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Cheery Threats of Stale Waffles and Moldy Goodales

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You slithering gaggle of puss wads. :mad: I sent my flaming turns out last night and I notice the forums are aaawwwweful quiet this morning :mad: That's right, what's wrong the molten TNT burned your tongue?? What a sorry grabasstic bunch of teenybopper, war-protesting hooligans you all are. You disgust me! :mad:

Snarker: Oh boy are you learning a lesson from the MasterGoodale. hahahahahah I just love mowing your grunts down with hot furious blasts of TNT propelled ball bearings!

Soddball: What a slime licking sack of bloated cusk cocks. Thought he was all tough taking out a few tanks but now the sudden realization that there are hordes and hordes of angry Russians closing in on his AT guns and tanks causes a despicable frown to spread across his ugly mug. Eat up bitch. :mad:

DaveH: yeah yeah yeah so you have managed to overwhelm my defenses with an unprecedented gaggle of grunts. What a wuss. Fight like a real man next time maggot and I'll show you what real TNT can do.

Hodge - aka CollegeBoy: How do ya like me now?? I didn't think so. Boy did I rip your pathetic krauts a new asshole in this one eh maggot!? :mad: I bet your scorched sack you'll be wanting a rematch after this one eh hoser? Kiss my TNT dipped ass you beer-drinking D+ getting pile of steaming kraut fesces. You need a few more classes in "Military Tactics and Bravery". Do they offer that at "Wussie College of merica"?

Becky What a lump on my dick you are you sniveling shishkabob of pig twats. You got lucky maggot but I think we both know it aint over till your men learn to read a map. If it says "Mine Field DANGER Mine Field BEWARE!" you should find a new path. HHAH HAHAH AH what a puss wad you lost about 100 grunts in that minefield. I don't think I've ver laughed so hard in my life! Angry Out Loud!! :mad:

Carrot Top Keep dropping those duds and sending out those mosquito troops to annoy my tankers and you'ee be fine. BTW, I am SSSOOOOO sorry about those big things called bombs we dropped on your skull! Dude, I swear we had NO IDEA what would happen if we chucked them at you! They went "BOOM!!" can you believe that!? Talking bombs!! Paah.

WallyBobber The end is near. Sorry.

Konrad HAH AHHAHAHH AH AH AH!!! AHA HAHH AH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAH H AH HA AHAH H A!! Oh boy do I have hot, furious, bitter, angry, psychologically disturbed, lead-spitting surprise for you maggot!! HAH AH HAH AHH A HH H AH AHAHAHAHH H AH AH AH HAH AH GAGRAGRAGRGRAGRAGGAGAGRGRGR RArggr grgragragragrarra rarar ar r araragragrgragaragrgrGRAGRAGRAGRGR GRAGR ARAR!!!!! :mad:

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You tea sipping UK pansy boy,set it up!What type, size,etc doesnt matter as i will destroy all your forces and laugh at your pityful attempts at "manuevers".Hell i'll even have my units facing the wrong way while fighting you and still prevail!

Oh and since it seems you need these to be in here :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

TNT chucker in the making :mad:



it seems you are 14 days older than me,odd,though i thought id mention it. smile.gif err umm :mad:

This is the best i can do,lol,i would hope you seasoned threat vets will go easy on me.

[ March 28, 2003, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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Snarker - my turns to you keep getting rejected by your email system. I am threatening, with cheery waffles, my email company to get it fixed.

NeverMind - you Moth-eaten, scrotum-sucking whore!!!! :mad: :mad

I accept your challenge, and you may be assured that our game, during which I shall tear you into tinkly pieces, will be broadcast live and unadulterated here, in our glorious thread. Expect a setup of monumental evilness to be winging your way shortly.

:mad: :mad:

I have a new night-time nightmare which is looking for a pair of pansy-arsed playtesters. Let's hear from some volunteers for Kneiber Dam.

Oh, I love it when I'm this evil.

Edited because I was evil, but not :mad: enough.

[ March 28, 2003, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Soddball ]

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You're nothing but a grabasstic sack of amoeba puss skunk nuts!! :mad: You don't DEEESSSSEEEEERVE to speak in this forum until you've blown off enough Kraut nuts to satisfy your mama!!!

You want the truth?!! You want the truth!!??? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH MAGGOT LIPS!! :mad:

Now do an about face immediately pizza face and march you non-shooting, TNT-Chucker Wannabe a$$ right back to the AI battlefield and EARN THIS!!!!!! :mad: :mad:


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Originally posted by Soddball:

I have a new night-time nightmare which is looking for a pair of pansy-arsed playtesters. Let's hear from some volunteers for Kneiber Dam.

I'll give it a go since I'll beat Mike_the_wino with one hand tied behind my back. Hell, I could even beat him if my name was MasterGoodale.

Any takers? I do believe I owe Dave H a little revenge for getting me in sh!t at work.


