios but they all contained one or more spoilers so I stopped reading.

Q1) Trial And Error: Am I right to assume there is no “guide” to these scenarios so you learn from mistakes and replays till you find a successful and repeatable tactic?

Q2) Can they be played from the Axis side to learn defensive positioning and tactics?

Q3) Does the AI prove to be a worthy opponent or do I need to play against another human?

Q4) Can tactics learnt be used by other nations in CMBO, CMBB and CMAK or are they restricted to the Red Army due to equipment/organisation?

Q5) If answer “NO” to Q4) has anyone re-done the scenarios to suit other nations?

Q6) If “NO” to Q4) and Q5), any links or suggestions on changing equipment/units in the scenarios editor to make them suitable to other nations. Example Scenario 100, If I used British Sherman to replace the T34 which Tank would replace the Pz IIIL?

Q7) Reference Q6). Can Scenarios and/or maps from CMBB be loaded into the editors of CMBO or CMAK?

Thanks to Jason C for creating these scenarios and to all those who have posted comments in the various threads I found, I shall read them eventually.

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JT Fox,

A1) The closest thing to a canned solution lies in the extensive discussions in the thread for Russian Training Scenarios, especially JasonC's comments. That said, because of a long list of variables caused by both the player and the game, even the recommended approach doesn't always work.

A2) No. They are specifically designed to be run from the Russian side vs. the AI, seeing as how their purpose is to teach Russian force handling.

A3) See A2, and the AI can and will whip you royally. It's so good I have yet to even beat 110, despite careful study of the AARs.

A4) While the basic principles have broad application, remember that these scenarios are all about maneuvering and fighting the Russians, using their particular combat toolkit.

A5) Not so far as I know.

A6) Unknown.

A7) Unknown.


John Kettler

[ August 19, 2006, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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There is a short overview of the scenarios and the intended lessons, which I attach below.

The main help or walkthrough consists of this forum, several threads on it. You can also simply ask me questions here and I will provide detailed help - which is the process that created the previous.

It is also fully intended that you play the scenarios more than once if you do not win the first time through. Many of them are hard against an unknown enemy, but perfectly feasible once you know more. Think of it as the next unit trying to accomplish the same task (a very Russian way...)

The scenarios are definitely meant to teach Russian tactics, Russian force structure and ways of doing things and capabilities of its different weapons etc. You will in the process learn plenty about basic CM tactics, but the series is not meant as a generalized intro to all things CM.

They are also designed to be progressive, or to build on lessons learned in the previous portions of the series. The level of command extends from one tank to a full battalion attack.

They are not, however, all attacks. A number in the 300 series are defensive. The 100 level is meant to show the most basic skills, culminating in handling a tank platoon or an infantry company - which should be regarded as basic tactical forces for all later fights. The 200 level then teaches the 3 different styles of Russian fighting, rifle infantry force type, rifle combined arms, and mech. The 300 series is meant to teach you how to get the most out of Russian infantry in particular (first half) and anti-tank defense (second half). The 400 series is meant to put it all to work in battalion level attacks with each of the Russian force types, up from the company level 200 series.

The opponent is meant to be the AI. Some are suitable for head to head play, some are not - the Germans would have too little to do in the early ones, for instance.

Here is the description stuff -

Russian training exercises

This zip contains 20 training scenarios for play against the AI or a human opponent. They are intended to teach basic tactics of the Russian forces. They are meant to be played in sequence, moving to the next after winning the previous. Use "scenario default" set ups. Repeated attempts are fine, using intel from previous losses is also fine. They run from command of a single tank to a full battalion.

The first 6, the 100 level courses, are extremely simple. They should be second nature. 3 cover armor and 3 cover infantry, progressively adding basic cooperating items for each approach.

Next there are 3 200 level courses meant to teach the basic approach of the usual Russian force types - combined arms force type with infantry division parent, infantry force type, and a mech force type (armor with mech parent unit). You should become familiar with all 3 ways of fighting. The combined arms methods are probably the simplest. Infantry only is hardest to command, while the mech method repays expertise with excellent results.

