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Hungarian Mission Pack

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More useful links regarding the siege:


(Check this for the pictures - KÉPEK. Be sure to click on each of the botton menü points, and then on "KÉPEK".)

Lots of pictures:


There was also a great link, which seems to be removed by now about the battle, with great illustrations. Maybe I can find it.

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Just downloaded this mission pack the other day and played the first one. Not bad at all, I enjoyed it, looking forward to the other scenarios. I've probably played as the Hungarians only a few times, so this is a welcomed breath of fresh air.

Thanks fellas, nice job. smile.gif

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I played the 1st scenario yesterday against a human opponent.

======= spoilers ============================

I enjoyed it, but probably because I played the Hungarians. The attack went smooth, too smooth.

Why are the Russian crippled in their setup?

The maxims are locked in place in positions where they only cover small angles, and they are vulnerable to the Hungarian AFV's.

The front row of houses is off limit for the Russians, facilitating the initial advance for the Hungarian infantery considerably.

The only Russian AT asset, the gun, is also locked in place, and can be avoided by the tanks until it is destroyed.

I think by unlocking the Russians and slightly expanding their setup area the fight is much more challenging.

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Ok, here are the questions for the first scenario, freshly from the desinger of it.


The mission might be easy, but consider it as an introduction/tutorial to the whole Mission Pack and to get a feel for the Hungaians if you haven't played 'em before. (Dont bother, you will get your butt kicked. Too soon) smile.gif )

Advancing armies got forward very easily at this point of the war, and had to fight encircled troops, or troops which have been left to cover the retreat. The "winding up" went easy in some places, while in other locations resistance was fierce.

Individual units are bound to places, to simulate the "command push" ("Befehlstaktik") which was common in the Red Army during this time (contrary to the "Aufstragstaktik" used by the Germans.)

Tovaris Kommandris said the Maxim has to be there, so it HAD to be there. smile.gif

So the mg covers the right flank of Soviets, the open ground. The designer did not wanted the AI to mix things up. The AT gun covers the road, and the left flank.

Since the soldiers in the village are encircled (however you can only suppose this, since you don't see the neighbouring sectors) they try to inflict the highest possible casualties on the advancing Huns. (They MUST have a good political officer) smile.gif So they thought setting up a trap would be THE deal. They wait until the Honvéds enter the village, and try to strike them there.

It might work out...

...or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are interested in Budapest battles, I just updated my Margit Island operation.

For those familiar with the battle, I could use some advice on the placement of the buildings on the island. I know the way I have them now, they are probably too large... and I may be missing other features.

The operation is in playtesting and located at The Proving Grounds.

Margit Island, Budapest

This is a ten battle operation, 20 turns each. Plays as Russians vs. AI or 2-player.

-- -- -- -- --


I'm playing your (or your friend's) "Zurück on Chainbridge". Good battle and good map. I was thinking of doing this battle myself. No need now. smile.gif :cool: The other maps look terrific as well!


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Originally posted by Bannon DC:


I'm playing your (or your friend's) "Zurück on Chainbridge". Good battle and good map. I was thinking of doing this battle myself. No need now. smile.gif :cool: The other maps look terrific as well!


Thank you Bannon! I worked with this map a lot. I live here, I walk in these streets every day and I want to close to the realism as I can. Finally, this map became too big (with a lot of smoke) and lag in my machine... But I read some memoire about this battle and everybody remember to the apocalyptic view of the destoyed, flamed city.

Sorry for the lag...

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Bardosy --

Just finished Zuruck on Chainbridge. I had a great fight... lots of fun. I was very surprised at the number of Soviet tanks I was able to knock out... and thank goodness I did knock them out. I got a "minor defeat"... 39% to 61%.

== == == SPOILERS == == ==

== == == SPOILERS == == ==

Quick AAR -- I delayed a turn or two before starting to retreat my men... I wanted to see what was out there before the firing started. Great fight on the Hungarian right (line held by unfit Hungarians). I was able to get maybe less than half of these guys back. On the left, I did much better... I got most of the Germans on the left flank back.

Closing in on turn 20, I was still leap-frogging my men on the left back. The middle was starting to develop into a MAJOR fight. I brought in the reserves I had and held the Russians back until the last few turns, but I crumbled as I ran out of ammo. I had a company+ still leapfrogging and holding the fallback positions in the buildings nearest the bridges. I had two Zbrine (sp?) left. I lost the "crack" (or "elite") to a T-34 that got into the bridge area on the last turn!

So, on turn 30, I had to deal with that rogue T-34 and the infantry that had just started to break through the last block. The T-34 was knocked out by one of the other SPs. After he was dead, the plan was to turn on the infantry and pummel them, cover the dash of the last infantry with some smoke and then reverse the SPs over the bridge.

