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Fun, Feuds, frutescent frolics and flamed frangipani in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Stay out of my angry thread you slope-headed flint-chipping flag-burning punk-rocking puss-licking non-tnt-chucking Darwinian rejects!! :mad:

I'll slather you all in the most emotionally-disturbed white-hot TNT your eyeballs have ever been singed by puss pods!!! :mad:

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The extensive use of the "G", the "A" and the "R" almost seems like some kind of primitive code...hang on a minute...I think...let' see, carry the two, divide by height...

I come up with something about a spoonful of sugar helps...something, something...go down...?


How will we ever tell Yeknod?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You SEE Seanachai, you SEE! YOU'VE brought this on and you shall, Olde One or not BY GAWD PAY!


Relax, Joe. After a very short while they'll start encountering words that are too long and difficult for them, and their attention will wander, and they'll remember how much they love it in the walls of the Master Goodale thread, gnawing away at the props of civilization, and they'll scurry back.

Their Pied Piper, Goodale, has already been in to take them off.

Just watch where you step for a while, and be quick to knock away anything that scampers up your leg, and shortly all will be right again.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You SEE Seanachai, you SEE! YOU'VE brought this on and you shall, Olde One or not BY GAWD PAY!


Relax, Joe. After a very short while they'll start encountering words that are too long and difficult for them, and their attention will wander, and they'll remember how much they love it in the walls of the Master Goodale thread, gnawing away at the props of civilization, and they'll scurry back.

Their Pied Piper, Goodale, has already been in to take them off.

Just watch where you step for a while, and be quick to knock away anything that scampers up your leg, and shortly all will be right again. </font>

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

You have a Swede whilst we have two Uber Finns

A Swede? We have thousands of the buggers, and other than Geier they're not worth the rotting fish it takes to get them to belt up for five minutes.

Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

You have lawyers, we have one lawyer too many. Do you really want another lawyer?

All our lawyers are on sabbatical (read: currently guests of the State for tax evasion...)

Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

I would try to barter but any trade...

You have Australians, we have a Canadian. We have Dave H.

Where's the Canadian from? We might be willing to trade you Mouse for the Canadian, as the whole cheese thing is starting to worry me. Daren't put down a grilled cheese sandwich in here for fear of what it'll be covered with when you pick it up again. We had a Canadian, but he's gone missing.

Can't give up the Australians, of course. Besides the fact that they wouldn't go (we've better beer, here, see, and they're comfortable here; we might set up a captive breeding program this year), I need them in order to properly pursue my Crusade of Hatred for Australia.

Dave H. Alright, that one's certainly difficult. Hmm...okay, we'll take Dave H if we can all pelt Soddball with garbage and filth while he sings an ABBA medley. Arrange it, and Dave H is off your hands.

But you'd better keep all the Finns, for sure. They don't do well in an intellectual environment. Keep coughing up hair balls, and trashing the corners of the furniture.

Oh, and clean up after that Eugen fellow before you leave, thank you very much!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I intend to beat you like a cheap drum ... do you prefer a QB or a scenario?


Justicar's choice, just as you like. Only none of those hideous joke scenarios you keep foisting on the new chaps.

It is hilarious, you know, the way you get them to actually play those abortions. Some of them don't even seem to realize they're being asked to bend over and cough.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh you'll not get off THAT easily Seanachai, it's just like the war ... totally unnecessary and against the wrong people ... NO, no, not THAT war, THIS war ... The Mormon War of 1838 ... If they'd just waited the Mormons would have moved to Utah anyway, I think. In any case at that point the Mormons didn't have ANY WMD (Weapons of Mormon Doctrine) despite what President VanBuren said ... that lying swine.


"From Danite oaths to extermination orders, this book succinctly reveals what really happened between the Mormons and the Missourians. Thoroughly researched and precisely written, it fills one of the biggest gaps in Mormon history."

Good grief, it sounds about as interesting as "The Illustrated History of Lint"

When in your cups, do you act it all out with finger puppets, Joe?

And one of their biggest historical gaps was less than two hundred years ago? What was it? The Mormon Dark Ages? Sounds redundant to me.

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Oh, and Mike the Wino (I will always bold the name of a man who sends me wine), would one of you lot with a little more on the ball please teach Master Goodale how to spell 'pus'.

His constant errors in that direction are beyond merely unsettling. His intent is disgusting, but his execution ranges from merely strange (cat licking, see above), to disturbingly prurient (his recently changed thread title).

I mean, really. It's a three letter word. That should be within even his limited grasp.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

"From Danite oaths to extermination orders, this book succinctly reveals what really happened between the Mormons and the Missourians.

Good grief, it sounds about as interesting as "The Illustrated History of Lint"

Are you insane, Radley? An entire book about Mormons and Missourians killing each other?

Now that's entertainment!