There are 8 courses at the 300 level, covering infantry tactics, infantry AT tactics, and general AT tactics.

The first 3 introduce the variety of Russian specialist infantry types and highlight the strength of quality infantry and numbers in special conditions - woods, snow, and night. The next 2 cover fighting armored enemies largely using infantry strength, by employing obstacles or in built up city fighting with modest tank support.

They are meant to build on the previous - you should become accustomed to relying on infantry staying power and area control. General AT tactics introduces guns and all arms AT defenses, in open terrain, against progressively tougher German armor. It comes after all the above, so you understand the importance of stripping the tanks, while guns reduce their numbers.

Finally there are 3 courses at the 400 level, revisiting the basic force types on a larger scale and with the added complexity of specialists and supporting arms. These feature a 1942 attack by a green infantry force type, a 1943 attack using combined arms, and a 1944 mech attack. Each has less time available than the previous and faces a slightly improved German force.

100 - Basic armor commands

In this short course you will drive the T-34 and must defeat a lone Panzer opponent.

Setting - Kursk era steppe.

Forces - 1 T-34.

Intended lessons - strengths and weaknesses of the T-34, picking terrain for armor.

101 - Armor platoon command

In this short course you have a platoon of T-34s and a few tank rider scouts, facing a pair of Panzers.

Setting - Kursk era steppe.

Forces - 3 T-34, HQ and 2 SMG half squads.

Intended lessons - intel and scouting in the armor war, many on few maneuvers.

102 - Armor platoon command, superior enemy

In this course you must use teamwork to defeat a single superior enemy AFV.

Setting - Kursk era steppe.

Forces - 3 T-34s, SMG platoon.

Intended lessons - numbers and tactics trump hardware, confidence against enemy armor.

110 - Basic infantry commands

In this course you will learn to advance a green infantry platoon over open ground under fire.

Setting - farmland.

Forces - Green rifle platoon.

Intended lessons - use of cover, proper intervals, advance command, importance of spotting.

111 - Infantry company command

Introduces heavy weapons and higher HQs. Minimal opponents.

Setting - farmland.

Forces - 2 Green rifle platoons, company HQ, 2 MMG, 1 82mm mortar.

Intended lessons - overwatch fires, multiple enemy shooters, persistent infantry advance.

112 - Basic infantry artillery coordination

Introduces "map fire" prep bombardments in support of an infantry company advance. More serious opposition.

Setting - farmland.

Forces - 2 Green rifle platoons, company HQ, 2 MMG, 1 82mm mortar, 1 conscript 122mm gun FO.

Intended lessons - terrain analysis for and timing of planned fires, conforming infantry movements to a preset plan, proper weapon employed against the most suitable target.

200 - Basic combined arms attack

An infantry company with all supporting arms attacks a German infantry force position.

Setting - Kursk era steppe.

Intended lessons - weapons help armor, armor and artillery help infantry. The power of armor

against lesser arms when properly supported.

201 - Infantry force type attack

An infantry company (+) with strong artillery support attacks a German infantry force position.

Setting - Kursk era steppe.

Intended lessons - using fire plan artillery and on map guns instead of tank support.

202 - Mech force type attack

A tank company (-) with riders attacks a German position. Must succeed within 20 minutes.

Setting - Kursk era steppe.

Intended lessons - overwhelming AT defenses, speed, tanks carrying the burden for infantry.

310 - Advanced Russian Infantry tactics I - woods fighting

This is a meeting engagement against a German company in northern Russian woods.

Setting - early 1941, northern Russia.

Intended lessons - Russian infantry varieties and "owning" woods interiors.

311 - Advanced Russian Infantry tactics II - winter woods fighting

This is an even odds Russian attack by ski troops against a dug in German company with strong artillery support.

