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What are your favourite Scenarios?

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As i don't have internet at home, i have to stick mostly with the cmbb cd scenarios. There are some really well-designed ones, e.g. the "Hill 312" german attack, which i found quite challenging because of the limited amount of time you have. It took me a few tries, but now i usually win by russian surrender (with my own troops totally exhausted though), sending all my infantry through the forest to the russian far left flank, and then up the hill.

One of the few downloaded scen.s i have is also quite enjoyable; csdt's "Eisen-Faust", great map and good balance of forces. I lost both my 88's to enemy mortar fire and the halftracks were crushed, but finally my infantry took out most T-34's, the last one got his gun destroyed by a PzJg I.

Can you recommend any great scenarios and where can i get them? Also, what are your favourite cmbb cd scenarios?

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Originally posted by Krautman:

As i don't have internet at home, i have to stick mostly with the cmbb cd scenarios.

One of the few downloaded scen.s i have is also quite enjoyable; csdt's "Eisen-Faust", great map and good balance of forces. I lost both my 88's to enemy mortar fire and the halftracks were crushed, but finally my infantry took out most T-34's, the last one got his gun destroyed by a PzJg I.

Do you have a public library? Get yourself a diskette for under a $1 and use the public library computers to download off the Scenario Depot. Scenarios are small and you could get an hours worth of downloading on there. Think of the hours worth of enjoyment you can get from it.

Warmongers CSDT Eisen Faust is a GREAT scenario! :D All of the CSDT and HSG work is worth looking at.

Hope this helps you get some free internet access for your gaming addiction anyway... :D

Good Hunting.

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I have several actually. I played all these battles PBEM against my friend.

Our Backs To The Volga - On the Stalingrad pack from B&T. I played this in November 2003 and it is still quite vivid in both my mind and my opponent's. It's probably the most brutal urban scenario I know.

Prelude to Kursk - Great armored and infantry clash. Lots of room for tactics and maneuver on both sides. One of the few battles against an evenly matched enemy that I've won a major victory in.

Battle for the Reichstag - Beautifully captures fighting on one of the last days of the war. Memorable to me because of the heroic and futile last stand I made against my opponent's overwhelming force of tanks and infantry.

There's so many more and I feel like it's a disservice not to mention them. But it's late, I'm tired, and my contacts are acting up so I'm going to go to bed smile.gif

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Hi guys!

I agree with Panther Commander: The Scenario Depot is the right place for you!

Personally, I'm a big fan of the HSG team: their works feature in-depth historical backgrounds, great maps (often taken from originals), well balanced forces and high replayability.

They choose and set troops up so well that playing vs. the AI can be really a challenge!!! Actually I had my butt kicked big time more than once... smile.gif

Two of my favourite ones are "HSG - A Tiger by the tail" and "HSG - The mythical beast" by Steve "Mad Russian" Overton. Steve has a soft spot for rare and "exotic" assets!

Try them, hours of sheer fun are guaranteed!!!

Like Falcon988 says, there are others scens & designers that deserve to be mentioned, but simply there's too many of 'em.



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"Cemetary Hill", that's a tough one, i tried it once... I like "Totenkopf"/"Death's Head" and "Verlassenes Land"/"Desolated? Land"(Luftwaffe Infantry+StuGs vs Soviet mech.~1943/44)

In general though, i prefer the early war "grey" period- so many stylish vehicles! Later on, most tanks are multi-purpose vehicles, earlier, you have such cool specialists like PzJg I, sIG33B and my all-time favourite: that russian ugly duckling with the twin mgs... winner of my personal Frankenstein beauty award... Also, BT-7 and BT-7A in combination are much more fun to play than simply T-34's, you just blow up enemy infantry and tanks alike with later tanks. Early war tanks enforce more tactical use, and it is not that deceisive if you lose the armor duel.

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Originally posted by l.cassidy:

Hi guys!

Personally, I'm a big fan of the HSG team: their works feature in-depth historical backgrounds, great maps (often taken from originals), well balanced forces and high replayability.

They choose and set troops up so well that playing vs. the AI can be really a challenge!!! Actually I had my butt kicked big time more than once... smile.gif

Two of my favourite ones are "HSG - A Tiger by the tail" and "HSG - The mythical beast" by Steve "Mad Russian" Overton. Steve has a soft spot for rare and "exotic" assets!

Try them, hours of sheer fun are guaranteed!!!

Like Falcon988 says, there are others scens & designers that deserve to be mentioned, but simply there's too many of 'em.



Thanks for your kind words.

HSG works very hard at "getting it right". There are over a dozen members that either design, research or playtest our scenarios. Our goal is to produce as historically accurate scenarios as we can research. That includes briefings, OOB's and maps. What we also do, is playtest our scenarios, until we feel that they are balanced to the best of our ability.