Comments --

Excellent map! Well done historical scenario!

As you mentioned, you do have a lot of burning buildings. This was not a problem for me, but could be for others. You could lose some of the smoke without losing the atmosphere... especially along the edge of the map. It all blends in along the edges anyway.

There are two major problems... but they should be easily fixed. The first become obvious early in the game... not enough time. I was enjoying leap frogging in my retreat... one platoon covering another and then taking a new position while the first pulls back. This takes some time. Then, the long trip across the bridge, across the square, up a brush covered slope, aver a wall and then out. Once at the bridge, it is at least 500m (and hopefully no one is shooting at you). That last 500m takes at least 6 minutes. Longer if tired. I had about a company and a half moving toward the exit on the last turn.

For the time issue, I suggest making the scenario at least 35 minutes... no longer than 40. Plus, cut off most of the Buda side of the map. It looks great, but does not add anything to the play of the game. (If you are not aware, you can edit the size of the map on the right and bottom (W and S) in the editor by holding down the "shift" key when clicking on the height and width buttons. You can adjust it back and forth and not lose any of the buildings, etc. Be careful -- once you leave the editor, the map will stay as it was when you left... you can't get the buildings back at that point.)

The second major problem was the location of the flag. The path the AI chooses to get to the flag made it collect all its units in the middle of the map (somewhere near the Basilica) and then move to the flag. This resulted in MASSIVE Russian infantry all moving in one huge unit. Maybe if you used two flags on either side of the square in front of the bridges it might break up the AI attack better. (You could also give a point adjustment to the Axis side for the value of the flags.)

Small suggestion, the AI attack on the Axis left flank was weak. You could place some of the Russian infantry on that side... maybe coming down the river from Margit bridge.

Who is Zuruck?? I don't think it is mentioned in the brief.

This is a very good scenario. Well done!


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Bannon! Thank you for your great review!

And thank you for your advices. I don't promise you to do this changes, but I'll thinking about it!

Zurück is a german word, means: back(wards). I want germanize the "Retreat on Chainbridge" title with this german word.

The Hungarian SP name is Zrinyi, not Zbrine smile.gif And Zrinyi was a medieval hungarian hero/general, who fought against the muslims.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by bardosy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bannon DC:

I emailed it to you. if you need me to resend let me know.

I recived your last mail at 06 May. Is this it? If not, please send me the latest again! Thanks! I'll check it! </font>
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Some of this should really have been in the Allied Briefing.

Originally posted by Szedrencs:

Ok, here are the questions for the first scenario, freshly from the desinger of it.


The mission might be easy, but consider it as an introduction/tutorial to the whole Mission Pack and to get a feel for the Hungaians if you haven't played 'em before. (Dont bother, you will get your butt kicked. Too soon) smile.gif )

Advancing armies got forward very easily at this point of the war, and had to fight encircled troops, or troops which have been left to cover the retreat. The "winding up" went easy in some places, while in other locations resistance was fierce.

Individual units are bound to places, to simulate the "command push" ("Befehlstaktik") which was common in the Red Army during this time (contrary to the "Aufstragstaktik" used by the Germans.)

Tovaris Kommandris said the Maxim has to be there, so it HAD to be there. smile.gif

[snipped by Brent]

I was the Axis in the F-t-F game of HP1 and switched to the Allied side for HP2, just in case the defender sufferred lock down again. Lo & behold - they were about 98% locked down. Again, something should be in the briefing to explain this to the Allied player or it should be listed as "recommended as Axis vs AI".
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Originally posted by Brent Pollock:

Again, something should be in the briefing to explain this to the Allied player or it should be listed as "recommended as Axis vs AI".

You have right, Brent. We missed to inform the players about this. But this is a Hungarian Mission Pack and Hungary was at the Axis side. We hoped it's clear to we recommend you playing as Axis.

Sorry for inconvenience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's shame, but I couldn't find any detailed webpage about Military Museum in English. Here it is a general tourist info about Budapest:

Budapest Info

This a page of mine, some photos from the living exibition of Military Museum:


If you will visit Budapest, you must see that Buda Castle,

Vérmező (next to Castle) this was the last emergency airport for the Germans,

Alagút (Tunnel) above the Castle (the Russian HQ use this tunnel for bunker)

Széna tér - Ostrom utca (next to Castle): you can see the bullet-holes in the walls of building

Margit sziget (island on Danube) - There was a Russian landing operation.

And there is a AFV museum not far from Budapest, but I don't know exactly. I'll search for it on the web and later I post you. (Sergei, you know that?)

By the way: If you want prepare for this tour with some CMBB missions, I advice you the Hungarian Mission Pack in this forum

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