Setting - January 1942, Battle for Moscow, northern sector.

Intended lessons - exploiting mobility advantages with infantry.

312 - Advanced Russian Infantry tactics III - night woods fighting

This is an even odds Russian night attack by specialist infantry formations. Similar enemy as in 311.

Setting - Spring 1942, night, northern Russia.

Intended lessons - special weapons and tactics, surprise, confident maneuver.

315 - Advanced Russian infantry anti-tank tactics I - infantry and obstacles AT defense

This is a pure infantry defense against a German combined arms probe.

Setting - Typhoon, approaching Moscow.

Intended lessons - anti-tank mine and pioneer AT tactics, tank avoidance.

316 - Advanced Russian infantry anti-tank tactics II - city infantry AT tactics

This is an infantry-heavy defense against German combined arms in a city.

Setting - Stalingrad.

Intended lessons - city AT tactics with pioneers and single tank "blows".

320 - Advanced Russian anti-tank tactics I - gun front AT defense

This is an open steppe defense against German combined arms using a 76mm battery.

Setting - Kursk era steppe.

Intended lessons - basic ATG positioning and fire decisions, "stripping" tactics.

321 - Advanced Russian anti-tank tactics II - combined arms AT defense

This is an open steppe defense against German combined arms with StuGs, using a mix of AT weapons (Valentine IX, 57mm, 76mm mountain guns).

Setting - Kursk era steppe.

Intended lessons - strengths and weaknesses of affordable Russian AT weapons, integration of an AT role AFV in an otherwise static defense.

322 - Advanced Russian anti-tank tactics III - Tiger defense

This is an open steppe defense against a supported platoon of Tiger tanks, using

a mix of advanced Russian weapons (SU-152, 57mm, Sturmovik).

Setting - Kursk era steppe.

Intended lessons - tactics of strongest weapons against tough armor, confidence facing tough armor.

400 - Battalion level infantry force attack, 1942

Green infantry battalion with heavy artillery support attacks a German-held village.

Setting - Kharkov era 1942.

Intended lessons - defeating limited armor on the attack with an infantry force type, coordination of a large force, movement forward of heavy weapons.

401 - Battalion level combined arms attack, 1943

Battalion sized regular infantry force with tank, pioneer, and 120mm support.

Setting - post Kursk offensives 1943

Intended lessons - tank-infantry cooperation on the attack, reacting to enemy armor.

402 - Battalion level Mech force attack, 1944

Mixed tank and SU company with SMG riders attacking behind a rocket prep fire.

Setting - Bagration era.

Intended lessons - speed and aggressiveness handling superior armor.

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That is an interesting point of view.

I play the Russians exactly because they are not a Western Army. The German force structure and methods are very clear to me but the Russians one is quite different and almost alien to a Western military mind. The tactical system is quite different and uses a different weapons mix.


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In the games I play:

CMBO - British Vs German

German Vs US Forces

CMBB - German Vs Russian

CMAK - British Vs German

German Vs US Forces

For British read Empire Forces.

For German read Axis

For US Forces read non British Empire Allies

For Russian read err Russian

Cheers JTF

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Interesting combination.

So far I have played

CMAK - Allies: British in Desert, US in Italy, US in ETO.

CMBB - Russians

I have only played a couple of scenarios as Germans but will start in CMAK soon. But I most enjoy playing the Russians in 43/44.

If you really get into the Russian Training Scenarios, I have a lot of the posts in a word document that I can email to you.


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Originally posted by Der Alte Fritz:

Interesting combination.

So far I have played

CMAK - Allies: British in Desert, US in Italy, US in ETO.

CMBB - Russians

I have only played a couple of scenarios as Germans but will start in CMAK soon. But I most enjoy playing the Russians in 43/44.

If you really get into the Russian Training Scenarios, I have a lot of the posts in a word document that I can email to you.


I would love that word document. If possible could you email it to me but not on the email in my profile.

[ August 21, 2006, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: para ]

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