Each time you open one of our scenarios we want it to include something about WWII that you didn't know before. We have designers that specialize in the Battle of the Bulge, UK forces, the Eastern Front... and more. Our series cover Normandy, The Battle of the Bulge, Victoria Cross Winners, Medal of Honor Winners, Knights Cross Winners, Battles at Kharkov, The Destruction of Army Group Center, Breaching the Siegfried Line, the 3rd Armored Division Mini-Campaign, and more. We have large and small, battle and operation, scenarios. There is literally something for everyone.

To date HSG has been a group for a little over 14 months and have gotten more than 42,000 downloads on the 97 scenarios that we have posted to the Scenario Depot. Our goal continues to be quality not quantity though.

Lest the wrong impression be gotten here, Steve "The Mad Russian" Overton, is not HSG. The Scenario Depot and The Proving Grounds showcase 7 HSG designers.

Bertrand Dossmann

Fredrik Wallin

Gil Wilson


Steve Overton

Tom Murphy


Doing a search for any of these designers will get you great scenarios. Or you can do an index search for H and find us. There are scenarios done for both CMBB and CMAK.

Two of these members were also members of CSDT and have scenarios listed under them as well. Currently, "Panzerman" is doing CSDT scenarios and they are also very worthy of your downloading time.

Now that you have a little background on our group, we hope to see you on the battlefield. We appreciate the time you spend with us.

Good Hunting.

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Originally posted by Bergerbitz:

Call me sick, but my favorite scenario is Cemetary Hill. I still haven't been able to get much more than a "near draw" out of that one.

I don't have a favourite operation as of yet...maybe I should play one or two of them sometme?

Hy Berg...

I like "Cemetery Hill" too. But I generally prefer small scen. where you have to make the best with scarce resources. To be frank with you I tend to get bored by masses of men and material.

Down to the point now. "Cemetery Hill" is a difficult one, and that is OK, but it seems to me that is creator "cheated" a little, because the scen. has a tendency do "negociate" ceasefires that prevents us to totally explore our victories.

As in all scen. there is a right way of doing it. Once you know it you can get major or total victories.

In this case the key is to "dribble" the AI deploy...

The Key - The rout to your infantry attack is the "brush" on the right. There is other way, but with great losses and dubious results.

1 - place one recon platoon, an HMG and a vehicule at the left flank. The vehicule will advance along the edge at left...

2 - place your engineers at the center, but in a position where four squads - the complete ones - can make a twist to the right (3thrd turn or more)and run to the "brush" gate...

3 - place your mortars, one HMG, and the other recon squad - the one with the commander has stealth advantages - at the verge of the brush way. You cand send a FT with them...

4 Place your three remaining vehicules at the center, using them like a trident...

5 - Important! Place your field gun to the right so it can cover all the houses and a bit of the woods across the road.

After making this deploy try to extract the logic consequences. I believe that after a couple of games you can beat the russians.



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Howdy jcosta. Thanks for the detailed tips. I may be the only one around here that hasn't beat that scenario yet.

Avast! Thar be spoilers ahead....





























I usually try to make a big, fast push along the wooded right side of the map, keeping the HMGs, mortars and vehicles back to provide overwatch while my more mobile squads move up and hook left.

I did try to keep an HMG and a squad on the left side of the map a few times, but they would get slaughtered and I deemed it a waste of resources.

On the right side I lead with the recon, follow with the pioneers and keep the AIs head down while I get within grenade range. Then it's a matter of pinning and taking pieces out of he defense and make a beeline for the church.

The best I got out of that method is a draw.

That's why I love CMBB...after tw years of playing, it still forces me to think. Bless them Battlefront guys.

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Originally posted by Bergerbitz:

Howdy jcosta. Thanks for the detailed tips. I may be the only one around here that hasn't beat that scenario yet.

Avast! Thar be spoilers ahead....





























I usually try to make a big, fast push along the wooded right side of the map, keeping the HMGs, mortars and vehicles back to provide overwatch while my more mobile squads move up and hook left.

I did try to keep an HMG and a squad on the left side of the map a few times, but they would get slaughtered and I deemed it a waste of resources.

On the right side I lead with the recon, follow with the pioneers and keep the AIs head down while I get within grenade range. Then it's a matter of pinning and taking pieces out of he defense and make a beeline for the church.

The best I got out of that method is a draw.

That's why I love CMBB...after tw years of playing, it still forces me to think. Bless them Battlefront guys.

Hy Bgb

I think your approach is the right one in general terms. The wooded right side and the two sides off the road are the "entry... Yesterday, I achieved a Total Victory - with russian surrendering and my guys already beyond the Church... Altough this result is rare, a "Major" it's easy to get.