Jas :mad: n

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Master(bating)(a little too)Good(at it)ale,

You talking to ME?Your about to see live and unadulterated broadcasts from the field as i force humility on Soddballs' sorry Uk ass,and you say i havent earned this? :mad: :mad: All in good time,all in good time you will all fear my name :mad: Run and cower in fear,for Soddball has awoken the sleeping giant :mad: :mad: GGRRRAGGGHHH,or something

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

I have a new night-time nightmare which is looking for a pair of pansy-arsed playtesters. Let's hear from some volunteers for Kneiber Dam.

I'll give it a go since I'll beat Mike_the_wino with one hand tied behind my back. Hell, I could even beat him if my name was MasterGoodale.

Any takers? I do believe I owe Dave H a little revenge for getting me in sh!t at work.


Jas :mad: n </font>

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Oh and believe me DaveH you money spanking no good sack of maggot infested donkey dicks there WILL be a rematch!! :mad: And it will be higher points! I liked the map though. :mad:

So MisterGoodwrench, do you like have a thing about barnyard animals? I thought that was limited to a few of the Australians who hang out in the Peng thread. Should I e-mail Mace to tell him to guard all his sheep? ;)
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see, this is what happens when you don't send out turns, Goodwhale, you keep crowing about the same thing over and over and over again.

Don't worry, though, MG. I hear gunless (gutless?) defenders do REALLY REALLY WELL. REALLY.

[ March 28, 2003, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Becket ]

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Update on "Mein Kampf"? Well, lemme see...if Wee-willy-Wolf-humper would ever put down his naughty magazines, wipe the man-glue on his sticky palms and send me my FECKIN TURN it would proceed quite nicely. As it stands 2 of his AFVs waxed in Turn 1 and now some armor sound contacts on my right flank. Think thats the way go there, sonny? Obviously he is re-thinking his plan as I have not heard a peep, whine or a sound out of him in almost a week. :mad: :mad: :mad:

In "Manstein" Dave H is discovering the joys of being German. (hint: there is a reason they lost the war). While I am swilling vodka and driving T-34s around like it's a fricking Sunday afternoon drive. Not a lot of TNT to chuck but those nasty lil Ruskie tanks have canister and lots of it. Is 15-20 canister per tank a lot? We will see.

Soddball still sucks.

Axe2121 KO'd a gun due my stupidity. As Becket can attest, there is plenty more where that came from.

Speaking of Becket . You horse-faced, ass-munching, pole-smoker send me the turn you owe me. :mad: :mad: :mad:

You whined like my biatch when I took the weekend to look over maps and now you sit there silent. Look you gotta send that sh*t back for the game to go.

Glad to see someone else is beatng lenakonrad as well. If he/she/it ever resumes the game I will rejoice my victory in the "unmentionable" thread.


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Here are my moist, pert, glistening updates:

The draft of Kneiber Dam has been shipped to its unfortunate victims. Tee heee heeeee! :mad:

Mike the Wino and I continue to pound each other like a pair of pimps. Becket, you pus monkey.

Massive Goat Fellator has not returned any turns since Thursday. I know it's only two days, but I need my "Whuppin' Goodale Arse" fix. At least with the AI you know it sucks because it's programmed to.

MikeT continues to beat me like a dusky bathmat. It's lovely. I'm such a bad boy. Yes. Bad. Bad. Oh, yes. So bad. Oh, harder. Harder.

Snarker still isn't getting any. My turns are being returned to me with the statement that Snarker is too stupid and has too few limbs to play this game. Harsh, but fair.

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Originally posted by Keke:

To enrich and enliven the discussion:



At last, after months of exhaustive research, a post offering absolute proof that MasterGoodale may not actually be the craziest person in the entire world. One has to wonder if MasterGoodale and Keke were separated at birth. Their self-expression skills appear to be disturbingly similar. :D

Of course, Keke would only have to return PBEM turns about once every three or four weeks to match MasterGoodale in the Losing-but-Losing-Slowly department. ;)

Axe, are you sending me a set-up in Soddball's latest masterpiece of confusion and mayhem?

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March 29, 2003

For immediate release

Bradford, Ontario, Canada -- Jason Ballantyne is pleased to announce he is in the midst of two titanic struggles -- one for the motherland against Mike_the_Wino in Soddball's Island in the Sun, the other for the fatherland against Dave H in Soddball's Kneiber Dam.

Ballantyne said playing two Soddball scenarios at once is as close as he cares to getting inside the Kentish man's head.

Ballantyne said he expects glorious victory in both scenarios.

Asked for his comment on the impending battles, lazy roustabout MasterGoodale had this to say: " GARARAGGAGARARAGAGARAR" before mold started spewing from his mouth.

Reached in Las Vegas, Mike_the_Wino was trying to pawn some of his clothing to make bail.

"'Schmater?" he slurred to a reporter. "The schtains 'll wash right out of them. Hic. Sheven...hic...bucksh."

Reached at his home in the great sprawling metropolis of Indiana, budget analyst Dave H was asked if he was looking forward to the impending clash.

"Yes. Yes I am," he said.

Al Gore couldn't have said it better himself.

More updates as they become available.


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