And given the idiocy doubtless rampant on both sides, it's probably almost ludicrously bizarre.

I, for one, plan to check this out as soon as I can get my hands on it.

[ September 04, 2003, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I intend to beat you like a cheap drum ... do you prefer a QB or a scenario?


Justicar's choice, just as you like. Only none of those hideous joke scenarios you keep foisting on the new chaps.

It is hilarious, you know, the way you get them to actually play those abortions. Some of them don't even seem to realize they're being asked to bend over and cough. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Where's the Canadian from? We might be willing to trade you Mouse for the Canadian, as the whole cheese thing is starting to worry me.

Not for all the mold in MG's basement.

:mad: :mad:

P.S. I hate cheese. Both that which goes for wit here and the *gag* edible kind. :mad:

Get my contribution to eradicating ÜberGnome video card envy yet?

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Get my contribution to eradicating ÜberGnome video card envy yet?

No, but I only empty my mailbox every two weeks or so. I find that creditors, like wines, improve with time.

Those first dunning letters are pretty tame, but after you've ignored them long enough, they're full of frothy hate and threatening goodness.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Relax, Joe. After a very short while *static* start *static* words that are too long and *static* for them, and their *static* will *static*, and *long static* how much they love it in the walls of the *longer static*, *static* away at the props of *static*, and *long static* back.

*long static*, *static*, has *static* been in to take them off.

Just watch *static* you step for a *static*, and be *static* to knock away *static* that *static* up your leg, and *static* all will be right *static*.

As seen through the brain of one of them Goodale neanderthals
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Where's the Canadian from? We might be willing to trade you Mouse for the Canadian, as the whole cheese thing is starting to worry me.

Bah! Trade as you will, if it amuses you old man. Perhaps sending you a few old buttons, bent paper clips, and a ragged shoe or two will you let you work out some deals with your friends who sleep on the benches in downtown Minneapolis. Rolled any drunks lately searching for change so that you can pleasure yourself with some streetcorner strumpet? I thought so.

[ September 04, 2003, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Mouse ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and Mike the Wino (I will always bold the name of a man who sends me wine), would one of you lot with a little more on the ball please teach Master Goodale how to spell 'pus'.


I mean, really. It's a three letter word. That should be within even his limited grasp.

To the first point we have tried to enlighten the lad but to no avail. I mean he still leads with armor, if that's any indicator. As to your second point the lad recently lost a game checkers to a box rocks so his grasp is even weaker than anyone ever imagined.
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While I was Away

And then one day, it came to pass

Crossover threads, so full of sass

When Yeng met Yang, it seemed so crass

But now it's done, don't cry alas

The Forum shook, Madmatt awoke

The stench was foul, it made him choke

"Those loser boys, I'd like to poke

Between the eyes, and that's no joke"

Steve and Charles were hard at work

The tremors came, it was no quirk

And Steve looked up, "Who was the jerk

That had to post, instead of lurk?"

What can be done, to set things right

Cess with maggots, a horrid sight

Don't blame the left, don't blame the right

Just blame Croda, he picked this fight

So now you see, the wall is down

Peng has smilies, they're all around

But don't despair, wear not a frown

So much the same, is what I found

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And as lordes sonnes bene sette, at four yere age,

To scole to lerne the doctryne of letture,

And after at sex to have thaym in language,

And sitte at mete semely in all nurture;

At ten and twelve to revelle in thair cure,

To daunse and synge, and speke of gentelnesse;

At fourtene yere they shalle to felde I sure,

At hunte the dere, and catch an hardynesse.

For dere to hunte and slea, and se them blede,

Ane hardyment gyfffith to Jim Boggs corage,

And also in his wytte to takyth hede

Ymagyninge to take thaym at avauntage.

At sextene yere to werray and to wage,

To juste and ryde, and castels to assayle,

To scarmyse als, and make sykur courage,

And sette his wache for perile nocturnayle;

And every day his armure to assay

In fete of armes with some of his meyne,

His might to preve, and what that he do may

Iff that we were in such a jupertee

Of werre by falle, that by necessite

He might algates with wapyns hym defende:

Thus should he lerne in his priorite

His wapyns alle in armes to dispende.

John Harding.

Congratulations , Sir Jim Boggs ,

You earned this title through deeds.

Through sincerity.

Through dedication.

Once and for ever .

Finally I can rest in peace.


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First, at age four, he entered a kind of school to learn to read and write. At age six he continued his training and learned to carve at the table, serving as a page. This was often done under the supervision of the holding's lady, who had charge of the pages training.

By age fourteen, the would be taught to hunt, stalking the quarry in preparation for training with weapons for war, which would according to this piece begin around the age of sixteen. Doubtless many started younger.

Between the ages of eighteen and twenty four they would have been knighted by a local knight, or if they were very lucky, by a greater noble or even the king.

Welcome Back Konrad ...

I missed you.

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