But you have to "cheat" the AI deploy wich I believe sort of responds simmetricaly to yours, at least in the "Free to Place Units" mode.

If you deploy the pioneers more to the center the AI will spread more it's defense. And this is the key. Four pioneer squads can (by the 3rd play) run and enter the attack corridor.

By the same reasons you must place the vehicules at the center - they can advance slowly after like a trident, and after you get read of AT guns, charge the buildings.

The recon platoon (plus HMG) on the left contributes for the covering fire and - once your attack force is inside the trench and the houses on the right side of the road - they can even charge the trench, get there and go as far as the Church or more!

Fundamental is your field gun, that must be deployed in such a way that allows it to fire all the first line of buildings -even the two heavy ones on the left - and, eventually smoke the advance of your first attack group (the recons with the "stealth officer. Theese guys can even "move" half the way trough the "bushes" and hide, before they advance after your gun, vheicules and other forces have harassed russian defenses to the left. The "smoke" of blown up houses offers good cover to your assault to the "woods"...

Try a couple of times - there are some small details you must analise - and believe me. It can be easyly done gainst the machine.

I confess I would like to play this one against a human player. Maybe I am wrong but I think that in this case the russian position is not conquerable.


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I always use the "Stick to Scenario Default" setting when playing scenarios. The computer's setups can be kind of lacking at times and don't present the same challenge the scenario designer's setup does.

Just for a hoot, I used the "Free to Place Units" setting and managed to earn a Major Victory by using my same old tactics. After the battle was over, I noticed the computer placed its heavy weapons in some very odd places (a pillbox behind the church, for example).

But this scenario was discussed to death a while ago. I don't think the thread survived The Great Purge of '04 but I could be mistaken. But thanks for the tips and tricks...I could always use a bit o' learnin' here and there.

Back to the main topic -- Pavlov's House is another favourite of mine. Nice, tight little urban battle. Scratches an itch or two.

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Originally posted by murphus:

One I really like vs AI, and PBEM too, is "Sword of Bagration". Some tricky dilemmas there, and a really nice array of artillery choices.

Yes, I played Bagration in PBEM and really enjoyed it. Great map with a lot of room for maneuvering and tactics.

Stalingrad on the Danube is a nice and brutal urban battle set in Budapest. I played that one against the AI and I bet it would be even better PBEM.

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"CSDT B14 Eisen Faust" is perhaps the most perfectly balanced scenario I've ever played, a great map with a good & varied mix of terrain & lots of cool toys for both sides to play with. The opposing sides, while asymmetrical in their respective capacities are very evenly balanced if both players know what they are doing. A very violent, bloody battle from beginning to end.

Available at the scenario depot.

"Kp Tank Warning" is a truly stunning operation - July 12 Prokorovka: Kampfgruppe Peiper is hit by the 32nd Tank Brigade. It is a learning experience & the Soviet commander has to be particularly callous. In many ways it shows in a microcosm, why the Germans lost.

There is an area on the map I've nicknamed, "Die Kagelbahn", which is German for Bowling alley. Available at Boot & Tracks Here:


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Originally posted by Alkiviadis:

"CSDT B14 Eisen Faust" is perhaps the most perfectly balanced scenario I've ever played, a great map with a good & varied mix of terrain & lots of cool toys for both sides to play with. The opposing sides, while asymmetrical in their respective capacities are very evenly balanced if both players know what they are doing. A very violent, bloody battle from beginning to end.

Available at the scenario depot.

WarHawk did a great AAR of Eisen Faust. It's a very enjoyable read. Just beware, many, many, many spoilers.
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Originally posted by BigDork:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Alkiviadis:

"CSDT B14 Eisen Faust" is perhaps the most perfectly balanced scenario I've ever played, a great map with a good & varied mix of terrain & lots of cool toys for both sides to play with. The opposing sides, while asymmetrical in their respective capacities are very evenly balanced if both players know what they are doing. A very violent, bloody battle from beginning to end.

Available at the scenario depot.

WarHawk did a great AAR of Eisen Faust. It's a very enjoyable read. Just beware, many, many, many spoilers. </font>
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Originally posted by Panther Commander:

Currently, "Panzerman" is doing CSDT scenarios and they are also very worthy of your downloading time.

Thanks for the kind words PC. :D I agree with others when I say that HSG has some of the best scenarios out there. smile.gif

I am not soure about a favourite scenario though.

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Originally posted by Pzman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panther Commander:

Currently, "Panzerman" is doing CSDT scenarios and they are also very worthy of your downloading time.

Thanks for the kind words PC. :D I agree with others when I say that HSG has some of the best scenarios out there. smile.gif

I am not soure about a favourite scenario though. </font>

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