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why am i shite at this game

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hi para,, split squad into 2 teams,, the smg team goes first move to contact ,, and hide,, add 10 second delay to lmg team and move to contact,fire arc to max range ie 400 meters,

this way the rifle/smg team is forward on recon, while the rifle/lmg team is 10 seconds behind to help them if they get in trouble,, do it in short advances,, trying to cross the whole map is suicide,

with 3 squad platoons ,, spread out but keep all squads within comand range of platoon hq,

the 30 meter gap is variable, can be up to 50 meters, never less than 20

sq,1 >>>>>>short to contact& hide

30 meter gap

hq sq, sq,2 covering

30 meter gap

sq,3 >>>>>>short to contact & hide

sq 1 & 3 are split into teams, lmg team is 10 seconds behind smg team, sq 2 is not split, unless cover is scarce, then sq 2 smg team is slightly ahead of lmg team,,,

any hmg or mortar should be behind the hq ,,,

sqads 1 and 3 move on first turn, sqad 2 moves to line on 2nd turn, hq and heavy wpns move up on 3rd turn, repeat untill you make contact,

with 4 squad platoons, do same , keep 4th sq in reserve, ie behind heavy weapons,

once you get close to the enemy, use sneak command ,, again,, short distances,

Of course i could be doing everything wrong,, but it seems to work,,,

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Well of course, if *I'd* just escaped with my life from a shot-out AFV (or gun), I'd consider myself well-out of it.

Just a bit annoying, in that case, that AFV crews hang around in the game. If they are not going to re-crew they should not be (showing) in the game. What's the point?

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The point is the crew is still valuable...so you need to get them to high tail it out of there before your opponent kills them for victory points. Sometimes though, a crew can do some damage though, particularily from a large vehicle...I've seen them take out teams and squads while they were hunkered down in a building before I could get them out of the way.

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Originally posted by Paul AU:

Well of course, if *I'd* just escaped with my life from a shot-out AFV (or gun), I'd consider myself well-out of it.

The point is that a gun can be either "knocked out" or "abandoned". In the first case, it's obvious that trying to reman the gun is a wasted effort. But if the gun crew just gets some heebie-jeebies from a near mortar impact and the gun is left intact while they run away, why shouldn't they be able to operate the gun again later?
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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Paul AU:

Well of course, if *I'd* just escaped with my life from a shot-out AFV (or gun), I'd consider myself well-out of it.

The point is that a gun can be either "knocked out" or "abandoned". In the first case, it's obvious that trying to reman the gun is a wasted effort. But if the gun crew just gets some heebie-jeebies from a near mortar impact and the gun is left intact while they run away, why shouldn't they be able to operate the gun again later? </font>
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Para, the absolute beauty of all the CM games is you can play exactly the size battles you want via quick battles or the scenario editor. I've owned CMBO and CMBB for quite some time, and spend the vast majority of time designing and playing small/tiny scenarios so that I dont' just get overwhelmed with units. Plus, you tend to miss a lot on a bigger battlefield, so I tend to favor smaller for that reason as well.

You can design training scenarios for yourself, to test infantry tactics, see how suppression works, check out tank vs. tank battles, and pretty much tailor the game to your own needs. You do not HAVE to play the included scenarios 'til you're ready...I swear, I've only played a half dozen of the included ones myself.

Stick with smaller stuff 'til you get a really good handle on how things work in the game, and then design some bigger battles yourself when you feel comfortable. This isn't school, and you're not on anyone's schedule but your own.

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Originally posted by teotwawki1:

Para, the absolute beauty of all the CM games is you can play exactly the size battles you want via quick battles or the scenario editor. I've owned CMBO and CMBB for quite some time, and spend the vast majority of time designing and playing small/tiny scenarios so that I dont' just get overwhelmed with units. Plus, you tend to miss a lot on a bigger battlefield, so I tend to favor smaller for that reason as well.

You can design training scenarios for yourself, to test infantry tactics, see how suppression works, check out tank vs. tank battles, and pretty much tailor the game to your own needs. You do not HAVE to play the included scenarios 'til you're ready...I swear, I've only played a half dozen of the included ones myself.

Stick with smaller stuff 'til you get a really good handle on how things work in the game, and then design some bigger battles yourself when you feel comfortable. This isn't school, and you're not on anyone's schedule but your own.

cheers m8
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