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An idea for Italians in CMAK

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Originally posted by GaMaX:

Hm, I wonder how would people react if I repost this joke, but replace "Italians" with "French" and "CMAK" with "CM The Blitzkrieg Years". :D:D:D [/quote


Oh I'm quite sure somebody would take offense to that too. :rolleyes: I would just try ignoring the senitive ones and just answer and talk to the other posters. That's what I've decided to do if I ever get into the situation you currectly find yourself. What I find so hard to believe is why then is there that impression out there about the Italians not being good fighers. I mean who started it. I know you didn't because as I said in a earlier post I too am and was under that impression. Where did I get it. If I hadn't read it somewhere, sometime and enough times for it to make an impression on me where would I have gotten that idea? I sure didn't just make it up as I'm sure you didn't. I think I'll start a post about night being dark just to see who disagrees. Bet there would be some. Now that said I am currently reading some books about N. Africa and will be interested in seeing if I still get that impression about the Italians. If I do sorry don't mean to hurt anybody's feeling but I call a spade a spade. Next I guess we should start blaming the English and French for starting WWII cause we might hurt the German's feelings if we continue to blame it on them. That's about how much sense many are making crying about how horrible they think this topic is. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Just remember that there is very low tolerence for national insults (real or perceived) on this forum. That's reserved for the General Forum. redface.gif [/QB]

There is? I thought it was only me that had the "low tolerance". Wow, shucks, aw jeez, galdarnit! Does that mean some of you ole bos was just havin me on? :D

Oh, and a side note. Gamax, I know what you are trying to say and agree with you on the adjustable morale thing (for everyone and not just the Italians). Don't take this stuff seriously. There's a lot of bored old timers hanging around who will pick fights over nothing just to fight. As far as your "nemesis" is concerned, ignore him. He's not making an effort to read your posts so why waste your time.

[ October 04, 2003, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: Cabron66 ]

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Originally posted by Micheal Emrys :

"I think a distinction needs to be made between maliciously maligning a person or group through "humor" and recognizing those human foibles we are all heir to and celebrating them in jokes."

And who gets to be the judge of what is what? Perhaps you would like to volunteer for the position.

"We all need to have a little of the air let out of us once in a while, and I tend to mistrust those who can't take a bit of gentle ribbing once in a while. But as I say, that is a different matter from trying to hurt someone innocent of wrongdoing. A line needs to be drawn and recognized, and sometimes that's hard to do. Those who push "political correctness" (and I think that label too gets misapplied often times) may sometimes be overzealous and puritanical at times, but they have a point and for the time being I prefer to err on the side of tolerance."

You prefer to err on the side of tolerance? Since when?

"Which is to say, I myself find nothing intrinsically wrong with ethnic humor..."

Thankfully the civilized world disagrees with you. But, why stop at "ethnic" humour? I see nothing intrinsically wrong with making fun of the handicapped...and on and on.

"...but I tend to shy away from it unless I am confident that everyone within earshot is going to understand it in the spirit with which it is offered."

And if, even with all your care and caution, someone does take it "the wrong way"? Would they have the right to confront you reasonably expecting an explanation or an apology? Being a bit hypocritical here, aren't we, Emrys?

[ October 04, 2003, 03:00 AM: Message edited by: Cabron66 ]

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Bravo. You understood. In Berlichtingen’s excellent last post he pointed out that region and date are very important. I missed that. When I said I want lowered moral for Italians in CMAK (please note, it’s CMAK, not CMBB, nor any other CM), I meant it for exactly for 1940 and, of course, in Sicily 1943.

But, it’s ok. I give up. Obviously this subject offends too many people.


Oh my.... again...

I still say that there is a difference between MORALE and DELAYED COMMAND.

Not every units had bad morale in 1940 and in 1943.

It seems like you still haven't read my posts though.

I quit here.

Ciao e buonanotte.

[ October 04, 2003, 04:55 AM: Message edited by: Newbtler ]

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